Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2644: Made a big mistake

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But at the next moment, he suddenly saw a nimble sword in front of him.


That swordmand penetrated directly into his brow and knew the sea, and instantly shattered his knowledge of the sea.

"It's really noisy!" Zhao Yuande looked at Zhong Xuan who fell to the ground, his mouth showing a disdainful look.

"Who... who are you?" Lin Kun's eyes were straight, he felt a wave of creeps, and at this moment his back was wet with cold sweat.

"You don't know who I am, and there are still big words here!" Zhao Yuande looked at each other with a sneer.

"Are you the Zhao Yuande who killed Yun Zhenzi?" Lin Kun suddenly thought of a name, and his voice became sharp and harsh.

"Now I know it's too late!" Zhao Yuande's voice was cold and full of murderous opportunities.

"Why don't you let me go, and I'm not going to trouble them anymore?" Lin Kun had activated the golden armor he was wearing at this time, and the golden Xiaoding in his hand also zoomed in infinitely, making a defensive gesture.

"Die!" Zhao Yuande shouted coldly.

An invisible swordmand shot from the void gourd in his hand and shot Lin Kun at an incredible speed.

Unless the opponent is stronger than Zhao Yuande's soul, this kind of void swordman's can't escape.

The opponent’s soul is obviously not as powerful, and the Void Jianmang pierced the golden big tripod directly in front of the opponent.


The golden Ding was penetrated, as if it were directly broken into numerous pieces like glass, scattered all over the place.

The Void Jianmang penetrated the Golden Ding, and penetrated the defense of that golden armor without hindrance, directly piercing Lin Kun's eyebrows and crushing his knowledge of the sea.

"It's so powerful!" Both Samsara and Ye Yun saw this scene. Although they knew that Zhao Yuande had turned against the sky, they still didn't expect to kill the two guys with just two swords.

In fact, the combat effectiveness of these two people does not need to be worse!

What does this mean... It means that Zhao Yuande wants to kill them as well.

Although the two who thought they were still geniuses knew the result, they were still hit hard by this scene!

"Do you need me to help you?" Zhao Yuande looked at them and smiled slightly at them.

"No... the two of us are enough to cope with it!" Reincarnation waved subconsciously and refused. He didn't want Zhao Yuande to look down on him.

"Yes! We can defeat it!" Ye Yun also nodded, his eyes showing perseverance.

Always rely on others, so they can become strong, so they decided to kill the black tiger in front of themselves.

Zhao Yuande nodded, but did not leave immediately.

He had to watch the two beheading the black tiger before he could leave with confidence.

The black spirit tiger's spiritual wisdom has been opened, and his wisdom is not weaker than ordinary people.

After seeing Zhao Yuande's methods, there was fear in my heart, and I didn't have the anger of bereavement at first, and now I just want to escape.

However, the two of them were full of fighting at this time, and the balance between the two and the black tiger was gradually broken.

Under the deterrence of Zhao Yuande, Hesha Hu was finally beheaded by the two men!

When Zhao Yuande saw the death of the black tiger, he didn't speak much, because at this time he had found the position of Han Yu.

At this time Han Yu's cultivation practice had reached the peak of the fifth small step.

At this time, she is fighting with a seventh-order ancient monster, her control is no longer ice but cold flame, the combat power is much stronger than the reincarnation, and the ancient monster is completely suppressed.

Zhao Yuande didn't appear to help her for the first time, but hidden in the void to silently guard her.

He didn't appear in front of the other party until Hanyu beheaded the seventh-order Taiko monster.

"You...come!" Han Yu saw Zhao Yuande appear, and did not behave too unexpectedly.

But her eyes are betraying her mood, and the flashing light in her eyes is brighter than the starlight.

"Well!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

He knew that Han Yu's temperament was not that kind of passionate person, but he could feel the pleasure in the other person's heart.

"Let's work together! This can be done faster." Zhao Yuande looked at Hanyu.

"Good!" Han Yu nodded gently.

There was a flash of joy deep in her eyes, and her cheeks were slightly flushed.

Both of them are super geniuses. Under this joint effort, they swept the Quartet.

Under the shadow of Zhao Yuande's soul, finding the ancient monsters is simply too easy.

Three days later, the two killed the last Tier 6 elder monster respectively.

"I feel it, the transmission channel seems to be in that direction." Zhao Yuande looked somewhere in the sky.

"Well! I feel it too." Han Yu also looked in that direction.

"Go, let's go over and see what the passage is like." Zhao Yuande naturally took Han Yu's hand and led her to disappear.

The sky and white clouds are not scattered, and countless white clouds are gathered here, forming a magnificent pattern.

They quickly appeared in the depths of Baiyun along the way.

"I didn't expect there would be no cave in this white cloud." Zhao Yuande found a small land floating in the white cloud.

The land area is only a few miles away, and there is a space channel with a faint glow above it.

As soon as they approached the space channel, they felt that the jade card in their hands radiated a ray of light and shot into the space channel.

"Sure enough!" Looking at the glorious space channel, Zhao Yuande's face showed a relief expression.


Just when the two wanted to enter the space channel, the space channel suddenly made a violent explosion.

A big green paw protruded out of the space channel, and directly tore up half of the sky.

"Then... what's that!" Feeling the horror from the miserable green paws, even Hanyu became a little frightened.

This big paw does not know how big it is. After tearing the void, it expands indefinitely, almost covering the sky dome of the positive small world.

It has a pale green skin and cracked skin like an old bark. It seems that there are one small world after another among the crumpled cracks. Numerous dark green monsters rushed out of these cracks and entered this small world.

The owner of this big paw does not seem to care about Zhao Yuande and the two, but just sends a large number of dark green monsters into this small world. Its purpose is aggression.

"We seem to have made a big mistake!" Zhao Yuande looked at the big paw that covered the sky and his face was very dignified.

"The master of this big claw, although not as powerful as the master, has at least reached the middle of the ninth small step!" Han Yu's voice shivered a little bit, "We really opened the path to the Jupiter Channel? Didn't it open a channel to some other world?"

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