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Zhao Yuande's hand was caught on the reincarnation bead, and a strong reincarnation force came out from the reincarnation bead, which actually attracted each other with some kind of power in his body, and then suddenly rushed into his body and into his body. The power of it is not at all repulsive, as soon as the two are combined, there is a feeling of water and milk.

At this moment, Zhao Yuande felt as if he suddenly realized a mysterious and powerful heavenly way. This kind of heaven way is reincarnation!

This is a very strange feeling, as if I suddenly became a bystander, watching the moments of vicissitudes, the earth ups and downs, the starry sky changing, chaotic development...

"No! I don't seem to have heard of such a heavenly way of reincarnation!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but feel a doubt.

There are three types of Heavenly Paths that he understands. One is called the Supreme Heavenly Path, which includes void, yin and yang, life, creation, chaos, and destiny.

The second is called the Supreme Heavenly Path, which includes gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, and clouds. "

The third kind is called ordinary heaven, like the destruction of differentiation in the heaven of fire, the way of soft water in the heaven of water...

"Samsara Heavenly Path... at least it is also a supreme Heavenly Path, but I think it should be the Supreme Heavenly Path!"

Zhao Yuande felt the power of reincarnation continually gather in his body, allowing his realm of reincarnation heaven to rise continuously, one time smelting, two times smelting...

In the end, he completed six times of smelting, making him reincarnate to the height of the seventh small step directly!

At the same time his realm also soared to the top of the seventh small step.

At this time, he felt that, with the force of reincarnation sent into his body, there are also a variety of magical techniques that use the power of reincarnation, and even a reincarnation change trick that changes through the power of reincarnation!

This reincarnation change trick turned out to use the power of reincarnation to change your own breath, making you seem to be truly reincarnated and become the person you want to change!

Even the half-walking Zun can't see through this change, unless it is the real Dao Zun, who can see through the reincarnation and breaks through the creation, can only see through.

After getting this method, Zhao Yuande was very surprised, so that he no longer has to worry about Feng Yuntian Zun seeing his true body.

This secret method is very simple, just in a short moment he has realized Huitong, the power of the reincarnation in the body turns randomly, he will really become the appearance of Jin Wuxue to put this clone away, at this time he is even more real Jin Wuxue is true!

In addition to these magical powers, he also got a lot of information, a lot of information about this tower of trials!

In these messages he saw many secrets of the Tower of Trials.

This tower is actually a replica of the Emperor Zeus Tower, but it is still a third-grade chemical treasure!

And really like what the sub-tower said, as long as you can enter the ninth floor, you can activate the true spirit, let the true spirit and the remaining 107 trial towers form a large extermination array, the entire gold All aliens in Starfield are killed.

However, after activation, all the towers of trial will be destroyed directly, and this emperor's tower will also lose ninety-nine percent of its strength, and become a one-product forged fairy treasure again.

At the same time, in the outside world, the sea dragon swallowed Zhao Yuande directly. The horrible swallowing force made Zhao Yuande's flesh enter Hailong's body at once.

"What! Not good! You must not let this kid have an accident!" Seeing all of Fengyun Tianzun's color change from the light curtain, his figure disappeared into place all of a sudden, and he actually came to the sixth floor!

Zhao Yuande is his hope. He has no time to cultivate genius and wait for many years.

So he directly descended on the vast ocean and came to the dragon palace in a flash.

"Damn humans, you dare to come here!" The sea dragon who swallowed Zhao Yuande was still a little confused, but the Fengyun Tianzun appeared in front of him suddenly made him angry.


The power on Hailong seemed to spew out at once, as if a certain seal had been lifted at once, and the power exuded from him was no weaker than Fengyuntian in front of him.

"Release the young man, otherwise I will kill you today!" Fengyun Tianzun had a very dark breath at this time, and a huge dark demon slowly flew above his head.

A series of horrifying screams were passed from the dark shadows, as if the souls of thousands of souls were imprisoned in them. An inexplicable irritability.

"Roar! Damn humans, I don't pay anymore!" Hailong roared, his eyes flashed with madness, and roared again and again, "You seek the Tower of Trial, robbed my parents and imprisoned, and now dare to appear in me In front of me, I will let you die here today!"

"Hand over the young man, I promise to let your child go!" Feng Yun Tianzun's face showed a faint smile.

"What!" Hailong seemed to hear it wrong.

It can't imagine why the other party talks so well.

If the opponent loses his child, he loses the conditions to threaten himself, and the opponent on the sixth floor will not be in control.

And at this time, Hailong suddenly felt something strange in his belly.

An idea seemed to pass from deep to the sea of ​​knowledge. The idea was so familiar that it almost shivered.

"Promise him, let go of the young man! He is my heir!" The voice was far and near, and she could not trace it, as if it did not exist at all, as if she had fallen into an illusion.

"Lord... Master..." But Hailong was deeply impressed by the sound and image because it was the voice of its owner.

The young man turned out to be the master's heir. The master still didn't forget here, and finally sent the heir to accept it!

"Okay! I promise you, hand over my child!" Hai Longqiang resisted the excitement in his heart and spit out Zhao Yuande with his mouth open. With a little effort, Zhao Yuande would be completely torn.

"I'm sorry young master, I have no choice!" Hailong a little apologetic passed the idea to Zhao Yuande's heart.

This method of transmission is not the transmission of spirits, but a more miraculous method of transmission.

"Anyway! This man is tricky, we have to guard!" Zhao Yuande was also in control of this method at this time.

Zhao Yuande already knew that this sea dragon was actually one of the true spirits of this tower of trial. He controlled the sixth floor, and the other party called himself young master.

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