Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2544: Vulcan Tower

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"Then I now ask you to upgrade my cultivation to a half-track respect, will you agree!" Zhao Yuande shook the token in his hand, seemingly smiling.

"You..." Huo Wuji heard Zhao Yuande's words and almost broke his teeth, but finally nodded. "Promise, although the practice of our alchemist alliance is a bit rogue, but it is absolutely trustworthy, since you saw it I’m here and we will agree to your request! Are you sure of this request?"

"No no! I naturally don't have so much time to delay here." Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

He was very satisfied with the other party's answer, and this practice of the Alchemist Union also made him very admired.

"That son's request?" Huo Wou-ki heard Zhao Yuande say this, which was a long breath and a smile on his face.

"Wait! I think about it!" Zhao Yuande thought for a moment, "I want your Alliance of Alchemy Masters to give me the refining elixir, but I want to keep the elixir of refining secret! Of course, this period is not unlimited, It’s a century, and the materials are provided by myself!"

"It's only that simple?" Huo Wuji looked at Zhao Yuande inconceivably, even moving in his eyes.

"Don't you want to?" Zhao Yuande smiled.

"No... willing, absolutely willing! I'll promise you on behalf of the Fire Cloud Star Alchemist Alliance!" Huo Wuji seemed afraid of Zhao Yuande's repentance.

"Oh! Since that is the case, let's start today!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

He is also very happy in his heart. From now on, his own mystic bone beads can be turned into bone quenching pill continuously. He will send all these bone quenching pill back to Xinghe Zong!

If this batch of immortality medicine is sent back, the overall power of Xinghezong will be upgraded by one grade.

In addition, his silver tarsal tarsal fish will all become the goddess bone pill, even if he listens to the meaning of the other party, the blood line of the moon can be alchemy!

"Look at these materials!" Zhao Yuande took out a storage ring and handed it to the other party, with a faint smile on his face.

"Hey!" Huo Wuji rubbed his hands, his face showing an extremely excited light.

"What...this...this..." The next moment Huo almost shocked almost lost the storage ring in his hand.

"How is it? I have the material to get the eyes of my predecessors!" Zhao Yuande could not help laughing.

"This... there are so many silver tarsal fishes! That Mochizuki bloodline..." Huo Wuji released a very blazing light in his eyes. Looking at Zhao Yuande was like looking at a huge treasure trove, but he did not Instead of speaking directly, he passed the message to Zhao Yuande.

Even the five elders are better not to know, Gao Lin, who is beside Zhao Yuande, must guard against death!

"Oh! Senior guess?" Zhao Yuande smiled mysteriously.

"Don't stop teasing the old man, let's talk about it! Otherwise, the old man will be rushed to death!" Huo Wuji scratched his head and scratched his head, almost jumping up and down.

"Then you still tell me first, what role does the Mochizuki bloodline have, and what kind of panacea can be refined?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"Hey! This thing can't actually be alchemy, but it has a huge effect on our alchemy master!" Huo Wuji can only explain, "When you know that our alchemy master alchemy, we usually encounter two purposes, three purposes. At this time, it is too difficult to control, so the alchemy rate of alchemy has always been very low! And the legendary Mochizuki blood line can divide the soul, as long as the spirit is divided into three, when the alchemy is three Subtle operations can almost achieve the rate of Chengdan reaching more than 90%! You said that the bloodline of Mochizuki is important to us!"

"Important!" Zhao Yuande nodded, "Then this thing is also extremely important to the practitioners! If the spirit is three points when practicing, wouldn't it be able to increase the speed of cultivation a lot!"

"No, no! You think this is wrong!" Huo Wuji hurriedly shook his head. "Alchemy is different from cultivation. Alchemy is to manipulate your own power. Those strengths are originally yours, so there is no danger of manipulation. And cultivation. The difference is that the three spirits are to manipulate the three forces from the outside world, which has a greater load on the manipulation of the spirits. The practice can not only do more with less, but even backfire."

"It turned out to be like this!" Zhao Yuande nodded, and the other party really made sense.

His original thoughts of dividing his own soul and soul went away.

"What is the blood of Mochizuki?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"That thing is black, with strong corrosive power, but it has a huge effect in alchemy. It can help to decompose some materials that are difficult to melt in flames, greatly improving the speed of alchemy!" Huo Wuji explained.

"Oh! That's what it is!" Zhao Yuande nodded and smiled faintly. "I have both of these things. I don't know what you want to exchange with the Alchemist Alliance?"

"Do you really?" Huo Wuji's eyes suddenly became brighter, and the thorny Zhao Yuande's eyes were a little painful.

"Of course!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"This fact is too important. I need to report this to the League." Huo Wuji nodded.

"I'm waiting for you, but don't delay my panacea!" Zhao Yuande said.

"You can rest assured that I will report to the League, and dispatch a large number of alchemists above the Eighth Grade to the Fire City!" Huo Wuji was confident.

"Then thank you predecessors!" Zhao Yuande nodded and smiled, "This conversation is very pleasant, alchemist alliance is very good!"

"There will inevitably be news within three days, don't worry, little friends!" Huo Wuji said.


When he walked out of the Alchemist League, Gao Lin seemed to be in a dream.

The leader of the Alliance of Alchemist Masters was more dear to Zhao Yuande than he saw his father, and when he left, the leader was sent out all the way. I am afraid that the master of the city has no such face.

"Haha! Refreshing!" Zhao Yuande laughed in the sky, "Brother Gao, go! I invite you to drink in the most expensive restaurant in the city."

"The most expensive restaurant!" Gao Lin's eyes lit up suddenly.

"This is the Vulcan Tower! The best restaurant in Huoyan City, where the Vulcan Banquet is simply delicious on earth, the Vulcan Wine is extremely sweet, and it is also very beneficial to cultivation!" Gao Lin soon appeared with Zhao Yuande In front of a restaurant.

This restaurant covers a huge area, with a total of 33 floors. I don't know how many powerful cultivators enter and exit the restaurant.

"Then go in and see!" Zhao Yuande walked into the Vulcan Tower.

"Two masters, don't know if you have set a position in advance?" A young waiter who looked very smart and spirited hurriedly greeted him.

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