Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3082: Hell 18th floor

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The next moment he was thrown out of the black hole by a powerful force.


His body fell to the ground fiercely.

"It hurts!" Zhao Yuande got up and rubbed his **** constantly, he just landed on the butt!

"No! Here... how could the ground be so hard?" Zhao Yuande woke up at the next moment.

With his own physical strength, how can it be hurt, the ground should be directly broken!

But now there is no crack in the ground!

But to his surprise, he now feels that a strong pressure has been passed down from the named void, he just didn't feel sitting on the ground, this body, I immediately felt it!

"I... I can't even fly!" Zhao Yuande exclaimed in the next moment.

This discovery made him feel very bad, very bad, as if his cultivation practice fell to the mortal realm again.

"No need to make any fuss, you haven't adapted to the environment here, and haven't merged with the heavenly path here, so the heavenly path here suppresses you. As long as you retreat and practice with it for a while, the situation will change." Leiyuan Road said.

"Is that so?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but feel it carefully. As Lei Yuan said, he seemed to be faintly rejected by the world. At this time, even the breath contained here could not be sensed.

"If I were you, I would retreat immediately, otherwise I would be able to eat you directly when encountering a **** monster!" Lei Yuan warned.

"Good!" Zhao Yuande didn't dare to delay, turned around and suddenly found a low hill.

"You have no opinion using you to dig a cave!" Zhao Yuande took out Lei Yuan.

"Some opinions!" Lei Yuan said uncomfortably.

"It's useless to have an opinion." Zhao Yuande was in a good mood at this moment. He escaped from death and went to the real hell. It is hoped that he will break through the Taoist realm.

Lei Yuan is just a treasure, and has not been suppressed. He quickly dug out a temporary cave house.

"Mo Wu Xiaoqing, come out to help me protect the cave house, I want to retreat!" Zhao Yuande summoned Mo Qilin and Xiao Qing.

"Wow! The familiar breath is here, I remember here!" Mo Qilin shouted excitedly as soon as he appeared.

"You... your strength has not been suppressed?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help looking at Mo Qilin, feeling its strength.

"No! My ancestors of the Mo Qilin family actually have half of the blood of the **** demon god, here I am like a fish!" Mo Qilin Sa Huan ran two laps in the cave, and his voice was all excited.

"Father, I haven't been suppressed." Xiao Qing also replied, "And I have a feeling that my strength will improve faster here!"

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "You help me protect first. After I communicate with Heavenly Dao here, we will go out together."

"Huh!" Xiao Qing and Mo Qilin both nodded excitedly.

The next step is the retreat time. After retiring here for half a month, Zhao Yuande was finally acknowledged by the heaven here.

But even admitted by Tiandao, Zhao Yuande still felt that he was being severely suppressed here.

"Don’t make a fuss, the suppression here is not heavy. If you arrive in the chemical industry, you will know what real suppression is!" Lei Yuan couldn’t help but see Zhao Yuande’s uncomfortable expression, “The pressure of void in the chemical industry is one hundred times that of here. , You can’t fly if your cultivation is true! Unless you can enter the Taoist Realm, you are qualified to fly! Not only is it flying, your speed, power and even mana spirits are suppressed by ninety-nine, and once you enter the fortune The cultivation of the world is to unlock your cultivation step by step. Until your cultivation reaches the Lord, you will be truly completely released! So in the chemical world, the Lord is a huge threshold! Ten thousand Dao Zun can not beat A saint!"

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande felt as if he had been hit.

"By the way, do you know if your Void Channel can still be used?" Lei Yuan asked.

Thinking of this problem, Zhao Yuande couldn't help but change his color slightly. If it can't be used, I am afraid that he will stay here for a long time.

When Zhao Yuande heard this, his face changed, and he kept praying.

But soon his face showed excitement.

"Haha! Void gourd is really amazing, Void channel can still be used!" Zhao Yuande said excitedly.

"Sure enough!" Lei Yuan said, "My guess is correct, this gourd is of extraordinary origin, absolutely extraordinary!"

"You know?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help asking.

"Just guess, not sure!" Lei Yuan said.

"Speak it out and listen." Zhao Yuande was curious.

"Forget it, wait until I'm sure!" Lei Yuan seems to be taboo about the origin of the Void Gourd.

"Okay! Then let's go!" Zhao Yuande wondered.

He desperately wanted to know what this unknown eighteen-level **** was like.


Mo Qilin made an excited howling in his mouth.

Xiao Qing sat quietly on Mo Qilin's head, and his face was full of curiosity.

When he left this temporary cave mansion, Zhao Yuande concealed it carefully, but here he was at the first stop of the eighteenth floor hell, and he also recorded the coordinates here.

But **** was not as beautiful as they thought.

Mo Qilin had just flown through the air for thousands of miles, so he should be surrounded by a group of large black birds covered with scales.

These big birds exuded a strong odor, and they continued to spit dark green liquid to attack them.

Zhao Yuande's strength has been suppressed for the most part, and here is another piece of demon god's void. Many of the heavenly and supernatural powers he had previously realized in the Tongtian God Market are completely useless!

Now he can use his own flesh and soul.

At this time, he couldn't even show his previous strength. He could only see Mo Qilin and Xiao Qing showing great power and solving this group of big birds.


At this time, Zhao Yuande had a different spirit, constantly communicating with the heaven and the Tao here, and trying to control them.

But things are so easy, this is an extremely long time!

Zhao Yuande keeps practicing hard, and Mo Qilin and Xiao Qing have been surrounded by various disgusting monsters and siege one after another!

These monsters seem to be endless, and they are not afraid of death at all, and they have no fear at all.

"What's that!" After traveling hundreds of thousands of miles, a dark giant mountain appeared in front of them.

Frightened above the giant mountain, it was covered with dark green vines, and there were huge red fruits on the vines.

A refreshing fragrance flicked over and drifted into their nostrils.

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