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"It turns out that Jian Tianzong was so destroyed!" Zhao Yuande sighed.

"You also know Jian Tianzong?" The old man was a little surprised and looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes.

"I found this in Jian Tianzong's ruins..." Zhao Yuande did not conceal, but took out the Jian Tian stele and showed it to the old man!

"This... this is Jiantian monument! Really God's will! God's will!" The old man's voice was full of excitement, and his body was trembling. "With Jiantian stele you are equivalent to that powerful heir, If he can get his inheritance, it will not be impossible to advance to Taoist Realm in the future."

"What is the effect of this Jiantian monument?" Zhao Yuande said helplessly. "I don't know what else to do except to fight."

After he got it, he studied it for a long time. Only the abilities of becoming bigger, smaller, lighter, and heavier did not know how to control other functions.

"The Jiantian Monument needs to be inherited by Jian Tianzong before it can be opened," the old man said.

"Jian Tianzong is destroyed, I still go there to find his heritage?" Zhao Yuande shook his head helplessly.

"Although the yearbook Tianzong was destroyed, three disciples escaped. These three disciples should now be the leaders of the void world." The old man replied.

"Three disciples?" Zhao Yuande seemed to think of something, and his face was surprised. "They are the masters of Zhenyi Dao Palace, Dao Tianxuan Palace and Zhanxian Palace?"

He didn't dare to call his name directly, otherwise it might attract prying eyes.

"Yes! It's them!" The old man nodded. "As long as you find one of them and show the Jiantian monument, they should know your identity!"

"Oh! I know this! I know!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"What else do you have to ask, hurry and ask! It won't take long for my consciousness to dissipate!" the old man sighed.

"I... I found a heart in a chaotic palace of vitality, and that heart gave me a drop of essence blood..." Zhao Yuande suddenly thought of this question.

"What! One hundred and eight chaotic palaces of vitality!" The old man suddenly exclaimed, his eyes showing an incredible light.

"Is everything he said false?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"Fake, it's all fake!" The old man shouted with rage. "At that time, the powerful predecessor imprisoned the alien power, but he could not kill it. He could only divide it into 108 pieces and suppress them in 108 small worlds. You will not be refined. That drop of essential blood!"

The old man's voice was a little eerie, and a murderous intention burst out from the other person's body.

Although the other party is just a ray of consciousness, Zhao Yuande seems to face an insurmountable mountain. He feels that the other party needs only one idea to be able to die.

"Senior don't worry, I haven't finished talking!" Zhao Yuande hurriedly waved his hand, "I have removed the power of the bloodline from that drop of refined blood with the help of Lei Ling. The senior doesn't believe it can be seen Look!"

Zhao Yuande pulled that drop of blood from the sea of ​​blood.

"Hoo! I'm scared to death!" The old man patted his chest, seeming to have a lingering fear. "If you are lost, my waiting for hundreds of millions of years will be in vain!"

"Hey!" Zhao Yuande smiled.

"Okay, nothing is okay, I will pass this water **** Xuanming flag to you, with the help of this chess, you will gradually begin to refine the water way in the body..." The figure of the old man instantly merged into the water **** Xuanming In the flag, the endless information at the next moment will be transferred from the water **** Xuanming Banner to his knowledge of the sea.

He is also familiar with the many magical functions of the Water God Xuanming Banner, and now it only takes time to fully control it.

"Thank you for your success!" Zhao Yuande placed the water **** Xuanming Banner on the throne and paid tribute to it, and then he grabbed the water **** Xuanming Banner and began to study slowly.

"This turned out to be an immortal treasure, with two supernatural powers, called Xuanming Shenzhang and Xuanming Gun. Among them, Xuanming Shenzhang's power is not inferior to that of chemical fist! And Xuanming Gun is actually based on the water **** Xuanming Banner. The gun, a kind of mighty shooting technique!" Zhao Yuande originally lacked this level of supernatural power, and now he was immediately interested when he first got it, and began to practice in this hall.

The Xuanming gun method used by Zhao Yuande is relatively handy, because he has learned the great ape king's spear method before.

There is only one shot of the Xuanming gun, but it contains endless changes. His talent and comprehension also took a full ten years to master it.

Of course, it's just mastery. The power he exerts may be less than one percent of the real power.

The next Xuanming Divine Palm was not so easy. He studied it for more than ten days before he could get started.

"Forget it, don't study it anymore, the time is too much, the two guys are probably going to leave!" Zhao Yuande's eyes are cold, he feels that the two of them still haven't left at this time, and the two have even practiced by the river stand up.

"Since you want to find death, then I will fulfill you all!" Zhao Yuande grabbed the water **** Xuanming Banner and disappeared into the palace.

He came outside the gate, and the eight suns were raging violently, and an unmatched force burst out of his hands.


The gate, which could only move a little at a time, made a loud noise and closed suddenly.


He waved the water **** Xuan Ming flag, the flag fluttered, and suddenly enveloped his figure.

His figure disappeared instantly.

"Why is this kid not coming out, is it dead inside?" The black figure was inexplicably agitated at this moment.

"Impossible, I can still feel his breath, he is in the river." Feng Zheng gritted his teeth, "I don't believe he can stay in the river all the time, the danger is abnormal below, but also There is that monster, he will come up sooner or later!"

"Then we continue to wait like this?" The black figure was a little reluctant. "The son urged us a few times, otherwise we will not be able to catch up with an auction! I heard that there will be a half-step fairy in this auction. Treasure, there are three powerful Taoguo, I heard that this was obtained by a big man who entered the enemy camp and beheaded a fifth-order big demon emperor, I heard that this big man also suffered a very serious injury and needs a world Qizhen comes to heal, otherwise we will not see these things."

"Don't worry, even if the auction starts, those few treasures will be auctioned in the finale, and our financial resources can't take one of them at all, we can only get through the eye addiction!" Feng Zheng waved his hand. "But if we can cut this kid, the gains will be great!"

"Okay!" The black figure nodded helplessly.

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