Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2394: Small punishment

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"Okay! You won!" There was a trace of regret in that voice.

"Hey!" Sovereign Fire Master rubbed his hands excitedly, "Hurry up and announce! The old man can't wait!"

"Since no one bids again, this five-yang pearl is the predecessor of the fiery fire!" The beautiful woman in red looked around and waited for a while, then no one bid, he finally settled.

"Send it to the old man immediately, and the old man can't help but have a good time!" The old face of Venerable Blaze all smiled into chrysanthemum.

"The next auction item is an empty flower. The fairy medicine of the Holy Order and Ninth Grade was brought back from another world by a senior. I believe many people know what the empty flower is."

"I'm going to talk about its efficacy. It's not to be eaten, but to be kept around. It can improve the cultivation speed of a person's soul."

"According to the predecessors’ estimates, the speed can be doubled under the upper limit, 50% can be increased under the highest peak, and 20% can be increased before the fifth small step, but after the fifth small step Basically, it has no effect." The beautiful woman in red will talk about the effect of this empty flower.

Suddenly many people's eyes light up, this thing is an absolute treasure!

"Did you say it so god? Wouldn't it be fooling us!" Some people did not believe it.

"At this time, the old man can testify, absolutely true!" The voice that just deterred the venerable flames just now sounded again.

"Since Lord Lord said so, then we believe it, and we believe Lord Lord will not lie!" Hearing this voice, someone said flatly.

"Yes! This is the case, this is the case!" A group of people followed suit repeatedly.

"Because this empty and quiet flower is unique to the outside world, the price is very expensive, you can do what you can!" The beautiful lady in red saw a big figure in the town and suddenly smiled more on the face, "The bottom price is five hundred Wan, start bidding now!"

As soon as the price of five million yuan came out, many people were directly desperate, and the scene suddenly fell silent.

"5.1 million!" But just when there was silence, someone broke the silence.

"5.2 million!"

"5.5 million!"

"Six million……"


"8.8 million!"

But in just a short while, it was directly raised to 8.8 million!

"Ten million!"

"Fifteen million!"


The sound of air-sucking came directly from the scene, which has almost reached the price of the cheapest half-step chemical grass.

"18 million!"

"Twenty million!" A window opened in the elegant room on the second floor, revealing the anxious face of the immense son.

"Oh! Unexpectedly, the infinite son has another fancy treasure, then I'm welcome!" Zhao Yuande chuckled, "I have 21 million!"

"It's you again! How dare you come and mess with me again, this time you..." Wuliangzi almost spurted blood out of his mouth. If he knew this, he wouldn't bid by himself, but by someone else's name.

"Shut up! I still say that, if the points speak, shut up without a point!" Zhao Yuande directly interrupted the other party.

"Hello! Very good! Are you not afraid of dying outside as soon as you go out? To know that the strong man who stepped on the five small steps wants to kill you, all he needs to do is move his thoughts!" Wuliangzi gritted his teeth, Words came out of his teeth.

"Senior, this person is threatening me. He dare to threaten an auctioneer at the auction. I don't think he has taken your seniors in your eyes at all!" Zhao Yuande grinned in one direction in the void.

"You..." The countless son's complexion changed greatly, and there was a look of terror on his face. He knew that this time he was unspoken.

"Hum! Countless, don't say I don't give you a master's face, your approach has damaged the interests of my war fairy palace!" A strong breath came down, and instantly lay down the countless son on the ground.


The infinite son finally spit out the blood, his face turned pale, and he knew that he was really stupid and crazy today.

"This time is only a small punishment, if there is still another time I will not be spared!" The voice was full of murderous gloom, everyone at the scene was like an ice cellar.

"Yes! The juniors know!" Wuliang had to lower his head.

"Thank you Senior for preaching justice!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand in that direction again, and then smiled, "You are countless sons, please bid! Those threats and the like do not need to say anything!"

"I'm giving out 30 million!" The infinite son clenched his teeth silently, now it was already cold.

At this time, he knew that it would be useless to be angry, and he could only wait for the fall.

"Who the **** is this guy? Why do you want to fight against this unscrupulous man?" In a secluded hall, a majestic middle-aged man opened his eyes slightly.

His eyes passed through the void like two swords, and arrived at the auction site, carefully looking at Zhao Yuande's appearance.

Although Zhao Yuande was so powerful, he was so far away from the other party that he didn't find anything at all.

"Master Lord, is the two incomplete half-step chemical treasures he sent." Guo Han stood aside like a good baby, and said carefully.

"Oh! I can see that the flames in the two half-step chemical immortals are sucked away by others. Is there a superpower behind him who is practicing fire system skills?" Opening.

"This should be, otherwise, with the cultivation of this kid, how could it absorb such a powerful innate fire, you know that even a strong peakless man would not dare to try so easily!" Guo Han nodded.

"Regardless of him, anyway, today he let us gain a lot, and also let me take the opportunity to hit the old ghost's disciple, we win!"


"40 million!" Zhao Yuande did not hesitate to increase the price by 10 million, as if he didn't care about the points.

"45 million!" said Infinite Son, but at this time his body was already shaking.

"50 million!" Zhao Yuande continued to increase the price.

At this time, the windows of several elegant rooms were opened, and the big brothers felt a bit of pain when they watched the competition between them.

"This little guy is a madman, this thing is not so expensive!"

"Don't you see that this kid is aiming at immeasurable? Obviously the two have hatred. Although they can't fight immeasurably, they have more points..."

"That's true too, but there is no limit to this kind of nature... Gee!"

"That kid is so low, where did he get so many points?"

"Who knows..."


"You... you, a district eternal realm cultivator, how can you have so many points, I don't believe it!" The countless son was panting like a cow at this time, and his back was sweating.

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