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"Then what you said!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"In that case, then you..."


With no years of practice, time always passes quickly.

I don't know how long it took, Zhao Yuande found that he was touched by someone who practiced the secret chamber.

He quickly awakened from his cultivation.

During this time of cultivation, he has transformed 50% of the power of Thunder in his body into the power of Thunder with paralysis.

According to Xiaolong's statement, this is considered to be the first small step on the highest peak in advance. Of course, it is only about the use of Thunder's power.

At this time, even if a supreme peak strong man is hit by his thunder, there will be a short paralysis time, this time is enough for him to escape far away.

He also has a trace of self-preservation.

He returned physically, opened the door to the practice chamber, and saw Wu Yue standing outside.

"What's wrong?" If Zhao Yuande knew that nothing was wrong, it was impossible for the other party to disturb himself.

"Little Uncle, Du Yang Bai Canghai they are back!" Wu Yuedao said.

"Oh! Has it been so many days?" Zhao Yuande nodded.

He was very interested in the Qibao glazed lamp in Du Hengyu's hands. If possible, he wanted to get it.

With the seven innate fires of the Qibao glazed lamp, his Tao fire can definitely break through the seventh stage of the Tao, and then it will be able to melt the Holy Order Ninth Grade Immortal Treasure. The kind of power is not weaker than the half-step chemical Xianbao. A big killer.

"Where are they now." Zhao Yuande asked.

"In the meeting hall, this time they won a great victory from the secret realm and got countless fairy medicine fairy treasure!" Wu Yue was also somewhat envious.


The two soon came to the meeting hall. At this time in Bai Canghai, Du Hengyu and Du Yang were surrounded by a group of old men, and their faces all showed extremely excited smiles.

"Uncle Master! Uncle Master!"

When Bai Canghai saw Zhao Yuande appearing, he squeezed out of a group of old men and came to Zhao Yuande to bow down.

"All right! No need to pay more!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand. "I came to actually want to discuss something with you."

"What's the matter, Master Uncle has ordered it!" Bai Canghai respectfully said, "This time, if Master Uncle wiped out the clutter of Dao Tianxuan Palace, and by the way deterred others, we can't have such a big battle in the Immortal Palace reward!"

"What!" Bai Canghai's words suddenly caused the group of old men's faces to change dramatically, and they looked at Zhao Yuande in disbelief.

However, they all know that Bai Canghai is not that kind of casual arrogant man. He is silently speculating in his heart how this guy who cultivated only to the top of the Supreme defeated the old witch in Daotian Xuan Palace.

"Oh! Actually, the seven-treasure glass lamps have a huge effect on my cultivation, I think..." Zhao Yuande was interrupted by one person before he even finished speaking.

"No... no! The seven-treasure glazed lamp is one of the three half-steps of the immortal treasure in the War Immortal Palace. It is the treasure of the Zhen Palace. It must not be taken out!" A grand old man appeared in front of Zhao Yuande and looked at There was a bit of anger in Zhao Yuande's eyes.

"Palace Master! This is Uncle Xiao!" Although Bai Canghai did not agree with Zhao Yuande's request for Qibao glazed lamps, he had seen Zhao Yuande's terrifying combat power. I am afraid that everyone on the scene would not necessarily be his opponent.

"Little Uncle? You mean..." The old man's eyes were wide, all eyes were incredible.

"Yes, he is the true disciple of the old ancestor's new collection! I personally saw him play the war fairy tactic!" Bai Canghai said in a low voice.

"Disciple Zhanzhu, the main disciple of the Xiangong Palace, see Uncle Shi!" The old man was shocked when he heard this.

The most important heritage of Zhanxian Palace is that non-True disciples cannot learn Zhanxian tactics. In the face of Zhao Yuande, he has no confidence. This is Uncle Shi, and it is the true biography of the ancestor!

"Okay! No more gifts! I want Qibao glass lamps not to be white but to exchange with you!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

"Exchange?" Si Kongzhu frowned slightly.

"This uncle, we don't lack any treasures here, you are still..." An old man looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes a little badly, apparently thinking that Zhao Yuande wanted to obtain their treasures.

"I think you misunderstood, and I don't intend to take advantage of you!" Zhao Yuande glanced at the group of old men. "I plan to exchange it with you for a chemical fairy."

"What!" Everyone's mouth was wide open at this moment, and all eyes were unbelievable.

They felt that their mouths were dry, and if they were not sensible, they might have rushed to siege Zhao Yuande.

"You... you mean to exchange it with the Xianhua Xianbao!" Si Kongzhu's voice was a little trembling, and even the title became you!

"Are you stupid of me?" Zhao Yuande chuckled, "I will exchange the chemical treasure for a half-step chemical treasure, you will naturally need to add something!"

"I don't think it's such a cheap thing!" Although Si Kongzhu said this, he was still full of excitement.

Why can the Taihe Temple be the first of the top ten forces? From time to time because they have a fortune-telling pot.

Now if they can have a chemical treasure in their hands, the ranking among the top ten forces will be upgraded to the second place at least, and they will be able to obtain greater benefits!

"I don't know what type of this chemical immortal treasure you are?" Si Kongzhu asked eagerly.

If it is an auxiliary type, I am afraid that they cannot fight against the sky pot. They can only use it to deter and may be able to raise the ranking to the second place.

If it is an attack type, he can compete with Taihe Palace.

"It's Qiankun Promise Stick!" Zhao Yuande smiled.

"It's a stick!" Si Kongzhu was more excited. "Good! If it's a stick, even better! I don't know what you need, Uncle Shi!"

"Qibao glazed lamp also has a lot of fairy medicine, a lot of refining materials, chaotic fairy crystal!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Okay! Since Uncle Shi is what you want, it's simple!" Si Kongzhu heard that Zhao Yuande only needed a half-step chemical treasure, and this heart was also put down.

If the other party asks for two or three, he will agree without hesitation!

The value of a chemical fairy is comparable to dozens of half-step chemical treasures. Si Kongzhu knows this value, so even if Zhao Yuande wants to evacuate their treasure trove, they have to obediently agree.

"I don't know if Uncle Shi can let me take a look at the chemical fairy!" Si Kongzhu looked at Zhao Yuande with some expectation.

"This is simple, you enter my body world to see!" Zhao Yuande looked at each other.

"Good!" Si Kongzhu agreed without hesitation.

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