Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2906: Pass the message

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"Young man, you are very arrogant!" The old man in black saw his words not only did not frighten the other party, but also attracted the other party's provocation, his face irritated.

"Forget it!" Just as the old man in black was about to explode, a gentle female voice came from the chariot, "This son is not intentional, so I will expose it at this time!"

"Yes! Miss!" Hearing this voice, the old man in black, who was about to explode, suddenly conquered his anger, but only took a deep look at Zhao Yuande,

Hearing this Miss Huo's words, Zhao Yuande couldn't help but nodded slightly, and the woman could not be regarded as petty.

"If you make trouble again, I will send you back to the inner world!" Zhao Yuande symbolically warned Mo Qilin.

"Yes master! I'm wrong, I won't dare again." Mo Qilin lowered his brain, but there was not much regret in a pair of big eyes.

"Let's go in too!" Zhao Yuande and they walked towards the Tianshen Tower, and everyone around them gave way to them, and they were afraid that Mo Qilin, the guy, would go crazy and knock them off.

After entering the Tianshen Tower, Zhao Yuande discovered that it was not an imaginary scene in the building, but a vast world.

In this big world, there are huge cities, and each city is a huge trading city.

Among these trading cities, some specialize in selling immortal treasures, some specialize in selling immortals, and others specialize in selling magical powers... A dozen huge trading cities represent more than a dozen different businesses.

"Let's go to the city of intelligence first!" Hai Qianrou looked at Zhao Yuande.

"Okay! Let's go!" Zhao Yuande turned Mo Qilin over and asked the two to ride up together.

"No! I don't agree to let other people sit on me. I'm a noble Kirin!" Mo Qilin didn't cooperate at all. He twitched his tail and didn't let the two get close.

"Let's take this treasure ship!" Seeing this, Hai Qianrou knew that he couldn't force it and hurriedly took out a treasure ship.

"Alright!" Zhao Yuande nodded. He knew that he couldn't force Mo Qilin too much. Their family is really very proud.

Mo Qilin saw this scene and immediately flew towards a huge city ahead.

Just disappeared in a blink of an eye, so fast that Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be shocked.

This speed is probably no less than that of his own teleportation, no wonder it is called one of the top ten mounts in the chemical world!

However, his divine teleportation is also due to the limitation of the power of the god's soul. If Zhao Yuande's current soul is upgraded by another level to reach the ninth small step, I'm afraid the speed will increase several times!

However, teleport is not suitable for a long time, and the consumption of the power of the soul is also very large.

Now there is Mo Qilin instead, and even then it is much more convenient to escape.

They waited for a dozen breaths at the gate of this city called the city of intelligence before the treasure ship arrived.

Hai Qianrou and Zhuo Lan looked at Mo Qilin inconceivably, thinking it was an omnivorous food too fast, not like an ordinary unicorn beast.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Mo Qilin could not be proud, his head was higher, and a pair of curved corners almost touched his back!

"Okay, let's go in and see!" Zhao Yuande slapped Mo Qilin's head, and then jumped from it, now walking towards the city.

There are not many people in the city of intelligence, and basically all the people who come and go are wearing masks and walking hurriedly, and they don't seem to be like good people.

"These people are all intelligence-gathering people. They are generally disciples among the various powerful forces, or spies lurking among the various powerful forces. They all have special walking paths, and they will never go from the Tenjin Tower in the provincial capital. The door went out." Seeing Zhao Yuande's puzzled eyes, Hai Qianrou explained to him.

"Oh! That's what it is." Zhao Yuande nodded. "Don't a big sect door know that there are such people among their disciples? Won't they clean up?"

"The hundreds of millions of disciples in the major forces can't be investigated at all, and even if they are checked, it's useless. Many ordinary disciples are willing to cooperate with Tianshenlou without obtaining cultivation resources. As long as they provide information, they will get a lot of remuneration. Checking three or five, is it possible to drive away all ordinary disciples, which is obviously unrealistic."

"Yes! Such people are in that great power!" Zhuo Lan on the side nodded. "I even heard that there will be Tianmo in the Temple of Demon who will come to sell intelligence."

"Heaven Demon!" Zhao Yuande could not help but frown as he heard the word. Doesn't that mean that Demon can also buy all kinds of intelligence of human powers!

They soon came to a tall building in the middle of the city.

After entering the tall building, Zhao Yuande found that there was no one there quietly, but there was a passage opening in front of them, revealing the quiet room inside.

"Go in!" Hai Qianrou nodded at Zhao Yuande, then walked in first.

Zhao Yuande waved Mo Qilin into the in-vivo world. The space here was too small, and his physique like Mo Qilin could not move at all.

It seems that there are layers of formation in the room, and a masked person sits in it. The breath of this person is erratic, as if not in this space.

"What information do the three need to buy, or what do we need to do?" The masked man's voice was also far and near, sounding a little hazy.

"We want to deliver a message to the Water God Palace." Hai Qianrou was obviously nervous at this time, worried that the information could not be transmitted.

"Oh! To whom?" the masked man asked openly.

"Give a prisoner for the Water God Palace! Heminglan!" Hai Qianrou trembles when he said the three words of Heminglan.

"Oh! Delivering the message to Heminglan... It takes three billion immortals!" The masked man said a price, which surprised everyone.

They could imagine how difficult it would be to deliver the news, but they did not expect the other party to say such outrageous prices.

"This is too expensive!" Hai Qianrou exclaimed.

"It's not expensive!" The masked man shook his head. "That Heminglan was imprisoned in the depths of the Water God Palace, with a few elder guards, and a powerful moment of half-walk respect. It will project the soul of the gods. We want to successfully pass this news out. It is basically impossible. Someone has to sacrifice! And at least it will be a Venerable, a Venerable hidden in the Water God Palace. One billion is not much!"

"But..." Hai Qianrou wanted to say something, but was coldly interrupted by the other party.

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