Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3031: Mo Yufeng

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"If I defeat Zhuge Hui, it won't cause public anger!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help whispering at this time.

"You can rest assured that if Zhuge Hui doesn't have this kind of mind and temperament, he won't be convinced by so many people." The voice of the sage rang in Zhao Yuande's ear.

"I hope so!" Zhao Yuande smiled.

The arena is very huge, and the battle marks are also mottled. It can be seen that there are usually fierce battles here and there.

Many old guys were all seated in the stands, and some of the strongest and most powerful men, such as the Sage and the City Lord, were brought to the podium.

"Since Xiaohui said, to be selected in this way, then my father also supports her!" City master Zhuge Tian said after asking the sage, "This time there are more than 3,000 people in total If you are fighting one by one, you don’t know how long it will take. Now that we have discussed it, we will use the elimination system."

"Master Lord, what is the elimination system?" Someone suddenly puzzled and asked.

"The so-called elimination system is that everyone is together, after one screening, and then three hundred people are selected! These three hundred people are the candidates for the captain and the leader." The lord answered.

"Then how do these three hundred people distinguish themselves?" someone asked again.

"We old guys will roughly classify three hundred people, and then fight each other, and then one hundred and fifty people will classify, and fight..." The sage said at this time.

"We listen to Master Sage!" Everyone was very satisfied with this method.

"Next we will start the portal to teleport you three thousand into the evil forest. We will monitor each of you here and record your battles. Then we will arrange the order according to the number of monsters killed. Three hundred people will be eligible for promotion." The sage stood up at this time and said to the old men behind him, "Several people joined hands with me to open the portal!"

"Everything is commanded by the new sage!" Several old men nodded and shot.

In the middle of the arena, a huge portal slowly appeared.

Inside the gate of the void is a dark forest, and a horrible roar of the beast roars out of it, then chills in the heart.

"You must pay attention that in the evil forest, there are many powerful monsters, the strongest of which has even reached the combat strength of the half-track statue. If you encounter it, don't force it, life is the most important!" Zhuge Tian This time he warned, "Moreover, many sinners have escaped from the void city, and they have all escaped into the evil forest. If you encounter them, be more careful, they are rebels, and they must be coveted by the resources of you. Don’t hesitate if you encounter, you must be able to start first, and if you lose, you must run away immediately!"

"Is there such a person?" Zhao Yuande could not help whispering.

"Brother, are you a newcomer?" Just as Zhao Yuande whispered, a young man in green armor looked at him with some curiosity.

"Yes, I didn't join the Void City anytime soon." Zhao Yuande nodded and showed some doubts. "Who are these sinners? Why did they run away?"

"These people are cowards, and they have no confidence in the battle one year later! So they want to escape from the void city and want to escape this disaster in the evil forest!" The youth in the green armor seemed very talkative , Very enthusiastic answer to Zhao Yuande's question.

"Don't they know they can't hide?" Zhao Yuande was a little puzzled.

"I know, but I am lucky!" Green Warframe Youth said, "A few thousand years ago, once the evil forest did not receive an attack from the Void Beast, they thought there was a secret in the depths of the evil forest, but they did not No secrets were discovered, but they were infested with a strange demon qi, and became bloodthirsty and brutal. From then on, they became enemies with the Void City, plundered our resources, and killed those who saw us!

"Oh! This is the case." Zhao Yuande nodded, but he always felt that there were many loopholes in the other party's words.

However, he is too lazy to think about it. He thinks that the other party may not have a good understanding of this matter, so there will be a loophole!

"By forget to introduce yourself!" The young green armor extended his hand to Zhao Yuande and smiled, "Mo Yufeng, the son of the Mo family, is now the ninth small step peak!"

"Zhao Yuande, repaired to the late stage of the ninth small step." Zhao Yuande felt a little good about this Mo Yufeng and reached out and shook hands with him.

"Brother Zhao, I look at you and follow me for a while, I promise to let you enter the top three hundred, at least you can become a captain!!" Mo Yufeng smiled confidently at Zhao Yuande.

"Oh! Then I would like to thank Brother Mo!" Zhao Yuande chuckled.

"Hey, but after a while you really have to be careful!" Mo Yufeng suddenly lowered his voice, "It is said that among the group of sinners, a few are very powerful, and the cultivation base has reached the half-track respect!"

"What! There are even half-walking sinners?" Zhao Yuande was slightly surprised.

"Yes, this is what my grandfather told me. But these sinners seem to be staying in the birthplace of the magic energy, and will not come out easily." Mo Yufeng said.

"Is that so?" Zhao Yuande felt more puzzled and puzzled.

However, he did not open an inquiry, because he knew that Mo Yufeng must also have no knowledge.

More than three thousand people gradually entered the portal.

Three thousand people seem to be many, but the evil forest is boundless, and the three thousand people enter like a small wave in the sea.

Zhao Yuande and Mo Yufeng appeared in the evil forest, but did not expect that there were two more beside Mo Yufeng.

"Brother Zhao, this is my sister Mo Yuyu, this is my sister's friend Jiang Shaochong, you are talking more." Mo Yufeng introduced the two people around him to Zhao Yuande, "This is Brother Zhao, the person is very good. "

"Oh!" Mo Yuyu agreed, seeming absent-minded.

But Jiang Shaochong looked at Zhao Yuande, and he seemed not interested in him.

The cultivation of these two people is in the late stage of the ninth small step, and it seems that they are both great geniuses depending on their age.

Probably because of arrogance, they did not take Zhao Yuandefang in their hearts.

The two came together and began to talk and laugh.

"Hehe! Brother Zhao don't care." Mo Yufeng on the side was a little embarrassed. "Let's go! There are countless monsters in this evil forest. As long as our luck is not too bad, we won't encounter the half-track respectable combat power. Beast. But if you encounter it, don’t panic. Leave it to me to block it. You take the opportunity to escape and then we contact through the jade letter."

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