Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2638: Origin of the Blood Fiend Palace

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"Zhao...Zhao can't escape, there are countless ninth-order ancient monsters in the Black Abyssal Sea, even the eighth strong man of the small steps can't escape! You are are dead! "Ziyun Jian lay flat on the ground, with a fierce smile on his face."

He thought that Zhao Yuande would die at this time, even if he died, he would not lose money.

"Ziyunjian, what are you talking about!" Lin Haoran heard the three words of Heiyuanhai, his face suddenly changed, and his face became pale.

"Heiyuanhai... I seem to have heard this name!" Ye Yun frowned, and suddenly his face became extremely dignified. "I know, this is a fierce place in this small world! It seems to be related to construction. The strong man on the road to heaven..."

"Regarding the strong man?" Zhao Yuande heard this and suddenly put his heart down halfway.

Since it is a trial, there will definitely be a way to live, and the predecessors of Emperor Zhou will never let the practitioners who enter here fall into a dead end.

"Haha!" Ziyun Sword laughed wildly at this time, "You don't know the horror of the Black Abyss Sea at all, you don't know what horrible existence is hidden in it, you will all die here..."

"Oh! We will all die here... Can you still live?" Zhao Yuande mocked, "Since you think we are all going to die, then tell the truth to scare us! Maybe you can directly scare death we."

"You don't need to irritate me, I will tell you how!" Zi Yunjian laughed, and his face was cold again. "You don't know that the Black Abyss Sea was actually discovered by my ancestors, and my ancestor was the Temple of Fire." A genius of, he entered this small world tens of thousands of years ago, was chased by the powerful ancient monster, and finally came to the palace..."

"The palace was not damaged at the time, and there was a strong guardian who saved my ancestors and asked him if he would start the ultimate trial!"

"My ancestors didn't want to start the ultimate trial at the time, but they were finally persuaded by the guardian. The ultimate trial was the opening of the cyan gate, and my ancestor was given a piece of cyan jade when he entered it. As long as the cards are in crisis, the jade cards will take the testers out."

"But I didn't expect that because the door was not entered for hundreds of millions of years, there was a terrible change in it, and countless powerful ancient monsters were bred."

"My ancestor entered the cyan gate with less than ten breaths, and encountered an eighth-order horror monster, who was taken away from the world by the jade card, but when the jade card broke through the two worlds, one The large claws tore the void and tore the void directly into a huge hole, and countless powerful ancient monsters rushed out through this hole."

"Originally, the most powerful Archaic monster in this small world was only level seven, but this time there were countless levels eight, and even a powerful level nine archaic beast."

"And the guardian also paid the price for his decision and was slashed by several ninth-order elder beasts... My ancestor survived because of the relationship with the blue jade brand, and reached the deadline of one year. "

"At that time, no one person completed the task, and ninety-nine percent of the cultivators died in it, and less than five people came out."

"These five were closely interrogated and ordered to be killed in secret. But in the end my ancestor escaped, spreading the news, and finally established the Xuesha Temple, he wanted to persecute those who persecuted him. Revenge... All of them must pay the price they deserve!"

"And the way to enter this world was also left by my ancestors and passed to my hands from generation to generation! You people can die here with me, and I am not losing money!" Zi Yunjian finally put this piece After the matter was finished, a smug smile appeared on his face.

"It turns out so." Zhao Yuande nodded, "So there should be a great opportunity in this sea of ​​black abyss... But it is likely that this opportunity has made this ancient monster, so that it has surpassed the ordinary ninth-order ancient monster. The powerful strength of the beast, otherwise it is impossible to tear the void between the two realms so easily, so that so many ancient monsters come to this session!"

"You're right! My ancestors also analyzed this way." Zi Yunjian smiled, "But even if you know these, it's useless. You can't break the void between these two realms by your means. Go out."

"How do you know that I can't break it? Do you forget how I grabbed you?" Zhao Yuande smiled slightly, with a sneer on his face.

"Brother Zhao! You really can..." Lin Haoran glanced at Ziyun Sword and asked a little bit anxiously.

"You can rest assured that now Ziyun Sword has been arrested. How do you think we should punish him? Should we kill him directly or throw it to a powerful monster to eat?" Zhao Yuande looked at everyone.

"Kill it directly! They are a tragedy enough to be pitiful to them!" Ye Yun is a woman with a soft heart.

Moreover, she didn't know how much blood evil palace caused the evil in Fire Cloud Star, so she made this request logically.

"Since girl Ye said so, it would be cheaper for him, so give him a happy heart!" Lin Haoran looked at each other, as long as Ziyun Sword was killed, it didn't matter how to die.

Moreover, Ye Yun seems to have an unusual relationship with Zhao Yuande, which can be regarded as leaving face to Zhao Yuande.

"Okay! Then let's do it!" Zhao Yuande looked at Lin Haoran and several people, "Whoever you have hatred against Xuesha Palace will give it to."

"I...I'm coming!" Huo Mingyang rushed out and slammed into Ziyunjian's head with a palm.

"Haha! I'll take a step and wait for you in front..." Zi Yunjian's face showed a crazy color, and there was a force of crazy in the body.

"Not good... He's going to explode the sea of ​​blood!" Huo Ming's complexion changed, and he hurriedly backed away.

"It's okay! I don't agree here, he can't do anything!" Zhao Yuande's mouth turned slightly, and his palm was scratched toward Ziyun Jian.

Ziyun Jian felt like he was being pinched by an invisible big hand, the violent power in the body disappeared all at once, and he collapsed to the ground.

"No... here is there! Why is it so." Ziyun Jian growled unwillingly.

"Here is naturally my inner world, and here I am the master. You must ask my permission for anything you want." Zhao Yuande smiled faintly, and threw the purple cloud sword like the same mud in the front of the fire. , "Brother Huo, he will give it to you!"

"Thank you Brother Zhao!" Huo Mingyang slightly arched his hand, stepped directly on Ziyunjian's head, and slammed his head directly on it.

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