Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2736: The situation of Venus

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"This powerful Sword Clan has long been taken away by human spirits, and humans are willing to help's so bad!" Zhao Yuande said the matter again.

After everyone heard, they all looked very unsightly.

They are fighting in blood, but some people have already turned to foreigners, which makes them not angry.

At any time, such people are spurned.

"In fact, there are many such people. I helped them arrange formations among the aliens and found no fewer than hundreds of people!" Ye Chen, who was summoned by Zhao Yuande, couldn't help saying this time.

"What! Hundreds of people!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"They are really helpless!" Ye Chen shook his head, "These people are all fighting with aliens, their bodies are broken, and the spirits of the gods are captured by the powerful of the Demon Clan, and they are thrown into the sea of ​​knowledge of the Tiandao Clan that has not yet hatched. Let them rebirth by body."

"Although a large part of them can't accept this fact, they explode, but people have a desire to survive, and no one wants to die!" Ye Chen's face was helpless. "Some people can't see a little hope for the future, they can only have Slowly got used to his identity and became a member of an alien race."

"Heaven... Really **** it!" Fiery clenched his fists, his teeth gurgling.

Hearing Ye Chen's description, everyone's eyes showed anger.

At the same time they can feel the helplessness of these people, this choice is really difficult!

"Okay! You searched the rest of the battleship immediately and found that all the aliens had been wiped out." Zhao Yuande waved his hand, his face also showing a trace of tiredness.

The battle ended quickly, but everyone was not happy, and everyone rested a little quietly in the battleship.

"Everyone restores combat power as soon as possible, and I don't know what kind of battle is waiting for us." Zhao Yuande said lightly.

"From here, Ten Thousand Golden Stars will take about half a month, but you must be ready to fight at any time. The Demon Clan feels very sensitive. If they are caught by them, I am afraid that it will be a battle." Ye At this time in the morning, "Do not worry too much. I have already blessed this battleship with several layers of hidden atmosphere and disguised as a king ship. There should not be any big trouble."

After a day of rest, the battleship turned back and flew toward the depths of the starry sky.

Ye Chen really didn't lie. He flew all the way and encountered dozens of stars and hundreds of warships, but they were not found.

All warships will see that their warships will stop at a distance and wait for them to leave before reopening.

And the large arrays that released terrorist energy on the stars, after their warships approached, also slowly stopped the energy spurt.

"The one in front is the Golden Star!" Standing in the control room, Ye Chen pointed to a star on the light curtain in front of her that shone brightly with golden light and stood out among the stars.

"Golden Star is finally here!" At this time, everyone also woke up from their cultivation.

Zhao Yuande's breath at this time was also much stronger, and in this half month, he finally raised the power of the soul to the eighth small step!

At that time, the group of Soul Souls was only one-tenth of the size, and apparently it was no longer possible to help him advance to a new level.

"Everyone is in accordance with the original arrangement. We are still divided into four teams!" Zhao Yuande looked at the bright star and always had a very bad feeling in his heart.

It seems that the star is a hell, and as soon as it enters it, it will encounter an unimaginable great crisis.

"This time we are fighting against water, either alien destruction or death! So I hope everyone will go all out and don't have any chances." Zhao Yuande finished his eyes on Ye Chen, "You have come to Jinshen Xing, talk about the situation here!"

"Okay! I will talk about it." Ye Chen nodded. "There are countless aliens on Venus, especially there are more demon clan here. If you encounter a battle, you must speed up the battle, otherwise it will lead to endless. Enemies, don’t try to escape at all, because the more you escape, the more enemies you will find. If you really encounter a desperate situation, you have only one way to escape, which is to enter the underground and rush into the magma layer. Although the aliens are strong, they are afraid of flames! And you may Will meet humans..."

"What... meet humanity?"

"Yes! Encounter humans!" Ye Chen said strangely on his face. "There is also a dungeon here, and even the heavenly demons of those half walks can't find where the dungeon is. It is estimated that the dungeon is It should be in a hidden crack of time and space, the forerunner of the predecessor who made the road to heaven!"

"Oh!" Zhao Yuande's face showed a clear look.

"But don't you think that they can help you. Although these humans hate the alien race, they really don't have your guts, they can only nest in the underground city and struggle." Ye Chendao.

"Then do you know where the Tower of Trial of the Golden God Star Zone is?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"The Tower of Trial?" Ye Chen frowned. "Have I never seen anything like this?"

"It's a nine-story tower that can go in for trials. The Golden Heaven Path is much richer than the outer realm, and it is easier for people to break through the realm!" Zhao Yuande said.

"This... I haven't seen it." Ye Chen shook his head.

"Okay! Let's prepare!" Zhao Yuande waved helplessly.

Everyone nodded and left.

At this time, Zhao Yuande looked sad and looked at the huge stars that were getting closer and closer, and his brows were all screwed together.

Listening to Ye Chen said, the Tower of Trial is probably in the underground city.

If this is the case, there are advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that as long as you can enter the underground city, you can safely inspire the Tower of Trial. The disadvantage is that you need to find the entrance to the underground world. If the people in the underground world have been unable to shrink, they simply cannot find it.

If they shrink to the day that the demon became Dao Zun, then they are finished.

"If you want to find the underground city, I have a way." Just when Zhao Yuande was in a state of confusion, Ye Chen spoke again.

"Oh! What way?" Zhao Yuande's eyes lit up.

"Don't you hope too much, these people are all cowards, and they can't fight against the aliens with you!" Ye Chen struck him, "And your words to me, I am afraid they will not believe, they also Don't believe anyone."

"Why don't you believe it?" Zhao Yuande puzzled.

"Because they were deceived before, they were almost successfully invaded by aliens in the dungeon!" Ye Chendao said.

"Someone was taken away by the devil?" Zhao Yuande knew.

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