Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2664: City Lord

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The appearance of the Sky Sword Clan did not arouse human attention, but when the Sky Sword Clan submerged the first star like a tide, they wanted to redeem it too late.

In just a thousand years, most of the 108 stars were occupied by the Sky Sword Clan.

The human elite did their best, and there was a peerless battle with the Sky Sword Clan in the starry sky. The end result was that many strong humans were killed, and the Sky Sword Clan occupied all the stars.

And most of the human beings of the stars have been slaughtered cleanly, and only a few of the human beings of the stars are hiding underground, continuing to fight the Sky Sword Clan.

"Does the Sky Sword Clan have many strong ninth small steps? This seems a little impossible!" Zhao Yuande could not help asking when he heard this, "They haven't entered the Golden God Realm for thousands of years, but the ninth should be born. The strong of the small steps!"

"Hey! It's true, but don't forget, in addition to the Heavenly Sword Clan entering the Golden God Field together with the Heavenly Demon Clan!" Heicang sighed, "I don't know what method they use to make the head strong The Demon Clan brought into the Golden God Star Realm. This powerful Demon Clan secretly controlled the unknown number of human strongmen in these millennia. These human strongmen suddenly burst in the final battle. Led to the defeat of this battle."

"I know it!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "The Tianmozu genius who entered the Jurassic Star Realm was sealed with two Tianmozu Powerhouses. One was released in the Jurassic Star Realm, almost destroying the Jurassic Star Realm. And the other end is released here, so that the Golden God Star Zone is occupied...No...the Tianmozu genius should have more than two seals of the Tianmozu strong in the body, maybe there will be more...Since they control this This kind of sealing method, maybe many of the stars behind...

Zhao Yuande said here, even if he was shocked.

"No... Impossible!" Everyone heard Zhao Yuande's words, but they all couldn't help but change their faces.

"The road to heaven... will not really be completely controlled by aliens! They are really good calculations... this conspiracy must have started from the day that occupied the entrance to the road to heaven... terrible..." Zi paled.

"Did the road break? Do we need to continue?"

"So there is no hope..."


All the faces of desperate men showed despair, and they all agreed with Zhao Yuande.

"This... is this true?" Heicang was also stunned by Zhao Yuande's words, his face flashed with despair.

"No... not completely hopeless!" Zhao Yuande saw the despair on everyone's face and couldn't help but regret to express this speculation. "Senior Emperor Zhou can lay this road to heaven, then he will surely have expected it. If this kind of request happens, he will certainly stay behind!"

"Just like we were in the Jupiter Star Zone before, Senior Tian Daoshu finally took us to defeat the enemy! I think the Golden God Star Zone will certainly have this arrangement!"

"This... this may really be true!" Heicang suddenly remembered something, a strange color appeared on his face, "It is said that the Golden Divine Star has not been completely occupied by the Sky Sword Clan, and it has a strong presence still with The Sky Sword clan battles, the powerful existence seems to be called the Son of God! But..."

"But what?" the crowd asked eagerly in unison.

"However, all the stars are occupied by the Sky Sword Clan, and no one has the ability to enter the Golden God Star, even if it is a strong man who has stepped on the ninth small step!" Heicang shook his head, "Our Lord Lord I once wanted to break out of the starry sky, but was seriously injured by the Sky Sword Clan, and has not yet recovered."

"That's always a hope, as long as there is hope, we may succeed!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

Everyone looked at Zhao Yuande one after another, and there was a light of hope in his eyes.

But they saw Zhao Yuande's magical power, his fighting power, his speed!

If anyone could reach Venus, only him!

Kurokura looked at everyone's eyes with some surprise, and he couldn't help but show his doubts.

Although the young man in front of him is very powerful, his combat power is still in the seventh small step. This combat power has no effect at all in front of the powerful Sky Sword Clan. Why do these people expect so much from him?

However, this person's resilience is almost against the sky, and all the flesh was shattered alive, leaving only the skeleton, even if it was so, it was completely restored in just a few moments.

He must be in control of a certain cultivation method of the immortal body. If the master of the city can get this kind of cultivation method, he may soon heal.

Thinking of this, Heicang looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes a bit hot.

"What's wrong with this person?" Zhao Yuande was extremely sensitive, and immediately felt the change in the other person's eyes, and couldn't help wondering.

"Oh! I'll take you to meet the Lord of the City Lord!" Kuricang condensed his inner thoughts.

"Alright! I heard that the Lord of the City Lord was injured. We came from the Jupiter, and we also got some treasures, which may help the Lord of the Lord's injury." Zhao Yuande nodded.

"That's great!" Heicang heard Zhao Yuande say this, his eyes lit up.

Kurokura took them deep into the palace and stopped in front of a heavily guarded hall.

"City Lord, I brought back the tester from Mushen Starfield." Heicang bowed slightly to the hall with a respectful tone.

"Oh! Bring them in!" There was a moment of silence in the hall, and an old voice came.

"You guys please!"

Kurokura took everyone into the hall.

The golden light flashed in the hall, and a white-bearded old man sat cross-legged in the hall, breathing with his eyes closed.

The golden light vomited from between his mouth and nose, and a powerful sharp mandrel rippled around his body, and he seemed to be a golden world within a hundred feet.

Zhao Yuande can clearly feel that there is a terrifying power in that golden world, even if he enters this golden world, he will be cut and fragmented.

This old man is a strong man at the ninth small level of genuineness.

"Have seen seniors!" Zhao Yuande hurriedly saluted.

Everyone also saluted.

"You don't have to be polite, you are all geniuses among geniuses, we are the hope of the future of mankind, and I know you are old when I see you!" The city owner had a gentle smile on his face, and they seemed very impressed to Zhao Yuande enjoy.

"I heard that the senior is injured, and I don't know how to recover now. I have some tree cores from the wood **** star field, I hope to help the senior." Zhao Yuande handed a storage ring to the city owner.

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