Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2702: A group of garbage

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He never dreamed that Zhao Yuande would be so powerful. At the same time, he was also secretly glad that the Xuanji Supreme Soul Palace did not go to the end with the other party, otherwise people might be able to crush the Xuanji Supreme Soul Palace into a single blow. Youfan.

Just one avatar is so powerful, how powerful would it be if the true body returned?

Moreover, this person's talent is superior, but it is the first in the world of the void. In the future, it will be stable to step on the half trail, and it is not impossible to even step into the realm of Dao!

What a little pride of mystical Supreme Palace of Gods, if you can trust this horrible existence, the benefits in the future are endless!

From now on, he decided to work well under Xinghe Zong's staff and strive to be reused in Xinghe Zong.

"I'm not dreaming!" Xuan Guangzi lay on the ground, blinking hard, muttering in his mouth.

"I'm wrong! It's really wrong!" Xuan Fengzi was also walking like a corpse at this time, his eyes were blind, and he repeated this sentence constantly.

If they had known that Zhao Yuande was so powerful, they would not dare to do so even if they gave them ten guts. They regret it now... it's a little too late.

"It seems that Zhenxian Temple should not dare to send someone again! I'm going to block the door!" Zhao Yuande turned his eyes to Xuanzhenzi below, "Xuanzhenzi, right! Take these two shameless guys back Come on! Remember what you said, after I destroy the Zhenxian Hall, you have to fulfill your promise."

"Master, rest assured, I'm talking!" Xuan Zhenzi nodded.

"Wait for my news!" Zhao Yuande's figure disappeared into the void.

Numerous practitioners on Xuanji Star saw Zhao Yuande's body disappear, which was a long breath.

"Do you say that Zhao Yuande's avatar can really destroy the Zhenxian Temple?"

"Zhenxian Temple! That is, there are seven small steps on the ground. The strongest people sit in town, and there is a large guard of horror outside the Zhenxian Hall. It is not that simple to destroy it!"

"Did you not see the stone tablet just now? What a horror... what kind of large array can bear the blow just now... I think the Palace of True Immortality is destroyed!"

"You forgot... Dao Xuan Palace in the background of Zhenxian Temple! If it is really the last moment, I think Zhenxian Temple will definitely ask Dao Xuan Palace for help, then Dao Xuan Palace will intervene..."


Countless people talked, and their faces were either excited or worried.

Zhao Yuande had already obtained the position of the Zhenxian Temple from the sea of ​​knowledge of the practitioners of the Zhenxian Temple. He tried his best to urge the Divine Realm to an incredible speed.

He had to arrive before the Zhenxian Hall had received the news.

He naturally knew that Zhenxian Hall must have a powerful formation to protect it, and if it was opened, it would be a bit difficult to handle.

Before they respond, it is the best way to dive in.

It is not far from the star where the True Immortal Hall is located, just a few breathing time, he saw a big star with red light.

His spirit radiated away, and in a flash, he locked a fairy city built under the majestic giant mountain.

The immortal atmosphere here is extremely rich, much better than the cultivation environment of the Profound Pole Star.

He instantly appeared in the fairy city, standing in front of a majestic palace as high as a thousand feet.

The three big characters of the "real fairy hall" on the palace are shining brightly. I don't know who wrote it. It makes people have a grand feeling at first glance.

In front of this majestic palace, two powerful men stood at this time. Their eyes were cold. When they glanced at the practitioners on the street, they didn't consciously reveal their disdain and highness.

It's as if they are immortals, and the other party is just some humble civilians.

At this moment, there seemed to be some foreign cultivators who looked at this majestic and huge palace with reverent eyes.

"Dare to ask the two predecessors, is this the Real Immortal Hall of the Immortal Daozong?" One of the practitioners showed a bit of anticipation in his eyes.

"Yes! Yes! I heard that Zhenxian Temple is now powerful and deterring the Quartet, and we all came here admiringly." Another practitioner also smiled.

"Hum! A few trash scattered repairs go away!" One of the big men glanced at a few people and found out that they were just a few practitioners who had just stepped into the eternal realm.

" do you talk like this!" A cultivator didn't expect that the other party would reveal such expressions in an unabashed manner. When he said such words, he couldn't help but hang his face.

"Humph! Get out!" The big man sneered, and the power of the big-sleeved sweeping terror swept several people up and down, hitting **** a tall building.

Several people's heads broke blood, bones were broken, and they were lying on the ground in awkward spouts of blood.

Many practitioners passing by here looked at these people pitifully, but no one dared to help them.

"It's really dog ​​eyes to see people low!" Zhao Yuande stuck these two big men, and he couldn't help showing a cold color on his face. "Seeing these two guys knows the atmosphere of this true fairy palace, really a group of **** guys!"

Zhao Yuande strode toward the Zhenxian Temple.

"Who are you?" When the two big men saw Zhao Yuande approaching, they couldn't help looking at him with some caution.

They could feel the terrifying power of Zhao Yuande like Yuanhai, but they did not dare to neglect and just asked.

"The people who killed you!" Zhao Yuande came to the two big men step by step, and slap them towards them.

The two only felt an irresistible force that locked them completely, and their bodies could not move in an instant.


How terrifying Zhao Yuande's power is, although these two great men are well-cultivated, they simply cannot resist it.

It was only instantaneously photographed as a blur of flesh and blood, flew out and hit the gate of the Zhenxian Temple.

The gate of Zhenxian Temple couldn't stop this vigorous force, and was directly torn apart.

"Who! Dare to hit my Zhenxian Temple, don't you die?" Dozens of figures flew out of the broken gate.

All of these powerful men were angry, with swords and other murderous weapons in their hands.

Seeing Zhao Yuande walking towards them, these people released the horrible swordman's sword light one by one, and enveloped toward Zhao Yuande without hesitation.

"Hum! A bunch of garbage!" Zhao Yuande's figure disappeared in place.

Countless swords and swords swept across, and the breath of terror did not fall on Zhao Yuande's body. Instead, he broke the fragmentation of countless buildings around him, and countless cultivators who were watching around him were attacked.

Some of them were accidentally cut by swords and swords, and were instantly strangled into a piece of blood.

At this time, Zhao Yuande had rushed into the middle of these people and took a sharp knife from one of them.

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