Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2461: Disappeared

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"Look at it! This is the map of Chaos Xinghai, but it is not complete, but if you want to enter the dark starry sky this map is enough!" Rong Zhen handed a piece of jade to Zhao Yuande, "I heard You are the Chaos Eucharist, do you want to go to the dark starry sky to find the group of Chaos giants?"

"There are giants of chaos in the dark starry sky?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but reveal a shock on his face.

"Originally there was, but now it is gone, and their entire family moved out!" Rong Zhendao said.

"Hurry... hurry and ask them where they have moved!" Just when Zhao Yuande was shocked, the world inside hadn't had a quiet wind anxiously asked suddenly.

"What! The whole family moved?" Zhao Yuande quickly asked, "Where did they move?"

"You have really asked the right person. There is a certain relationship between a family between our Void Chamber of Commerce and Chaos Giants. These Chaos Giants migrated from the dark sky through our Void Chamber of Commerce. The place where they live now is..." Rong Zhen said that it has become a voice of gods and souls, "in a secret area outside the Chaos Xinghai! It was marked on the map just now!"

"Thank you seniors for telling me!" Zhao Yuande clenched his fists, his face showing a bit of excitement.

At this time, he could feel Feng Cang's emotions extremely excited, as if a wanderer who had been away from home for many years would return.

"Oh! This is a very short time, originally intended to inform you, but you came here!" Rong Zhen smiled.

"Since that is the case, the younger generation will not bother!" Zhao Yuande felt that the wind and the wind were anxious at this moment, and he seemed to want to delay for a moment.

"Don't worry, I still have something to tell you. When you go to the Chaos Giant Clan, it is best to bring Situ Qing's girl together, which will have unexpectedly great benefits for her!" Rong Zhen smiled mysteriously.

"Qing'er? She... why?" Zhao Yuande's misty water didn't even know the key.

"Because the Situ family is also a descendant of a branch of the Chaos Giant, don't you feel that when you are with Situ Qing, she has a very attached feeling for you." Rong Zhen smiled slightly.

"This..." Zhao Yuande's face turned slightly red, but then he thought that it was indeed the same thing, "Is this one..."

"Hmm! The Situ family is the saint girl among the Chaos Giants. Situ Qing is the saint girl of this generation. In fact, she doesn't know about it itself. We old guys have been hiding her!" Rong Zhen laughed. , "The Virgin is one of the three major groups of Chaos Giant, and the Virgin is the first choice for the wife of the Chaos Giant's patriarch!"

"This..." Zhao Yuande showed a shock on his face.

"Don't be nervous, the Saint Girl Clan fell back and was rescued by our Void Chamber of Commerce when it was chased, and then broke contact with the other two clan of the Chaos Giant Clan, so..." Rong Zhen naturally knew what Zhao Yuande was nervous about , So explained with a smile.

"Hey! There are so many twists and turns, which is really a headache!" Zhao Yuande smiled helplessly.

He then confirmed to Feng Cang at this time that he got the same answer as Rong Zhen.

"Since that is the case, then I will go to pick up Qinger first, and look for the Chaos Giants together." Zhao Yuande nodded.

In fact, the Chaos Giants are no longer attractive to him, but he still has to go for Feng Cang and Situ Qing.

His current physique is already an early holy thunder body, and he needs the opportunity of the ancient giant.

"Senior, please find me a quiet place first, I will retreat for a while." Zhao Yuande said.

"Well! This is where I usually practice. You can practice here!" Rong Zhen nodded.

After Zhao Yuande felt that Rong Zhen had left, he entered the inner world and manipulated the Void Gourd to quickly return to the Galaxy Sect.

After explaining all this with Situ Qing, she was sent into the inner world and then returned to here again.

Saying goodbye to Rong Zhen, Zhao Yuande walked out of the Void Chamber of Commerce. Originally he planned to go to the life and death area to fight, but Feng Cang urged him to give up helplessly.

Stepping out of the city of chaos, he took out the void gourd, but disappeared into the depths of the starry sky in an instant.

"The target left Chaos City! Catch me up and kill him at all costs!" Just the moment Zhao Yuande stepped out of Chaos City, more than a dozen figures rushed out of Chaos City and chased away in the direction of Zhao Yuande's departure .

The lowest of these people is the strong man who stepped on the second small step, and the highest one is the strong man who stepped on the fourth small step. Such a strong lineup is more than enough to destroy a big force.

"His speed is so fast... our distance is farther and farther away from him!" As the first strong man who stepped on the fourth small step, Zhao Yuande, who was gradually disappearing in front of him, couldn't help but look a little ugly.

"The other people fanned out, and the two of us did our best, no matter what method we used, as long as we could stop him!" Another strong man who stepped on the fourth small step gritted his teeth.

There was a sudden burst of blood on his body, and he immediately started to burn his blood.

His speed instantly increased several times!

Several other people clenched their teeth silently, and they all started to burn their blood.

The above command is very dead. If you can't kill this person, they don't want to live alone.

"Huh! That kid is so missing?" The strongman at the fourth step, led by the chase, suddenly found that Zhao Yuande was gone.

"What's wrong? Why didn't you chase it?" The man behind him also chased up at this time.

"It's breath has disappeared, and the figure has disappeared! The traces have been completely lost!" The strong man's brow furrowed, "It seems that it just disappeared out of thin air!"

"How is it possible... everything can be traced, how could he repair disappear under your supervision!" The latecomer was incredulous.

"Huh? His breath seems...behind us!" The face of the strongest leader changed, and suddenly exclaimed, "Not good... Let's go back!"

"What happened?" The latecomer was incredible.


He was answered by a thunderous bang that shook the sky.

He turned his head to look in the direction of the sound, only to see the entire sky dome split apart at a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles behind him. Rotate slowly.

"It's the kid who is performing the reincarnations of the heavens! Quickly...fastly..." The blood of the head strongman skyrocketed, and the whole person disappeared instantly after turning into a blood mist.

The latecomer burned his blood again to keep up, but his face showed an incredible expression.

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