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"Pilgrimage?" Zhao Yuande heard the key word.

"Good, pilgrimage!" The eyes of the giant tree looked at the center of this green world. The huge tree that covered the sky was full of fanaticism.

"It turns out so!" Zhao Yuande nodded, "Then don't disturb!"

After taking nine pieces of fruit, Zhao Yuande was also satisfied, turned around and left.

The word pilgrimage made him feel guilty. This is obviously going to pay homage to the big tree that covers the whole world. Could it be that this big tree has its own will?

If this is the case, it will be terrible. With such a huge existence, how strong is its fighting power?

He decided not to join in the excitement. As for the Xianbao represented by the × position, he didn't even think about it.

"There is no such strange power among these nine fruits, but this endless vitality and vitality must contain a kind of heavenly path! Let me first find a place to refine them and then talk!"

Observing the Quartet, Zhao Yuande soon saw a big tree, which was inserted straight into the sky. Although tall, it did not have the spirituality of the giant tree just now. Obviously, it did not give birth to its own consciousness.

He climbed up the big tree and cut a spacious hole in the dense canopy.

Arbitrarily set some prohibitions on the realm, and began to refine these nine fruits.

The fragrance of this fruit is tangy, and the entrance of the juice is more like agar jelly.

"So comfortable..." Zhao Yuande felt a warm breath running through his body.

"There really is a power of heaven, which should be alive! This power is curious..."

Half a day later, Zhao Yuande completely refined nine fruits, and his vitality Heavenly Path was also cultivated to 40%!

"If I can get such a dozen more fruits, my vitality heaven will become complete... Keep looking!" He flew into the air, overlooking the entire wood area.

"Where... it seems that the breath of vitality is extraordinarily rich!" Zhao Yuande looked into the distance, and he felt a kind of power he longed for.


Before approaching the area, Zhao Yuande heard a fierce collision.

"It's a small pool! What a vigorous life!" Zhao Yuande saw a pond a few yards in size, and a piece of green, filled with incomparable life.

At this time, beside the pool, the two gangs were fighting.

Seeing a group of people, Zhao Yuande couldn't help but show a smile.

Silver boy!

At this time, the practice of the silver son has already stepped on the second small step. It is not the most powerful among this group of people. A woman dressed in black and enchanting is the third step. It is several times stronger than the silver son.

This female solo battled a strong man who stepped on the fourth small step without falling, and was obviously a genius.

The other party is two people, one of which is the long blond man who fought with him before, but his partner seems to be one less at this time.

The long-haired blond man obviously hasn't recovered his fighting power, and can only exert less than one-third of his strength at this time.

In another wave, there were only two people. One was a middle-aged man with a gloomy face and a cold atmosphere. His cultivation base was on the fourth small step, and it was him who fought the black woman.

The other one is a blood-covered young man, who is extremely grievous all over his body, as if walking out of the **** sea of ​​corpses.

The blood-clothed young man and the silver son are the strong men who stepped into the second small step, but he is obviously stronger than the silver son, and the battle has been pressing the silver son.

There are five people on the silver side. Although the black woman is very strong, the silver side is very strong, and the remaining three are all strong people who have entered the third small step. Overall, they are at a disadvantage.

However, it is clear that the four men with long blond hair didn't do their best. Obviously they knew that the son of Silver was a disciple of Zhanxian Palace, so they didn't want to offend them completely.

"Ye Tianlan, don't you have this strength? If you don't do your best, don't blame me for being ruthless!" The middle-aged man with a sigh of cold air sneered.

"Blood Knife, are you still a disciple of Daotian Xuan Palace? Why are you so shameless!" The long-haired golden man known as Ye Tianlan was full of anger.

"As long as you try my best to kill one person, I will let your brother go!" The middle-aged man known as the blood knife doesn't care about Ye Tianlan's anger at all, but just smiles lightly.

"I..." Ye Tianlan didn't know what to do at this time.

If they are really stupid disciples of Zhanxian Palace, their Ye family might be angered by Zhanxian Palace, but if they do not follow the blood knife, his brother will die!

"I'm sorry everyone, but I am helpless. My brother fell into his hands. If you want to blame you, blame them!" Ye Tianlan gritted his teeth and looked at him.


Although Ye Tianlan was seriously injured, but the fighting power is still very powerful, the three people who faced each other immediately felt great pressure.

"Blood Knife... You're so mean!" The black woman who was fighting the Blood Knife gritted her teeth and stuck her face up, showing a determined color on her face, "This is what you forced me, don't blame me for not reminding you!"


The blood in the black woman's body was boiling, and she began to burn her own blood.

"Hey! Qiyue, you can't beat me even if you burn the essence and blood, but after you burn, you will be let me be slaughtered!" Blood knife sneered.

"Damn it! Why are you so shameless with blood knives! Lao Tzu got rid of it today!" The son of Yin Yin was originally Rua Siwen, a person who cherishes his reputation very much.

"What's going on here?" Zhao Yuande landed smilingly from the air, a light smile on his face.

"It's you..." Ye Tianlan saw Zhao Yuande and couldn't help but shivered with a shock on his face.

"It turns out that your name is Ye Tianlan, it should be the Ye family!" Zhao Yuande glanced at him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, I'm from the Ye family!" Ye Tianlan nodded and looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes with fear.

The three who were with him looked at Zhao Yuande with horror at this time.

They stopped fighting with the three people at once and stood behind Ye Tianlan.

Zhao Yuande turned his head again to look at Master Yin.

"The first time I heard you say this, it really opened my eyes!" Zhao Yuande chuckled.

"Master... how come you are here!" Master Yin Yin originally wanted to call Uncle Sheng, but he shouted half of it and stopped talking. The other party did not call himself a nephew, obviously it was not like revealing his identity.

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