Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3089: The road to the chemical industry

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Morrow looked at the gloomy back and could not help but reveal a meaningful smile in the corner of his mouth.

"This Yinluo Demon's little cub is on a high branch. It seems to find him a good time to talk to him, maybe he is the key to my breakthrough." Moro's face showed thought.

Gu Aoyue's eyes deepened a little hope at this time, because she had a feeling that although the young master in the front of the Black Forest said it was cruel, but the other party was not as fierce as other demons when they looked at themselves. Cruel, she can't feel a slight repulsion on the other person's body, but just a moment ago she felt a pair of hot eyes falling on her body!

However, she did not dare to be sure about this, but she was sure that she had escaped a fire pit.

Of course, she had also heard of the legend of the Black Fire clan. She did not believe that this master of the Black Forest would really save herself.

Randomly turning around in this slave trading hall, Zhao Yuande discovered that at least tens of thousands of human slaves were being trafficked here, and that the repair of these human slaves was the weakest, and it was also a half walker, even a lot of people in Taoist respect.

He was unable to rescue these people, and he could only sigh helplessly in his heart.

Turning around and leaving the Slave Trading Hall, Zhao Yuande walked on this street, looking at the demon powerhouses coming and going.

Although he used the reputation of the Black Fire clan, he could not last long, and one day he would be seen through.

Now we still have to work hard to find a way to break through, and strive to be promoted to Dao Zun Realm as soon as possible, so that we can barely gain a foothold in this terrible place.

"Yin Zhuo." Zhao Yuande drank.

"What do you command, Young Master Heilin?" Yinzhuo fart came to Zhao Yuande in front of him, his face flattering.

"Take me to a quiet place, I will practice for a while!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Okay! I leave everything to me." Yin Zhuo nodded. "In our Yinfeng City, there are two of the best cultivation treasures. One is Yinfeng Mountain, and the other is Yanhaihuohai. I have acquaintances in both places. Black Master Lin Shao can practice at will, and there will be no problem for how long."

"The fire is burning!" Zhao Yuande said.

"Master Hei Lin comes with me!" Yin Zhuo nodded and hurriedly led the way ahead.

"Just enter my inner world!" Zhao Yuande grabbed Gu Aoyue's void and ingested her directly into her own inner world.

Gu Aoyue knew that there was no use in rebellion, so she could only let herself be captured by a force of vanity, and then she found herself in a world of bright spring.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Gu Aoyue couldn't help but stunned.

"This...this...should this be the inner world of a demon? How beautiful is it like heaven!" Gu Aoyue said incredulously.

"You... you are Sister Gu!" Just when she was stunned, a surprising voice came from not far away.

Gu Aoyue looked through the voice, and found a red-breasted teenager looking at himself in shock.

"Lin Qingyu! Why are you here?" Gu Aoyue also looked at the boy inconceivably.

"I... went out to practice with my friends, accidentally being attacked by the demon, and when I woke up, I found that he was in hell! Then I was sold as a slave to the restaurant, and was almost given alive by those demons. Eat! My friend..." The teenager said more and more aggrieved, even tears fell down.

"Okay! As a genius of the Lin family, one of the young master's candidates, why are you still crying?" Gu Aoyue showed a bit of helplessness in her eyes. Although she said that, she was not scared when she was just arrested. Howling repeatedly.

"I... the bloodline was taken away by the group of demons, and now it has become an ordinary person, and it is no longer the genius of the Lin family!" Lin Qingyu's face showed a painful expression at this time.

"It doesn't matter if the bloodline is drawn, as long as you can go back and return to the Lin family, there are many ways for the Lin family ancestors to allow you to restore the bloodline again!" Gu Aoyue exhorted.

"But Sister Gu... now we are in hell, and we are locked in the inner world of a demon, maybe one day this demon is in a bad mood and will eat us!" Lin Qingyu's face was horrified. .

Although he didn't see the live demon-eating scene, there were eighteen people who were bought into the restaurant with him. Thirteen of them were taken away before him... eaten!

"This group of **** demons, one day I will wipe out the entire eighteenth floor of hell!" Gu Aoyue gritted his teeth.

"Let's think about how to escape from hell!" At this time, a voice rang in their ears, and a ray of Zhao Yuande's spirit turned into a human appearance and appeared in front of them.

"You... who are you? No, are you a demon or a human race!" Lin Qingyu moved subconsciously to Gu Aoyue's side.

"You should be a human race!" Gu Aoyue suddenly connected things from start to finish at this time, "Why are you here?"

"You are not too stupid." Zhao Yuande nodded, "I am indeed a human race, otherwise do you think I will save you?"

"No wonder your eyes just now..." Gu Aoyue pulled the white robe subconsciously, and there was a trace of shame on his face.

"Cough..." Zhao Yuande coughed lightly, "Okay, don't say this, do you have a way to return to the chemical industry, and if so, say it quickly."

"There is a way!" Gu Aoyue nodded. "That is to participate in the demon army and send a large formation through the demon to the battlefield of the chemical industry!"

"Participate in the Demon Army?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but frown. "My disguise can deceive the Avenger Realm at most. If the Demon Realm of the Sacred Realm appears, I might have to expose it. I'm afraid I will die without a burial place!"

"This..." Gu Aoyue frowned, and there was a dignified color on his face. "In fact, there is another place, but it is very dangerous. Unless there is no way, it is not worth taking the risk."

"Sister Gu said it was there..." Lin Qingyu exclaimed.

"Speak it out and listen." Zhao Yuande nodded.

"It is a road that has existed since ancient times, the Huangquan River!" Gu Aoyue said dignifiedly. "This should be a dead end. I have only heard of a person who has returned to the chemical industry through this road."

"Huang Quanhe!" Zhao Yuande was surprised, "Is there really Huang Quanhe? And is it in the eighteenth hell?"

"Don't you know?" Gu Aoyue looked at Zhao Yuande strangely, "There is a Huangquan River in the eighteenth layer of hell, which flows from the first layer to the eighteenth layer. The Huangquan River has countless tributaries, leading to each boundary. Space, and the tributary of the chemical industry is the broadest and the most dangerous one!"

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