Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3029: Disengage

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

Soon Zhao Yuande's message was completely in front of Luo Jin.

"No one leads the way into the space **** realm, and meets the ram Mu and the ghost of the ghost. They are taken to the task of bringing new people! Through his dialogue with these two old guys, we can know that he should be I don’t know, maybe even accidentally entered the space **** realm!" Luo Jin looked at the information and could not help revealing a doubt on his face.

"He once had contact with Chunyang Wind in the Chungang Realm! Find this Chunyang Wind and ask him, no matter what method you use to find him!" Luo Jindao said.

"Young Master, Chunyang Wind in Chungang Realm is not an ordinary person. He is the son of Chungang Realm Master, a proud disciple of Dao Zunjingqiang! And not long ago, Chunyang Wind announced Retreat, has temporarily left the sky **** realm!" The old man in black replied.

"This Chunyang wind must know something!" Luo Jin gritted his teeth. "But Dao Zun's disciples are not able to move casually. You can find someone to secretly monitor him. If you have the opportunity, you will... Don't let that Dao Zun find my Luo family's head!"

"Yes! Young Master!" The old man in black nodded.

At this time, Zhao Yuande had rushed back all the way.

Behind the little witch chasing all the way, tired and sweating.

"Brother... what are you running! Am I going to eat you?" the witch shouted.

"We're not familiar, I'm not your brother! Go and punish others!" Zhao Yuande heard the other party's words, and he stepped up a bit.

"You ungrateful person, you said people were robbed from Luo Jin, and they were not responsible for them!" The little witch's voice was loud and shook Shino, I don't know how many people heard it.

"My mother!" Zhao Yuande felt that his scalp was blown. If this word was heard by her grandfather, it would be bad.

He ran his head and ran, never saying a word, but ran.

"Xinghe! You bad person, you are like are responsible for others!" The little witch corrupted Zhao Yuande's reputation without any discouragement.


After being crushed and defeated by others, and now being repulsed by others, Zhao Yuande felt that he was unfavorable for years.

He rushed into the Dongfu District, and across from him saw a cheerful old man, the grandfather of the little witch.

"What's the boy running, is there a monster behind you?" The old man apparently didn't know what was happening, he chuckled happily.

"Yes! It's more terrible than a monster!" Zhao Yuande rushed to his cave without stopping.

"What is more terrible than a monster?" The old man scratched his head.

" treat me like that, I'm not alive!" Just then the old man suddenly heard a familiar voice from a distance.

A little girl was sweating and running to herself.

"Grandpa! Stop the bearish man, stop him!" The little witch saw her grandfather, and suddenly shouted again.

"My God!" Zhao Yuande had already reached his cave house at this time, rushed in, and closed the gate of the cave house.

At this moment, he felt that he was about to be scared and collapsed, and he sat on the ground with his buttocks, and his heart jumped violently.

This can be more tiring than fighting a few strong men!

"What! Boy, you come out to me! What the **** did you do to my granddaughter!" The old man heard the granddaughter's words, suddenly furious, rushed to the door of Zhao Yuande's cave and knocked on the door again and again.

If it could not be destroyed in the space **** realm, the old man might have broken the door long ago.

"Senior Senior! Do you still not know what your granddaughter is? Please come and ask me after she asked her late, I am also a victim!" Zhao Yuande almost cried.

"Oh... is it?" The old man heard Zhao Yuande's words, and he couldn't help but twitched his lips, knowing that he was reckless!

"Brother... you come out! I promise not to let grandpa beat you!" At this time, the little witch rushed over, but the words made the old man cry and laugh.

"Child, what the **** happened, are you okay!" The old man grabbed his granddaughter and looked up and down.

"Grandpa! This is Sky God Realm, what will happen! I just wanted you to stop him." The little witch shook off Grandpa's hand.

"Hey! That's good, that's good!" The old man let out a breath.

"Please come back to your place to chat with me! I am timid, I can't bear to be scared!" Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly.

"Brother... you have taken me back from Luo Jin, shouldn't you be responsible?" said the little witch.

"It's you who threatened me!" Zhao Yuande said, "If you don't talk to your grandfather, would I do that? Now that you offend people, you still treat me... I'm dead!"

"Wait...what did you say, Luo Jin..." The old man interrupted the conversation between the two at this moment, his face dignified, "What did you do just now!"

"Grandpa...actually..." Seeing Grandpa's face dignified, the little witch didn't dare to continue nonsense, but said all things from beginning to end in one to five.

"Okay! Grandpa is really sorry for you. Grandpa Luo Jin is actually selfish, but since this happened, the marriage contract will be void! I will go to Luo's house to cancel the marriage contract." Old man After listening to the little witch, there was silence for a while.

"Long live grandpa!" The little witch fell directly into the old man's arms, his face showing excitement.

"But for the little friends of Xinghe, you should not be too presumptuous." The old man said, "If it weren't for him, your family would be settled!"

"Oh!" The little witch nodded.

"Thank you soon!" the old man whispered.

"Thank you brother! This time it's all wrong, so forgive others!" The little witch's voice was somewhat sincere.

"Okay! Forget it, you don't need to trouble me in the future! I'm going to practice now, please leave them first!" Zhao Yuande nodded hurriedly, but immediately rushed out.

"Leave!" The old man winked at his granddaughter.

Hearing two people leaving, Zhao Yuande let out a long breath.

If this guy is not in the space **** realm, I am afraid he will really start directly!

Even if you don't kill this little witch, you have to beat her to live alone!

This guy is too punished!

He finally recovered from the mentality about to explode.

"Let's practice! Cultivation can forget all your worries!" Zhao Yuande comforted himself.

He slowly sat cross-legged and began to practice.

He soon entered a state of cultivation, and began to replay the scene he just played against Shenwu.

The other party's momentum... He quickly went silent.

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