Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3038: Compliment

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At this time, many young people have also flew back to the Void City, some of them have scars on their bodies, some are full of joy, and some have sadness on their faces.

Obviously, this battle became dangerous because of the criminals’ big moves, but it also gave them exercise.

Standing in the center of the arena, there are not many downsizing of more than 3,000 people. They all looked forward to the sages sitting on the podium.

"Although there was a slight mistake this time, everyone's performance was obvious to everyone. Then let the city host announce the quota of three hundred people." The sage nodded to the crowd, his face showing satisfaction.

The city master read out the names of the three hundred people one by one, all the people who read the name showed joy on their faces, and the people who didn't read the name were somewhat disappointed.

However, many of them have long speculated about their strength, but they were not disappointed.

"You will get a day's rest, and you will be back here the next day. A real qualifying match will be held to determine the final leader and the strongest." The lord announced a little hasty, with a lot of encouragement and praise, Let everyone not help but feel a little lost.

"It's a good day to rest!" Mo Yufeng looked at Zhao Yuande. "Brother Zhao, why don't I invite you for a drink?"

"I'm going too, I'm going too!" Mo Yuyu hurriedly said.

"Yes! Brother Zhao saved our lives, we also have to thank them well." Jiang Shaochong also hurriedly said at this time.

"This is no problem." Zhao Yuande nodded.

The four were about to leave, and a figure appeared in front of them, it was Zhuge Yu.

"Zhao Yuande, Master Sage has something to find you, come with me!" Zhu Geyu's voice was somewhat weird.

She was a little strange, what Master Sage looked for this person.

And it seems that both the father and the mother-in-law are very anxious.

"Sage Master has something to find me?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help frowning. He had a bad hunch.

"Let's go!" Zhuge Yu turned around and left without even paying attention to Mo Yufeng's burning eyes.

Zhao Yuande knew that it was a blessing or a curse, and it was a truth that the curse could not escape, so he did not hesitate to follow Zhuge Yu to the sage tower.

This time it was not on the first floor of the Sage Tower, but on the second floor.

Chaos lingers in the second floor, giving a mysterious feeling.

Zhuge Yu brought Zhao Yuande to a hall.

"You should pay attention when you go in. This is the place where the high-level officials of the Void City discuss major events. Don't be too casual!" Zhu Geyu suddenly stopped in front of the main hall and asked.

What Zhao Yuande said was all the new people she brought like a void city, and she also had a responsibility to remind him.

"I know!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

Zhuge Yu gave him a deep look, then turned and walked towards the hall.

The grand hall is not as magnificent as Zhao Yuande imagined, but there is a simple nature.

The first sage in the hall was sitting tall, and on the left and right sides were the mother-in-law of the frog and the lord of the city. Under the two stood Zhuge Hui, a red-haired young oriental soul, and a young man with some hangers.

Zhuge Yu entered the hall and walked straight to the side of the city master.

But Zhao Yuande was standing in front of everyone at this time.

Seeing this situation, he just smiled and looked at the sage.

"Zhao Yuande, you are here!" There was a kind smile on the sage's face.

"I have seen the wise man, two seniors." Zhao Yuande was neither humble nor humble, and nodded slightly to the three.

"Zhao Yuande, what kind of attitude are you, and you are so careless when you see the sage." The red-haired young man named Dongfang Soul is obviously very dissatisfied with Zhao Yuande's performance, with a slight chill in his voice.

"Well, this is a trivial matter, don't be too harsh!" Master Sage waved his hand.

"But..." What the Oriental Soul wants to say.

"Shut up, no rules, there is a place for you to talk here, shut up for me!" The lord said coldly at this time.

"Yes!" Oriental Soul hurriedly bowed his head.

"Master Sage, this kid is stubborn, and also ask Master Sage not to blame." The lord looked at Master Sage.

"It's okay, this is what young people should look like." The sage shook his head. "This time we still have important things. Don't waste time on this kind of rudeness!"

"Yes!" The city master nodded, looking forward to Zhao Yuande's eyes.

"Zhao Yuande, your performance, we can see clearly, yes, very good!" Master Sage looked at Zhao Yuande, his eyes were somewhat strange.

"Sage Master has talked about it, but only a few of my companions are very hard. I just did what I should do." Zhao Yuande said.

"Very good, your attitude is very good. If you are not arrogant or impatient, you will definitely achieve extremely high achievements."

"Master Sage, would you call me just to praise me!" Zhao Yuande smiled and looked at each other.

"Cough... there are really some things," Master Sage said a little embarrassedly. "In fact, this time we intend to give you a position as a leader directly, and give you unlimited resources to allow you to grow up quickly."

"Then thank you sage." Zhao Yuande couldn't help but sneer. Was the other party's fox tail coming out?

"Master Sage, I don't accept it! It's not fair!" At this time, a dissonant voice came over and turned out to be the young man named Oriental Soul.

"Shut up, if you talk nonsense again, I will rush you out!" The city master's eyes screamed and shouted at the Eastern Soul.

"Master Zun..." Dongfang Soul's face was not good-looking, and he shut up quickly, but a pair of eyes fell on Zhao Yuande's body.

Zhuge Hui, Zhuge Yu and Diao Erlang couldn't help but be puzzled when they were young people. What do sages do?

In their eyes, Master Sage is synonymous with fairness and justice. They are very fair and just in doing things and are broad-minded, otherwise how could the people of the Void City be so convinced him.

What the **** is going on today, why did such a thing happen?

However, they are all deep and restrained people. They did not speak like the Oriental soul, but wanted to see what the real purpose of the sage.

"Cough... I let you a few come, and I also want you to remember Zhao Yuande's contribution to our Void City. Don't talk too much." Master Sage's eyes fell on the faces of Oriental Soul and several others.

"Yes, Master Sage!" Although a few people didn't understand what Master Sage was talking about, they didn't say much.

Zhao Yuande looked at them quietly like this, and didn't say anything, but there was a little speculation in his mind.

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