Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

Only in endless battles can you quickly improve your strength.

And if you can be promoted to a half-track respect within a year, it would be even better!

With his strength, to reach the half-walk respectable realm, I am afraid that the half-walk respectable realm is really invincible, and even he has a feeling that if he can realize the true meaning of power, even in the half-walk respectable realm, he Able to contend with the real Dao Zun!

By that time, he could easily help the Void City survive the disaster.

"Okay! Since all three of you said this, then I would like to express my opinion." Zhao Yuande looked at everyone and said, "I don't like trouble, I don't want to give me any position, I only practice everything in the city. Don't look for me, when the Void Beast Tribulation comes, I will naturally contribute to the Void City."

"It's no problem at all!" The sage nodded. "Children can rest assured that no one will trouble you again."

"Also, you have to deal with the death of the Eastern Soul. If someone from his family comes to me for revenge, I will never be merciful." Zhao Yuande said.

"City Master, you are responsible for this matter!" The sage looked at Zhuge Tian with a trace of blame.

This matter of Oriental Soul is entirely the reason of Zhuge Tian. He wants Zhuge Tian to kill Zhao Yuande and get the treasure from the other party.

"Okay! Give it to me. I will tell the Oriental family that the Eastern Soul was assassinated by the sinner. This happened before, and there should be no problem." Zhu Getian smiled bitterly.

"I still don't want to reveal my strength and identity. I don't want others to know." Zhao Yuande said again.

"Okay! This is simple!" Zhuge Tian set his sights on Zhuge Hui and the three of them. "If the three of you dare to talk about today's things, you will get out of the Void City for myself! Even my daughter, I won't Palliative!"

"Yes!" The three nodded quickly.

At this time, the hearts of the three people were still unable to turn, and a young man became a high-level presence.

Zhu Gehui imagined that he had provoked the other party before. Zhu Geyu even said that the other party was too weak. The reality seemed to be slapping them, making their cheeks red.

"Since that is the case, I will say goodbye first." Zhao Yuande turned around and left, not much to stay.

Seeing Zhao Yuande's disappearing back, the six people looked at each other a little.

"Hey! You... almost destroyed the Void City! Greed... Greed!" Sage Master looked at the city owner and the mother-in-law of the frog and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Fortunately, this person is not a fierce generation, otherwise ...The consequences are unimaginable!"

"Master Sage, we don't know... A young man who has not yet reached the peak of the ninth small step, will be so powerful!" Zhuge Tian is also constantly scratching his hair.

"This man is definitely a quirky wizard, maybe he has achieve Dao Zun!" Mother-in-law Frog showed a fiery light at this time.

"This is possible! Absolutely this is possible!" Master Sage nodded again and again. "I haven't seen one of this kind of genius after ten thousand years of life. I think he has at least a 10% hope to be promoted to Taoist Realm! "

"Is there only 10%?" Zhu Gehui shocked, "But he hasn't reached the ninth small step peak, he can contend with his father. Is this genius only 10%?"

"Hey! Dao Zun Realm wants to break through the sky in our lower realm!" The sage nodded. "I had heard the legend of my billions of realms before when I was in the void. That is to say, there are hundreds of millions of realms that are the same as our realm of emptiness, and so many realms can only be achieved by three people in ten thousand years, soaring into the chemical world!"

"Hundreds of millions of domains! There are only three people in ten thousand years? This..." Not to mention Zhuge Hui, Zhuge Yu and their three juniors, even the mother-in-law of Frog and Zhuge Tian had heard this for the first time, and they couldn't help but stay all Living.

"Yes... that's it. Now that I've talked about it, I will tell you about the world of hundreds of millions of people!" Master Sage spoke slowly, telling everything she knew.

Several people couldn't help but sway their hearts and couldn't help themselves.

By this time, Zhao Yuande had stepped out of the tower of sage.

"Brother Zhao, here!" Walking out of the Sage Tower, Zhao Yuande saw that Brother Mo Yufeng and Jiang Shaochong were waving to themselves not far away!

"Oh!" Zhao Yuande strode forward and looked at the smiles on the faces of the three.

"How come nothing happened!" Mo Yufeng asked with concern. "I see Zhuge Yu's attitude towards you..."

"It's okay, Master Sage greeted me with warmth and care," Zhao Yuande smiled. "Don't say this, I'm still waiting for Brother Mo to ask me to drink!"

"Yes! Drink, drink!" Mo Yufeng nodded and smiled. "We're going to the most expensive restaurant in the city. I'll treat you! Get drunk!"

"Go!" Zhao Yuande smiled.

In the past, although his identity was exposed, but he also got a sense of freedom, and should be celebrating!

After an hour, the people left the restaurant. They did not use their powerful strength to dissolve the liquor. When they came out, they were slightly intoxicated.

"Goodbye three, if you have anything, you can go to my place to find me." Zhao Yuande and the three said goodbye.

After drinking this wine, Zhao Yuande also got a lot of important information about the Void City from the three people, and even got the Void Map around the Void City.

Zhao Yuande is now stagnation, completely because the power of the void is too weak. If he can find a place where the power of the void is stronger and stronger, he can try to break through the current state.

In the void map he got, he found three places where there might be a stronger and stronger force of the void.

These three places enter the exploration through the Void City Powerhouse, which are extremely dangerous terrible zones. In one of these places, there are still a few Void City Powerhouses at the top of the ninth small step.

And that place has been confirmed to be infested by Void Beasts, most likely the Void Beast's nest.

But there was a place where Zhao Yuande was a little surprised, even in the depths of the evil forest.

In the depths of the evil forest, there was a powerful void storm, but then the place was occupied by the group of sinners, and now if you want to go, it is even more dangerous.

Especially those sinners seemed to care very much about his practice of Void Heavenly Path. If he went away, he might have a 90% chance of being beaten.

It is said that there is a strong presence among sinners that is almost comparable to a sage, and that this person was a person in the Void City before. Later, the Void City betrayed for some reason and became the leader of the sinner.

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