Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2652: Ancient Tree Star

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How powerful is Heavenly Tree? Can its gods and spirits already cover the entire wood **** star domain?

"While completing the mission, you must also burn these corpses clean, and don't let them infest more plants!" said the Elder Beard.


With this discovery, Zhao Yuande discovered the demonized plants and would first explore whether the celestial bodies were buried underground.

As long as the celestial bodies are burned clean, those demonized plants will lose most of their fighting power.

The characters are very relaxed, Zhao Yuande almost thought that he would complete the task in such a bland manner.

But soon he found that he seemed to be surrounded by huge roots rushing from the ground.

"Not good! Is this breath of old trees recovered?" Zhao Yuande's face changed slightly.

"Whoosh!" A string of hairs pierced him like a spear.

"No, this power is at most equivalent to the seventh small step mid-term powerhouse." Zhao Yuande quickly rejected this idea.

He quietly explored the soul of the soul along these thick roots, and soon found a corpse of the heavenly demon thousands of miles underground.

This celestial corpse was completely wrapped by the root system of a giant tree, and it was this giant tree that attacked Zhao Yuande.

"This giant tree..." Soul Zhao Yuande soon explored a towering giant tree hundreds of thousands of miles away.

This giant tree should be the tallest plant on this ancient tree star, as if it was a large umbrella that enveloped a small half of the ancient tree star, and even some branches and leaves have protruded beyond the starry sky.

"This corpse is probably the root of the demonization of this ancient tree star!" Zhao Yuande felt the breath emanating from the corpse. "This celestial demon corpse should be a strong man in the late seventh stage!"

Three hundred and sixty ancient tree stars need to sacrifice three hundred and sixty days of the seventh devil in the late stage, is it worth it?

Zhao Yuande has always been troubled by this idea.

At this time, he has also fought against these roots. He did not use all the means, but constantly fought against these roots and wanted to find their weaknesses.

"Master, I can kill it." Xiao Qing's voice rang in Zhao Yuande's ear.

"Are you sure you can destroy that giant tree together?" Zhao Yuande asked.

During this period of time, Xiao Qing also worked, burning countless celestial corpses, and the celestial corpses burned by Xiao Qing would never retain any magic energy.

"As long as you master help me to cut off that main root, I can guarantee that the giant tree can be eliminated." Xiao Qing answered very positively.

The main root of this giant tree is too thick and the attack power is terrifying, and the speed of the main root is too fast. It is possible that Xiaoqing's flame can escape from the sea of ​​fire before it is burned out.

A giant tree of this level, I am afraid that if you let go of a tiny root, you will be born again.

"That's good! You are ready! Let's go underground and burn the celestial demon body!" Zhao Yuande's mind was fixed, and his body disappeared in place.

He appeared in front of a huge corpse, and a blue flame in his palm covered the corpse like a surging tide.


The roots of the corpse screamed through the eardrums.


An angry roar came, and the roots of the giant tree were burned by flames. Although Xiaoqing had weakened the power of the flames, it still caused huge damage to the giant tree.

The root that penetrated into the depths of the earth was like a flexible viper, and it rolled up directly under the earth.

The length of the main root does not know how many miles, the whole ancient tree star under this volume is trembling constantly.

"Prepared, at this moment!" The void gourd in Zhao Yuande's hands has begun to buzz, and an invisible swordmand has been brewing in it.


The thick main root came to Zhao Yuande in a blink of an eye, and pulled towards him with immense strength.

"Broken me!"

Just when the main root was about to reach him, he disappeared into place, and at the same time a emptiness swordmand shot from the void gourd.

This Void Sword is much thicker than usual, and it is faster!

The next moment Zhao Yuande appeared not far away, just evading the sweep of the main root, and the Void Jianmang fell directly on the main root.


After an earth-shattering scream, the main root was suddenly halved by the Void Jianmang.

"Xiaoqing! Hurry up!" Zhao Yuande shouted.

"Master, rest assured!" Xiao Qing's body suddenly expanded, turning into a huge blue flame.

Immediately, the main root, the celestial corpse and all the roots of the underground were enveloped in it.

The power of flame erupted, in addition to the horrible screams and the crackling of flame burning.

It was not too late. The cyan flame ran up the trunk along the roots, and then the huge canopy.

In less than a moment, the entire giant tree was completely shrouded in blue flames.


The tragic sound from the flames sounded unbearable.

"Hey!" A sigh came from Zhao Yuande's ear, "You have chaos Qinglian fire! This time the task is really too simple for you!"

"You are here, Senior!" Zhao Yuande felt a trace of rejoicing from Elder Elder Beard.

"Oh! Can you help me clean up some old tree stars, I can give you a certain reward." There was a trace of anticipation in the voice of Elder Beard.

"I am obliged to clean up the ancient tree stars." Zhao Yuande nodded.


At this moment, Gu Shuxing suddenly shook violently, and an angry roar came from Gu Shuxing.

"Not good! Gu Shuxing is recovering!" Zhao Yuande exclaimed, his face changed.

The last time the ancient tree star recovered and chased him, there was no way to go into the sky. If it weren't for the Void Gourd, he would have to spend a lot of time trying to escape.

"It's okay, it should be awake too!" Elder Beard's voice rang in Zhao Yuande's ear.

An illusory green hand protruded from Zhao Yuande's body and gently patted on the ancient tree star.

"Father...I woke up!" An ancient dull voice slowly sounded from the depths of the ancient tree star.

The ancient tree star spreads out lightly and turns into a huge tree person in the starry sky.

The tree man's eyes turned to the distant Tiandao tree, and there was a beam of joy in his eyes.

"Thank you, my little friend, you helped me clear the cancer on my body." The old dull voice rang in Zhao Yuande's ear, and there was a touch in the voice.

"Oh, it's okay!" Zhao Yuande felt the recovery of Gu Shuxing and felt a strong pressure in his heart.

This guy is much stronger than the old tree that was inspired by the core of the whirling tree, and has reached the beginning of the ninth small step.

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