Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2430: Achievement of the Lord to reverse time and space

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"Then... let's go to the last level!" said the voice, "As long as you can pass the last level, the inheritance of Lord Zhou is yours! You can finally see Lord Zhou again!"

There seemed to be some excitement in the voice, and there was a slight tremor in the voice.

"Can you tell me what the last level is?" Zhao Yuande asked with some curiosity.

"It’s okay to tell you, that’s to defeat Lord Dizhou!" The voice was full of smiles, "The Duke Tower opened a thousand times, and every time someone will go to the last level, but no one can defeat Dizhou. grown ups!"

"Beat the Emperor Zhou? What is the cultivation of this adult?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but change his face slightly.

"Sir Emperor Zhou is naturally Taoist Realm!" the voice said proudly.

"Can Dao Zunjing still die?" Zhao Yuande said politely.

"What do you little rabbits know! If the Great Emperor Zhou is not for the purpose of connecting the creation world and the void world, can he fall here? His flesh and bones have become the road to the sky... If you say the wind and cold words, believe it or not, I will direct you The kill is here!" That voice instantly became hairy, and a powerful killer enveloped Zhao Yuande.

"Hey! Don't, I'm wrong! I'm wrong!" Zhao Yuande hurriedly waved his hand, "If I knew that Lord Zhou was the creator of the road to heaven, I would say such a great disrespect!"

"Humph! It's your acquaintance!" The voice was obviously a little bit angry.

"I'm really wrong! I shouldn't say that!" Zhao Yuande apologized very sincerely.

For this kind of selfless predecessor, Zhao Yuande also respected in his heart.

"It's about the same. If it weren't for your apology and sincerity, I would never let you go to the next level!" That voice gradually calmed down.

"Thank you, thank you!" Zhao Yuande accompanied his smile.

"Ready, let's go!"

A white light swept away, and Zhao Yuande's figure disappeared in place.

Zhao Yuande looked around and found himself on a huge altar.

On the altar there is a huge stone monument about a thousand feet high, with a strange text carved on the stone monument.

Zhao Yuande glanced and found that he didn't know a word.

"Little guy! Not bad, not bad!" Just then, a voice came from behind Zhao Yuande.

The voice is full of the kindness of the elders to the juniors, and there is also a very eager expectation in it.

Zhao Yuande turned around and saw a slightly thin middle-aged man, smiling at himself faintly.

"You are the predecessor of Dizhou!" Zhao Yuande asked respectfully.

"Good! You are able to get to this point, I am very happy! I finally saw a glimmer of hope from you, the hope of the inheritors." The middle-aged man nodded lightly, looking up and down Zhao Yuande, a little bit in his eyes. Satisfied color.

"I don't know what state the predecessor is now..." Zhao Yuande felt the breath exuded from the other person. It was not like a lingering spirit, but a real person.

"This is a blood split when I was young!" The middle-aged man smiled lightly, "But even this blood split has reached the time of disappearance, whether you can become my inheritor this time , He will disappear forever."

"This..." Zhao Yuande was slightly unbelievable.

"No matter what is eternal, even Daozun can't live with heaven and earth! Just like the one who created this world...Shou Yuan is coming to an end! Hey!" The middle-aged man sighed quietly.

The words of the middle-aged people scared Zhao Yuande directly.

"If that person died, wouldn't our entire initial boundary collapse? By then everyone in the whole world would have to fall!" Zhao Yuande exclaimed.

"That's not necessarily, as long as there are other Taoist esteemers who are willing to accept this world, this world will survive again." Middle-aged Human Road.

"Does it cost a lot to accept this world?" Zhao Yuande seems to have grasped the key.

"Indeed, it takes a lot to accept this world, such as the future of cultivation, such as freedom in the future!" The middle-aged man replied.

"We should have Dao Zun in this world before! They won't watch this world destroy!" Zhao Yuande said.

"It's hard to say, most people are selfish. The sacrifice is so nostalgic. Many people don't think it's worth it!" Middle-aged people have a sad face.

"I have heard legends of predecessors that in order for this world to be connected to the chemical and chemical world, all flesh and bones have been transformed into the road to heaven. In these years, many people must have passed the road to heaven and entered the world of nature. Do they None of them..." Zhao Yuande somewhat doubted.

"You are right! No one... these tens of millions of years, a total of eleven people stepped into the chemical industry, but unfortunately no one is willing to return to rescue this world..." The middle-aged man showed infinite disappointment on his face Color.

"It's really hateful... hateful!" Zhao Yuande clenched his fists, his face indignant.

He can think of how disappointed and disappointed middle-aged people are at the moment!

I gave everything I wanted to get benefits for this world, but I didn't expect it to come to an end. All the people who took this step betrayed him!

"Actually... can't blame them all..." The middle-aged man was silent for a while, suddenly and quietly said, "I gave them a choice, and they did not force them. This is their own choice, and it does not violate the original and My agreement. And they have protected this world for so long, otherwise this world would have been invaded and fragmented."

"But... your sacrifice is too great, Senior!" Zhao Yuande said indignantly.

"Sacrifice...what is my sacrifice? At least I have my own reincarnation, and at least I have my own traditions passed on, but the creator of this world, the emperor...he completely devoted his heart Put it on this world, if it is not so, how can he be injured by his cultivation, if it is not for this world, he has left the reincarnation long before the time of surviving... Why is it now in the eternal kingdom? In the middle, live a life that is better than death!" The middle-aged man's voice was full of sorrow.

"He... the emperor... how long can he live!" Zhao Yuande shivered.

At this moment, he had an urge to do something for this emperor!

"A thousand years, a few hundred years!" Middle-aged humanity.

"How can we save him!" Zhao Yuande looked firm.

"Achievement of the Lord, can reverse time and space!" Middle-aged humane.

"Thousand-year...I must be a saint!" Zhao Yuande clenched his fists. For the first time, he had such eager expectations, hoping that his cultivation could advance by leaps and bounds.

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