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After more than a dozen breaths, Qiu Tianlei reappeared in the same place, a glance of luck in his eyes.

"Okay! My people are done." Qiu Tianlei sent a message to Zhao Shisi, "You come with me!"

Qiu Tianlei nodded to Zhao Xie and turned away.

Zhao Shisi casually walked in front of the Tower of Trial, far behind Qiu Tianlei.

Qiu Tianlei took Zhao Shiwei around the city a few times and finally appeared in front of a secluded mansion.

He pushed in the door, and Zhao Shishi hurriedly followed.

"This is my family. There is basically no danger when I get here." Qiu Tianlei entered the mansion, and his face was completely relieved.

"Huh? There are strong men in your family?" Zhao Shixi felt a strong breath in the mansion, and his face could not help changing slightly.

"That's my mother!" Qiu Tianlei said with a look of pride on his face. "Although my mother didn't ask about the world, but her cultivation base has reached the ninth small step, few people in this shameful city are her old people. Opponent."

"Your mother!" Zhao Xie's eyes revealed a strange amount of forehead.

"Don't talk about my mother. Since my father died in the battle, her old man has become discouraged. Otherwise, with his old talent, he must be the first master of the city of shame." Qiu Tianlei sighed.

"By the way, do you know someone named Qiu Yuan?" Zhao Shizi suddenly asked.

"Qiu... Qiu Yuan!" Qiu Tianlei suddenly changed his face when he heard the name, "How do you... how do you know this name?"

"Why? What's the problem?" Zhao Shixi felt as if he had caught something.

"Qiu Yuan...My father is called Qiu Yuan!" Qiu Tianlei said.

"What... how could it be so clever!" Zhao Shixi suddenly understood.

No wonder he saw some similarities between the two's eyebrows, but they turned out to be father and son.

"Do you still have a sister?" Zhao Xie looked at each other with straight eyes. This is a key question.

"You... even know this?" Qiu Tianlei opened his eyes incredulously, "I actually have a sister, and now I am the vice-lord of the Vengeance Palace. How do you know these?"

"Hehe! I said I saw your dad, do you believe it?" Zhao Shihe smiled.

"You... don't talk nonsense, if this is heard by my mother, you will die!" Qiu Tianlei looked cold. "And your joke is not funny at all."

"Oh! Okay! But I want to see your mother, I don't know if I can refer you?" Zhao XIV nodded. "Someone wants to see her."

"You want to see my mother... Could it be that what you said is true?" Qiu Tianlei moved, thinking of where Zhao Yuande had been before.

At that time, they really doubted that this matter had something to do with the city lord, but after many trials and attempts to no avail, and they were not opponents of the city lord, so this matter could not be solved.

"You'll know when you see your mother." Zhao Shiwei smiled, not much.

"Go!" Qiu Tianlei gritted his teeth and led Zhao Shishi into the inner house.

"Mother, I brought someone to see you." Qiu Tianlei stood outside the door and bowed slightly, with a very respectful attitude.

"Who is it? Don't you know that I like quietness." Only a gentle voice came from Xu Jiuwu, which was a little bit harsh.

"Yes... It's an outsider, and it's related to my dad!" Qiu Tianlei replied a little nervously, and looked at Zhao Shiji with an uncertain look, the meaning in that eye seemed to be, you should never Nonsense.

"Oh!" There was a slight fluctuation in the room, and there was a slap like something fell on the ground. The voice was obviously anxious and expecting, "Hurry, bring him in!"

"Let's go!" Qiu Tianlei wiped the sweat on his head, nodded at Zhao Xie, and led him into the house.

Obviously Qiu Tianlei was very afraid of his mother, otherwise she would not be scared like this.

Entering the room, Zhao XIV saw a middle-aged woman in plain clothes. Although the middle-aged woman did not apply fat powder, she still could not conceal the face of a young man who fell into the city. It seemed to be similar to Qiu Tianlei's age.

The middle-aged woman looked at Zhao Yuande, who came in without blinking, as if to see it through.

"I've seen seniors." Zhao Yuande could feel the powerful breath in the middle-aged woman's body, and he was slightly shocked.

"Mother...... It is this person. His name is Zhao Yuande. He is an outsider who has broken through the sky. He said that he has seen my father!" Qiu Tianlei hurriedly introduced.

"Have you ever seen Brother Yuan? Where is he now? Is he still alive?" The middle-aged woman heard her son's words, and she couldn't help but see the eagerness in her eyes.

"Hehe! Senior, who do you think this is?" Zhao Shizi waved freely and released the old man who was rescued from the road.

"Xiaoyou, what is this place, do you take me out of that space." Some unshaven Qiu Yuan felt the space change, came to a strange place, felt a little uncomfortable, just asked Zhao Yuande, and suddenly felt The atmosphere around was not quite right.

"Yuan...Yuan Brother...Is it really you?" The middle-aged woman's voice trembled, and she stared at Qiu Yuan at this time, staggering to support the table next to her.

" are Lin'er...I'm not dreaming! You are really Lin'er, you haven't changed at all." Qiu Yuan saw the middle-aged woman, her eyes widened suddenly, a pair of eyes The middle-aged woman was determined for a long time, and then the trembling said.

"No... I look like this... I can't let you see me like this!" But soon Qiu Yuan seemed to feel something wrong, hurriedly lowered his head, and ricketed his body, both frightened and hesitant in his eyes.

"Yuan Brother...Yuan Brother..." The middle-aged woman shuddered and threw herself into Qiu Yuan's arms, her voice started to sob, "Facial appearance... Cultivated as... Everything doesn't matter, it's important You are back to me, as long as you come back, everything will be fine, we..."

"You really think so..." Qiu Yuan's memory of the middle-aged woman was still countless thousands of years ago. At this time, listening to her said this, she burst into tears in her eyes.

"Let's go! You are still pestering what you are doing. It won't be too late for you to see them when their emotions are stabilized, and your father may not want you to see him in embarrassment!" Qiu Tianlei's hand took him out of the room.

Walking out of the door, Qiu Tianlei looked at Zhao Yuande's face with gratitude, and bowed deeply to Zhao Yuande for a week.

"Thank you! Thank you! You have found my father, the biggest benefactor of our Qiu family, and I will tell me to do everything in the future!" Qiu Tianlei looked extremely solemn and even vowed.

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