Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3023: Little witch

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If it weren't for her indifference, it would definitely give a better impression.

"Oh! I'm just here, why make the atmosphere so rigid, there will be opportunities in the future." Zhao Yuande did not agree, and of course did not refuse.

He felt the power of the woman, but it was not as good as the previous demon.

The goal he now needs to fight is the half-walker powerhouse. Only a battle with this powerhouse will help his cultivation.

"Good! I'm waiting for you." The woman said.

"Okay! Zhuge Hui, this is not the place to fight." The sage waved his hand.

"It's a wise man." The woman nodded.

I met all the strongmen of the Void City here, and Zhao Yuande didn't stay much, and soon left this dead place.

The next moment, he entered the real **** of the sky.

He appeared in his cave mansion as soon as he came to Daokong God Realm.

Walking out of the Dongfu district, at first glance he saw the girl whom Ram Yu called a witch.

At this moment, the girl was standing in a daze outside the hut, as if she had received some kind of blow.

"Cough!" Zhao Yuande walked in front of her, coughing deliberately.

"It's you... Brother Zhao Yuande Zhao!" When the girl saw Zhao Yuande's eyes lit up, he quickly grabbed his arm. "You just come, how about doing me a favor?"

"What... do you a favor? We are unfamiliar!" Zhao Yuande suddenly felt a terrible headache. Now he hated himself a little bit.

He didn't want to provoke the little witch!

He still remembers the fact that both Ram Yu and Bi Youshen shook when they saw the little witch. It is said that the master behind him was an extremely short-sighted person.

If you don't move, you will cross down and beat people. If you are not good enough to anger the other party, will her master appear in the void world and beat yourself fiercely.

Don’t say that the Void City cannot be found in the slowly vanishing star field. The power of Dao Zun is not imaginable by ordinary people. No matter where you hide, you can’t escape Dao Zun’s dharma eyes, but also Dao Zun Tracking.

The Void Star Zone is terrible, but in Dao Zun's eyes it is just a small puddle, even the ankle.

It was difficult for him to imagine his bruised nose and swollen face, so he felt that he must stay away from the little witch.

"Why are we unfamiliar! Will I call you brother if you are not familiar?" The little witch looked at Zhao Yuande's expression, and suddenly a sly light appeared in the corner of her eyes. "If you dare not help me, I will tell grandpa, tell grandpa that you are bullying me!"

"This..." Zhao Yuande only felt the scalp tingle.

The two girls I met today, a young and lovely, make people feel happy.

And this is worthy of the name of the little witch, which makes Zhao Yuande feel extremely headache.

"You promise me! As long as you promise me, I will not tell grandpa." The little witch grinned, revealing two little tiger teeth.

"Okay!" What Zhao Yuande can say, this kind of red fruit Guo's threat, he should not be subject to it!

"Yeah!" said the little witch with ecstasy on her face. "Come on, come with me. I want to see if this guy dares to run wild in front of me. I want him to kneel down and lick my toes!"

The little witch's voice was full of domineering, but what he said was to make Zhao Yuande almost turn around and leave.

Those who can let the little witch eat the deflated, the power behind it must also be extremely powerful, at least it is also a respectable person sitting in the town, this time he will not fall into the fire pit!

"Let's go! Let's try the tower. I want him to regret and provoke the girl!" The little witch pulled Zhao Yuande and walked towards the tower area without any explanation.

"I said, little witch, what the **** do you want me to do?" Zhao Yuande felt that he was being dragged away, and he didn't want to go to the trial tower area at all.

"My grandfather said that your strength is strong, since the body is so strong, that power is bound to be extraordinary, you go to the strength test tower for me and defeat the nasty ghost." The little witch said with domineering power, "As long as you Defeat that nasty ghost, I will cover you, and no one will dare to bully you in this empty **** realm!"

"You are bullied yourself, okay!" Zhao Yuande retorted.

"If you say it again, I will tell my grandpa that you are bullying me!" the witch threatened fiercely.

"I was wrong!" Facing this threat, Zhao Yuande could only bow his head.

"That's right!" the little witch proudly said, "I'll say you are my brother, dear brother in a while! Otherwise, the annoying ghost will have to talk about things, Rory is a lot of words, and bother him. Now!"

"All right!" Zhao Yuande dare not agree?

There is a Dao Zun's grandfather who is so bullish, Zhao Yuande can only complain silently.

Soon, Zhao Yuande was dragged into the tower area, this time in front of the strength tower.

There are not many people here, probably because power is not necessary for a half-walker to respect the powerful state, so many people have given up their physical strength, but spent a lot of time to temper the physical body and cultivate magical powers.

"Huh! Xiao Mo, you are here! I am here." At this time a voice came into their ears.

Zhao Yuande looked up and suddenly found a young man waving at the witch.

But when the young man saw the little witch pulling Zhao Yuande's arm, his face suddenly became unsightly.

"Brother, this guy, he bullied me, you beat him, beat him fiercely!" The little witch took Zhao Yuande and came to the young man, pointing at the young man fiercely, "Don't think you are invincible, In front of my elder brother, you are nothing at all! Now kneel down and kowtow to this girl, this girl does not embarrass you!"

"This... this Xiongtai, I don't know him at all..." Zhao Yuande couldn't help laughing when he saw the twisted expression on his face.

"My grandpa..." The witch whispered these three words in his ear.

"Yes! I'm the little witch's brother, you dare to bully my sister, I don't know how many heads you have!" Zhao Yuande hurriedly changed his words and hurriedly heard these three words.

The young man was already in a rage. When he heard Zhao Yuande's mad words, he almost ran away.

"You are looking for death..." The young man wanted to rush up and fight Zhao Yuande.

"Brother Luo, don't be impulsive. This is the Sky God Realm. If you shoot, you will be expelled and even lose the qualification to enter!" There were several people beside the young man who hurriedly pulled him.

"Yes! Brother Luo, don't be impulsive. I think this person is just the little sister Mo who pulled you up, don't care about him." Another whispered.

"Sister Mo Xiao is Brother Luo's fiancee. This was decided by the two families. She can't escape even if she wants to."


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