Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2575: Qinglongcheng

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"Senior laughed." Zhao Yuande hurriedly waved his hand. "I'm a thousand miles away from Daozun. I'm still working on the road to heaven!"

"Road to Heaven?" Xia Yan stunned slightly, his face showing incredible color, "You said you were on the road to Heaven? How did you get back here?"

"Hey! In fact, the juniors got a treasure, they can shuttle through all realms at will, even in the sky and the sky, they can also shuttle through!" Zhao Yuande's face showed a trace of triumph.

"Oh! There are even such treasures!" Xia Yan calmed down quickly. "You have this kind of blessing, which has further confirmed my confidence. I believe you can definitely revive the fairyland!"

"Oh! There shouldn't be any problems!" Zhao Yuande was not humble, and said with a smile, "I've founded the Galaxy Sect below, what do you think of it as the emperor of the Immortal Kingdom?"

"That Holy Array is not easy. Even the large array of stars and stars may not be able to break through. If it is really like you said, it is very good as the capital of the Immortal Kingdom!" Xia Yan nodded, a look of excitement on his face.

"Senior didn't say this this time!" Zhao Yuande looked at Xia Yan's figure.

"Well! This time I will take you to the Blue Dragon City in the Nether Luosha region!" Xia Yan nodded, his expression full of excitement.

"Senior, I have heard of Qinglong City before. We are going to Qinglong City this time. What are your requirements for me." Zhao Yuande asked.

"My request is very simple, as long as you can enter the top ten of Zhenlong City!" Xia Yan said lightly.

"The top ten... there should be no problem!" Zhao Yuande nodded, there was no shock in his face, and some was only calm.

"The top ten characters I told you last time, you should not be too confident!" Xia Yan saw Zhao Yuande's expression and thought he was proud and arrogant.

"The top ten predecessors tell me again!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"Alright!" Xia Yan nodded. "Let's talk about the No. 1 virtual first. He seems so mysterious that he doesn't lose to this piece of time and space. It was once said that he was a genius in the chemical world and experienced in the lower realm. Since the last time he got the truth After Dragon City’s first, it never appeared again."

"Void! How powerful is this person?" Zhao Yuande heard the name for the second time.

"Be aware of several conditions for entering the Real Dragon City, under the age of fifty, under the Venerable Realm! Before this person entered the Real Dragon City, he was chased and killed by a strong man on the seventh small step, all the way in the starry sky Fleeing in the middle, this accidentally broke into the Nether Raksha City and entered the Blue Dragon City. Under His Holiness, he was able to escape from the strongman of the seventh small step. This record has made people feel incredible!" Xia Yandao.

"Really powerful!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

But he also faced a strong man who stepped into the seventh small step, dreaming of heaven!

The opponent just suppressed himself with just one palm. If it wasn't for the host of the game, I'm afraid he would die in the opponent's hands in one breath.

Of course, if he was blindly escaping his life, Zhao Yuande was also sure to escape from a strong man on the seventh small step. Having a void gourd was the key to his escape.

"I will say that this second place is a monkey! It comes from our heavens and the world. It seems to be the first group of souls. It has been bred in a stone egg for hundreds of millions of years. It is directly after birth. The powerful existence of the eternal realm! Especially its flesh is immortal and endless, it is really ridiculously powerful!" Speaking of this monkey Xia Yan's face showed a trace of terror.

Obviously he once ate the loss of this monkey!

"So powerful!" Zhao Yuande shivered when he heard the origin of the monkey.

"Well! When it entered the real dragon city, it was built in the late stage of the third small step. If it can step into the fourth small step, I am afraid that the first void is not its opponent! Even so, the void is also A fluke outperformed the other!" Xia Yan said.

"That monkey is now there?" Zhao Yuande asked curiously.

"The monkey's scary speed of cultivation practice soon entered the realm that we can't imagine, half-walk respect!" Xia Yan recalled, "On one day, terror came from the entire void of the world. Shock, the world changes color! Some people have reported seeing its figure in the Chaos Sea! At that time, the Chaos Sea was shrouded in thunder, and the terrifying breath could be felt even if it was separated by several star fields."

"Is it in the thunder?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but say.

"Well! We guessed like this!" Xia Yan nodded.

"Did you spend the last time?" Zhao Yuande asked anxiously.

"No one knows!" Xia Yan shook his head. "After the thunder, it lost its trace, but it left only an ashes! Some people said that it did not survive the last disaster. It was turned into ashes. Others said that it successfully passed. After the Heaven Tribulation, he ascended into the chemical industry. Others said that its docking failed but did not die, leaving only a little real spirit reincarnated..."

"At the time, I believed in the third guess, because after that there was another monkey called the Great Ape King in our heavens...but it was because of all kinds of guesses, because of the jealousy of some people. The Ape King was strangled without really growing up!" Xia Yan sighed.

"It turns out so!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"As for the third one, it's me!" Xia Yan didn't have much of his own affairs, only a hint of sadness appeared on his face.

"The fourth place is a woman. At that time, she was called Emperor Zhouguang, but she was the strongest person in the universe of Zhouguang. This woman is very mysterious, has a good temper, and has a very good relationship with us! She is proficient in the void. Heaven, and the fighting power is very strong! When I defeated her, I felt that she didn't seem to use her full strength, but had reservations!" Xia Yandao.

Eternal Light! It is only one word away from the name of Zhou, and is also proficient in the sky of the sky. What is the relationship between her and Zhou?

"Then Emperor Zhou Guang finally went there?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"She... also disappeared!" Xia Yan said.

"It's also missing!" Zhao Yuande frowned when he heard the word, and the person photographed in the first few was either missing or dead, what did this represent.

"As for the fifth, you will know that it is Daotian! This man has deep ambitions and insidious cunning. If you grow up in the future, you must kill him!" Xia Yan mentioned Daotian, and he immediately filled his face with anger.

Even if there is only a ray of residual soul, Xia Yan's resentment towards Daotian is also very deep, and he can't kill him soon.

"Sixth place is a genius named Zhenyi!" Xia Yandao said, "This Zhenyi is the one who is now in control of the void!"

"He was just an ordinary cultivator at that time. He was not supported by powerful forces and had no special physique, but he stepped on the top step by step with his own talent."

"In the end he ranked sixth and received the inheritance of Jian Tianzong and became a disciple of Jian Tianzong!"

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