Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2619: I surrender

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"It finally appears!"

Just when countless people were shocked, underneath the fire cloud star, a middle-aged man in black opened his eyes.

"It's this feeling. The legendary reincarnations, the heritage left by the peerless masters who created this road to heaven, finally appeared!" The middle-aged man's face revealed an undisguised surprise.

"Since this is the time for these imprisoned strongmen of the other world to be destroyed!" The middle-aged man looked at the huge sea of ​​fire in front of him.

A huge prison cage rises and falls in the sea of ​​fire, and countless heaven demons, the killing immortals are imprisoned in it.

"Xiao Luo, you must protect this young man!" At this moment, a voice came from the ear of the deputy hall master, and the voice was full of kindness.

"Master...Master!" The deputy hall master heard this voice, and his eyes suddenly turned red!

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a master!

Three hundred years, five hundred years or a thousand years!

It should be known that all of these deputy hall masters are disciples of the master. The master traveled all over the world and collected five disciples on Huoyunxing.

Except for the accidental death of the big disciple, all four disciples have now become deputy hall masters.

At that time, the master was only a great elder, and he often taught them insincerely, but since he became the master of the palace, he shouldered an inescapable mission and guarded the dark prison.

Now the master wants to protect the young man himself, what does this mean!

At this time, the fire felt that he was locked by the huge roulette, and it was very difficult to move even if I wanted to move it.

More importantly, the huge roulette has a terrifying power of sucking, constantly sucking its own soul, it seems that the soul is not controlled by itself at all, but it has to rush out of the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Break me!"

Huo Li knew that he couldn't go on like this, and even if he didn't get sucked out, the huge roulette would crush himself into a powder.

He could only hit with all his strength to crush the huge roulette in front of him, and only by breaking the roulette could he have a glimmer of hope.

A huge knife hurried across the sky, showing a huge world of knives colliding with the huge roulette.


The huge roulette was hit with a loud noise.

But at the next moment, the world of Daomang and the carrying knives collapsed in an instant, and the huge roulette just slowed down a bit, and still came raging in flames.

"Reverse! Don't admit defeat! This is not something you can resist!" Huo's ancestor slammed and stood up suddenly.

"I admit defeat!" Fiery bowed his head helplessly and could only admit defeat.

He knew that even if he really set foot on the Venerable Realm, he could only bow his head in the face of this terrible roulette.

Hearing the fire shouting that I confessed three words, the deputy lord of the city took a look and grabbed the fire from the arena.

At the same time, a powerful force spit out of his palm, rushed into the body of the fire, and instantly extinguished his sperm and blood.

Seeing the fire safety, the Huo ancestor glanced at the fat man paralyzed on the ground.

"You go to the end of this game, pay as much as you can, and then give me to go to Heishenyuan to grow old!" Seeing that his son is okay, a big stone in the heart of the ancestor of the Huo family lay down, so he commanded .

"Thank you for your ancestors! Thank you for your ancestors!" The fat man tapped again and again.

"Go!" Huo's ancestor waved his hand.

Zhao Yuande saw that the fire had left the arena, and the power poured into the void was suddenly recovered.

Nine kinds of blazing light disappeared instantly, and the huge roulette seemed to be a soap bubble that shattered directly.


Zhao Yuande felt a moment of weakness flow into his heart. This time, the reincarnations of the heavens directly drained half of his body's strength, plus the consumption in the previous battle, and now he has less than 30% of the original combat power.

"Haha!" Hu Yanzan laughed excitedly. "See that, Zhao Yuande won, he won, we won!"

"I see what this guy Zhu Ping has to say now!" Ji Zhong's face was also bright, and he looked away.

"Four billion! I sent it!" Even the Lord of the Bureau was red at this time.

Four billion! What a huge sum!

With so many Vulcan Pills, it's almost like the wind and the rain will be raining on the fire cloud star.

They will practice in the future, children and grandchildren, no need to worry about generations!

The group of people represented by Zhu Ping suddenly turned ugly.

Although they can't lose a hundred or two hundred million at most, that's what they saved for hundreds or even thousands of years!

"Hu Yanzan, don't be complacent, so many Vulcan Pills, you need to be able to take it away!" Zhu Ping looked at Hu Yanzan, his lips showing a cold face.

"Zhu Ping! Are you provoking me?" The main hall of the bureau looked cold and murderous.

"No... Lord of the Palace, I'm not talking about you, but... but..." Zhu Ping gritted his teeth and could only bow his head.

"Huh! I know your careful thinking, don't let me catch you, or you're dead!" The lord of the bureau sneered and turned his head to look at other people, "Hu Yanzan and my brother, got this sum The gambling money will be invested in the Dark Fire Hall, and then the Dark Fire Hall will be expanded tenfold, if you are interested, you can join our Dark Fire Hall!"

"This..." Everyone looked at the lord of the bureau, and there was shock in their eyes.

There are eight sub-halls under His Royal Highness, this dark one is one of them.

The Dark Fire Palace suppresses the Dark Fire Abyss in a fierce place. The Dark Fire Abyss is very WeChat. Among them, the powerful Dark Fire Demon rushes out.

However, also obtaining a valuable ore and unique spirit grass from the Dark Fire Abyss can only be considered self-sufficient.

Now, 8.8 billion Vulcan Pills are injected at once, and its power may become the head of the Eight Great Branch Halls!

If you can turn to the Dark Fire Palace early, there will definitely be endless benefits.

"Everyone! Please come here..." The fat man appeared extremely depressed in front of everyone.

"Hey..." Hu Yanzan saw the fat man and smiled on his face, "I thought you didn't dare to come out!"

"Fart..." The fat man looked at Hu Yanzan angrily. "This ignition **** is nothing at all, why would our Huojia be blamed!"

"That's good……"

"The last session of this flame conference ended, Zhao Yuande defeated the fire and became the first flame conference, the second fire, the third Lin Haoran..."

The deputy hall master systematically announced the completion of the ranking of the Flame Conference, and announced the top ten awards again.

Zhao Yuande doesn't care about these things at all. He is now very expensive and needs rest and recovery.

He just sat cross-legged in the arena and began to recover silently.

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