Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

"Huh! It's so tiring!" Mo Yuyu was exhausted, sitting directly on the back of a dragon and turtle beast.

"This group of dragon turtles and beasts will definitely give us a lot of points. This time our captain should be able to sit firmly!" Jiang Shaochong's face showed a beam of joy, and he looked at Mo Yufeng a little bit pleased, " Moreover, Brother Mo this time beheaded a dragon turtle beast of the ninth order peak, it may also become one of the leaders."

"Oh!" Mo Yufeng did not have humility, and smiled, "If things go back to the city now, our achievements are indeed OK!"

"Hey! Did you guys think too much?" At this moment, a dark voice rang in everyone's ears, and a group of black robes walked out of the woods slowly.

He was the first black-robed man with an eagle-like eye, and his body had a strong breath, and his body exuded a strong magical energy, which made people feel a burst of scalp numbness.

The rest of the black robe are not weak, at least they are also strong in the late ninth stage.

"You...sinners!" Mo Yufeng saw the group of black robes change their faces, "Be careful, these people are very weird, don't get into the sea of ​​knowledge by their magic, otherwise it will become and They are the same!"

"Hey! Give me, plunder the resources on them!" said the cold robe headed by the black robe, "It would be better if it could be captured."


Several black robe people yelled and rushed towards Zhao Yuande.

"The leader gave it to me. If I found that I lost my enemy, I would retreat immediately. I have a way to get out!" Mo Yufeng gritted his teeth and rushed directly to the black robe.

After half an hour of high-intensity fighting, Mo Yufeng was very expensive, and his current strength is only 60-70% of his usual strength. Although he still has no cards, it is indeed a life-saving, and it is impossible to take it until the last minute. from.

"Come out!" The crowd rushed out one after another.

In addition to being the first black robe, there are six black robe people under him.

Jiang Shaochong and Mo Yuyu each matched one, and Zhao Yuande also matched one, but Xiaoqing and Mo Qilin jointly matched three.

The other party is just a ninth small step late strongman, and he has the same cultivation practice. Zhao Yuande does not show his true strength, he is just observing what happened to these people.

Mo Qilin and Xiao Qing retained most of their strength, and they only followed Zhao Yuande's order to hold down these three opponents.

Jiang Shaochong and Mo Yuyu are also good at fighting, and the other is not weak, so everyone is now deadlocked.

At this time, Mo Yufeng battled with the leader, which became the key in the field.

And Zhao Yuande has a good image of Mo Yufeng, so naturally he will not be seen to have an accident. He has been paying attention to the battle between the two, and he can only rescue him in secret when he is in danger.

The black-robed man headed by it didn't even think that the battle would be stalemate. He miscalculated the fighting power of Mo Qilin and Xiao Qing.


Suddenly there was a strange roar of roar in the mouth of the first black robe.

"Not good! He is calling a monster! These people can control some monsters!" Mo Yufeng couldn't stop it, and immediately shouted anxiously, "You retreat quickly, I'll hold them!"

But just after his words fell, there was a sudden quack in the sky, and a group of dark shadows swooped down towards them.


These shadows hadn't washed down yet, and they spouted a terrible black ball of light in their mouths, and they were directly shrouded towards Zhao Yuande.

"Broken!" Mo Yufeng saw the scene change greatly, "Void Crow! Quickly hide, this Void Thunderball can't be hard to resist!"


At this time, even Mo Qilin felt a crisis, and there was a little fear in his voice.

"Jade runs quickly!" Jiang Shaochong had already been chased away at this time.

"The Void Reverses!" It was at this whisper that Zhao Yuande's voice came.

Those shocked Void Thunderballs turned around and flew towards the Void Crows when they rushed to the top of the crowd less than three feet away.


Void Crow's dive speed is too fast, he didn't dodge these Void Thunderballs, and suddenly thunder rolled in the Void.

Countless void crow's bodies were crushed into powder, and the ink-like blood rain fell down.

"What..." Everyone turned their gaze to Zhao Yuande. Whether they were Mo Yufeng or the black robe, their faces were full of shock.

"He actually cultivated the way of the void!" The black robe leader's face changed again and again, with an unbelievable look on his face, "Capture this man with all his strength! At all costs, capture this man!"

It was also at this time that on the podium of the arena, the eyes of the sages and other powerful people were also surprised.

"He practiced the way of the void! Don't let him participate in the screening as long as you know it!" The sage looked a bit more complicated in Zhao Yuande's eyes, "The sinners must have got the news at this time, maybe Will make a big move!"

"Do you want to recall them?" the city master asked solemnly.

"No! You guys are going to stop those half-walker sinners. As for the other sinners who practice, let them be dispatched! This is also a trial of life and death!" Sage said.

"Life and death trial... Isn't their safety..." Many people heard the word life and death trial, and face to face changes again and again. ,

"If you can save, you can't save it!" the sage said. "It is the real elite who survive the life and death trial!"

"But..." Someone's face was embarrassed.

"That's it!" the sage said without question.


"You run away! The monster is summoned, and I don't know how many will appear." Mo Yufeng sent a voice to Zhao Yuande.


It was at this time that the rumbling noise was heard again in the deep forest.

At the same time, the earth is trembling, as if there are thousands of troops on the battlefield!

The forest in front suddenly exploded, and a large group of black demon cows rushed out of the forest, and the entire forest was crushed by them to the ground.

"Grandchildren!" The Qilin Beast roared with a mysterious power of six-character mantra.

In this roar, the group of black demon cows shivered, and several of them even rolled directly on the ground, and they were directly trampled into meat by the group of cattle behind!


Although the power of this roar is powerful, the black devil has a thousand heads. Although they are afraid, you can't stop the car for a while.

Suddenly, thousands of black magic cows rolled to the ground. Instead of posing any threat to Zhao Yuande, they made a black robe strong look.

Because they also felt a terrible power pressure from this roar.

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