Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3025: Holy Blood

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Everyone's eyes suddenly fell on the little witch.


The little witch laughed proudly, smiling forward and backward!

"Little Mo sister! You are Brother Kengluo!" A man couldn't help laughing.

"It's really a big pit! Xiao Mo sister you have a premeditated plan!" The woman couldn't help covering her mouth.

"Who told him not to have long eyes, even my brother doesn't know!" The little witch raised her head with a look of pride, "Luo Jin this guy has no brain, so I don't like it, sister I will give him to you Well, you should cherish it!"

"Sister Xiaomo, you can rest assured that as long as you are not there, everything is under the control of my sister." The woman was very proud and proud.

"Don't be too optimistic. Brother Luo Jin was ranked 15th last time, but that was also a year ago. I didn't believe that he didn't make progress this year!"

"Yes! Brother Luo said before, this time to rush into the top ten! The two sisters were too happy."

"Huh! You don't know my brother's power, you will be dumbfounded in a while!" Little Witch heard that Zhao Yuande was in the flesh test tower's divine power.

His grandfather said long ago that the other party is not only physically strong, but the power contained in the body is also terrifying.

Why she has been standing outside the Dongfu District and waiting is to catch Zhao Yuande, a free shield.

"Go ahead and pass on this news, and there will be more excitement to watch!" Many people couldn't help but start sending out messages at this time.

Make trouble! The bigger the trouble, the better, and the more people are watching, the less fearful Luo Jin’s annoying ghost is!

The little witch couldn't help but showed a smug smile again.

But after more than a dozen breaths, the strength test tower was already crowded.

"I heard that Xinghe came to try the power to try the tower, and he bet on people again?"

"I heard that it was the talented Luo Jin who had ranked 15th with Xinghe?"

"It is said that……"


Countless people put their curious eyes on the stele and began to search for the name Xinghe.

"Look at it... Xinghe's name has entered 488th place! This is the seventh floor... how long is it!"

"how long it has been?"

"It's less than Yixiang's time, this speed is too abnormal!"

"You can watch it again!"


"Hey!" The little witch looked at the crazy looks of these people and couldn't help but smile.

At this time, Zhao Yuande didn't know what was going on outside. Even if he knew it, there was no way to do it.

The seventh layer is no longer a simple bombardment of something, some kind of monster, but to compete with the strongman who passed the seventh layer before.

"A total of ten of the seventh floor are reserved. You can pass as long as you can defeat one." Sky God reminded Zhao Yuande, "The ten in front of you are from left to right, that is, from weak to strong. You choose!"

Zhao Yuande glanced at these ten people and suddenly found a familiar figure, it was the young man named Luo Jin.

At this time Luo Jin took the third place from the bottom.

"Isn't this Luo Jin ranked 15th? How can it appear here now?" Zhao Yuande somewhat puzzled.

"The order of these people is based on the power they exert on this layer, and many of them do not do their best, so... do you understand?" Kong Shen explained.

"It turns out that it would be good to say that I chose him directly!" Zhao Yuande pointed to Luo Jindao.

"Roar! It is a mistake for you to choose me. I will let you know what is the blood of the Lord and what is despair!" Luo Jin walked out and looked at Zhao Yuande with a roar that sounded like a beast.

"This so-called bloodline of the holy deity is actually a holy beast on his ancestors, and his strength cannot be underestimated." Kong Shen warned.

"Without urging the war fairy tactics, only nine suns are needed to open, and he will lose!" Zhao Yuande has absolute confidence in his own strength.


Luo Jin roared, his body swelled into a giant turtle-shaped holy beast, and the huge body was suppressed directly towards Zhao Yuande.

"Defeat me."

Zhao Yuande was not slow, the nine suns in the body exploded in an instant, and endless power was blessed on his flesh all at once.

He threw a punch at the cracked turtle-shaped holy beast.


All the seat strength test towers vibrated at this moment.

The huge turtle-shaped holy beast was suddenly punched out by Zhao Yuande, and hit the seventh-level dome heavily.


The body of the turtle-shaped holy beast cracked, and the huge tortoiseshell disintegrated in the air, turning into countless pieces.

"It's as simple as that." Zhao Yuande retracted his fist, showing a helpless smile on his face.

"It's very simple, I didn't expect it to be so simple!" The Sky God said helplessly, "This Luo Jin is not bad, but... really can't let you go all out!"

"I don't know if there is a stronger person or someone who can put pressure on me. I urgently need pressure to break through the current predicament." Zhao Yuande asked.

"Yes! But it's on the ninth floor. As long as I can walk to the ninth floor, I will tell you." Kong Shen answered affirmatively.

"I'm looking forward to it!" Zha Yuan's eyes widened.

"Look! Xinghe's ranking has started to soar again, and it has entered the top 100!" Some people saw Xinghe's ranking rise again and couldn't help shouting excitedly.

"Really! This guy is so against the sky, it seems that this time Luo Jin will follow Lin Xi's footsteps!"

"Hey! Where did this guy come from, why is it so bad?"

"I heard that the power behind him is very powerful, even if the shimmering light in the realm of God's Light is crushed by him!"

"Yes, I saw that at the time, Xiaoguang was so daring and daring!"


"Sister Xiaomo, where did your brother come from? Could you introduce me to know." The woman who had previously worshipped Luo Jin very much could not help but come together and whispered.

"Sister! Your spring heart is sprouting!" The little witch laughed, "You can rest assured about this matter! Sister everything to me!"

"Sister Xiaomo...I have to know, too. Such a genius knows one more, maybe it will come in handy later!"

"I also want……"

"You guys who are dissatisfied with yu!" The witch's lips were all handed over to me!

At this time, Luo Jin also just entered the seventh floor. When he wanted to choose his opponent, he found that his position even took the ninth place!

And now the eighth-ranked man has become that abominable guy!

"Damn! Damn! He could beat me at the beginning!" Luo Jin roared, his body could not help shaking for a while.

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