Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2676: sneak into

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"Well, you go back first! Wait for my news before the Tower of Trial, otherwise you leave too long, I am afraid it will cause many people to doubt." Zhao Yuande nodded to him.

"Then what do you do? Do you have a way to approach the battlefield? Do you have a way to enter the treasures of that space?" Qiu Tianlei looked suspicious.

It is impossible to do all this with his cultivation base. I am afraid he was discovered by the other party before he approached the battlefield. Can a clone in front of him do it?

"You can rest assured that my avatar can not be condensed at will, nor will I destroy it at will. If there is no chance, I will give up." Zhao Shidao said.

"Okay!" Qiu Tianlei gave Zhao Shixi a deep look, then turned and left quickly.

However, he still felt a trace of doubt in his heart. The other party was too confident. Does he really have a way?

Zhao Yuande felt Qiu Tianlei disappeared within the scope of his soul, which was a breath.

His spirits explored towards the center of the battlefield, but immediately felt dozens of powerful spirits around him peeping into the battle.

These spirits are basically wild and overbearing. Zhao Yuande immediately distinguished that these should be the spirits of some powerful ancient monsters.

Zhao Yuande's heart moved, releasing the spirit of the soul of the soul of the fish-tail old man, and exploring with his own soul.

The old man with a fishtail is not a pure human. Strictly speaking, it is also an ancient beast turned into a human form.

This kind of breath should not make the city host in doubt during the war.

Sure enough, as he expected, this ray of soul with the soul of the old fishtail old man could easily approach the battlefield.

At this time, the city master was fighting with a giant black-spotted giant tiger. The terrible power was surging, and the forest of thousands of miles was moved to the ground.


The two have been fighting for a long time, and the fighting ability of the giant black tiger is obviously not as good as that of the city master. At this time, the giant tiger is already scarred.

There was a huge scar extending from the back to the head of the giant black spotted tiger, almost splitting its head in half.

The two battled again for a full half hour.


The black-spotted giant tiger made a painful whimper, and the huge body banged directly on the ground.

"Haha! Dark spots, you have today!" The lord's face showed ecstasy, "My injury has been completely recovered, you have been easy to take down from time to time, and now you still refuse to submit to me?"

"Oh! If you think about it, even if I die, I won't surrender!" The black-spotted tiger gave an angry roar.

"Haha! I'm not in a hurry, I have a lot of time to wait for your submission." There was a sneer on the face of the city master, and I didn't know when there was a small emerald green bottle in his hand, "Give me it! "

The city owner threw the little bottle towards the sky, and the body of the little bottle turned upside down and continued to enlarge. It instantly became the size of a giant mountain, and the area of ​​a thousand miles was completely enveloped by its bottle mouth.

A terrifying power of sucking was released from the mouth of the bottle, and the black spotted giant tiger on the ground was sucked into the mouth of the bottle.

"good chance!"

Zhao Yuande's body became the size of dust, and God's domain launched, and it appeared directly in the range of the bottle mouth.

There was a suction force, he didn't resist at all, and was directly sucked into the bottle.

As soon as he entered the bottle, Zhao Yuande suddenly felt a force of terror coming from all directions to suppress himself.

In his cultivation practice, the souls of the gods were all suppressed, and in an instant there was only physical strength.

He found that although his spirit and cultivation were suppressed, he could still move in the body, which was enough.

And what surprised him a little was that while his soul and cultivation were suppressed, the powerful breath in him was also suppressed.

"This piece of chemical immortal treasure really has some supernatural powers." Zhao Yuande looked around and could not help frowning. "The black-spotted giant tiger was dragged by a force as soon as he entered here, and sent to other places. He must be found before he talks."

Zhao Yuande did not return to his true body at this time, still maintaining the size of dust, even so, his speed is still unbelievably fast, hundreds of millions of miles.

This piece of space is really vast and boundless. His soul cannot be used, and he can only search in one direction and one direction.

In one direction, he found a huge warehouse, which was shrouded by a kind of restraint, in which a strong breath came.

"There should be all kinds of metal materials inside, but here is the Golden God Star Field, which is rich in this powerful metallic material. It seems that the other party has a lot of inventory. If it can be taken away, it will be sent to the Galaxy Sect..." Zhao Yuande although Envious, but he knew it was not the right time.

Looking for a different direction, he finally saw a huge medicine garden with various exotic flowers and herbs blooming in it, and the fragrance came out to make people feel refreshed.

However, there is also a prohibition shrouded outside the medicine garden. Zhao Yuande felt that this kind of prohibition was not strong, and he could break through, but he still didn't do it. Now all he needs to do is find them.

After leaving this huge medicine garden, he soon saw a series of black buildings.

These black buildings are surrounded by powerful forbidden places, and there are several powerful ancient monsters patrolling around.

"This should be a prison! There are so many ancient monsters outside, I don't know what it looks like inside, is it guarded?"

Zhao Yuande looked at those ancient monsters, most of which were Tier 6 and Tier 7, and there was no threat to him.

He simply walked carefully through these patrolling monsters and entered the black building.

Entering the black building complex, he felt that the force of repression was much stronger, but his physical body was extremely powerful, and even a few times more pressure had no effect on him.

The black building complex does not have the guards he imagined. Obviously, the city owner did not think that someone would enter the space by himself, so he didn't need any guards.

Those ancient monsters should also just prevent the suppressed prisoners from escaping from Long Yuzhong.

There are thousands of huge cells in the black building complex, and Zhao Yuande looks for one cell after another.

In the first cell he saw a group of unkempt cultivators.

They all squatted on the ground decadently, showing a look of despair in their faces.

There is no spirit spirit, no power of heaven, so there is no way to practice.

Although his soul cannot be separated from the body, he can feel that the cultivation of these people should not be weak, at least the seventh small step.

These people don't know how long they will be in prison.

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