Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3112: Archaic ruins

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"Not all of you... If you don't open this mouth, will we cause so much trouble?" Zhao Yuande secretly complained.

"That... I'm just watching this fairy Bai Feng love you all the time, so I want to match up a beautiful thing, but I didn't expect... this kind of thing will happen." Dongfangqiao whispered.

"Forget it, this Baifeng fairy is not bad, even this time to help her!" Zhao Yuande said helplessly.

"I think you still care about others!" Dongfangqiaodao.

"You said..."


"Sonson...these people are the ones that my Bai family looked for. Let me explain to them in the past, this matter..." Bai Feng fairy said.

"Okay! Don't mention this matter anymore, the fairy should be 100 hearts!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

"Okay!" Fairy Baifeng nodded, but there was a trace of joy in her heart.

Everyone waited here for a full hour, and finally everyone was there.

This time, the Dongluo Realm has summoned more than 30,000 people in the city of fortune, and 20% of these more than 30,000 people are half-walker respectable powerhouses, and the others are some powerful geniuses.

This force can sweep across all realms except those who possess the Taoist Realm.

The teleportation array sent to the Dongluo realm is extremely large, which can teleport thousands of people at a time.

The crowd was divided into more than thirty batches, which were sent to the Dongluo area separately.

As soon as everyone arrived at Dongluo Realm, they felt that the atmosphere here was very tense. The faces of the people in Dongluo Realm they saw were all worried and solemn, and the air was filled with the smell of death.

Zhao Yuande can clearly feel that the void of Dongluo Realm is very unstable at this time. There seems to be a bomb that will explode at any time in the depth of the starry sky, and the whole realm is in a state of chaos. .

"It's very dangerous here. I feel that the whole world might be swallowed. We seem to have been cheated this time!" Zhao Yuande lowered his voice to the two people around him, "You must not be too far from me, Otherwise, we may not take care of you!"

"So critical?" Dongfang Qiao couldn't help but frown slightly. "Aren't we really deceived?"

"It's really deceived, you see the teleportation array has been changed, you can only enter and can't exit. I'm afraid you need to cross the void to leave!" Fairy Bai Feng is still an array guru, seeing the teleportation array behind him can't help but change his face slightly .

"Old guy! You dare to lie to us, your Dongluo realm will collapse at any time, are you asking me to be buried?" There are also many people who are practicing the way of the void, and seeing this scene immediately knows the truth Severity.

Tens of thousands of people immediately surrounded the old man who issued the mission, and he would kill him without giving a statement.

"You... we have no choice. Now Master Lord has invited a Dao Zun to be a strong man, and the void is solid next to the space fissure. Things are not as serious as you think. We promise that all your requests will be fulfilled. Now only You need to work together with us to overcome the difficulties!" The old man bowed again and again.

"My Dongluo realm is also helpless, and now you help me, and I will definitely report to you in the future!" A powerful breath came from the sky, and a handsome middle-aged man appeared in midair.

"What! The domain master of Dongluo Realm has reached Daozun Realm!" Someone exclaimed at this time, with an incredible light on his face.

"The Dao Zun Jingqiang...the Dao Zun Jingqiang are not afraid, then what are we afraid of!"

"Yes! If the void of Fang Dongluo's realm collapses, even Dao Zun will die..."


When everyone saw the strong man's appearance, there was a sudden light on his face. Of course, they were still mostly deterred.

"Master Lord!" The old man saw a happy look on the old man's face.

"Well! The void in front of us has gradually stabilized. The entire void is now stable. I'm going back to rest." The middle-aged man's voice was somewhat tired, and his body disappeared in a flash.

"Have you heard? Now you can rest assured! As long as the void is stable, there will be no great danger in your cultivation, and as long as the monsters and mysterious creatures are suppressed, you can go to the ancient ruins to explore!" The old man lobbied to everyone through Yu Wei of Dao Zun.

"How is Brother Zhao? Is he true?" Dongfangqiao asked.

"Yes, the void has stabilized a lot, but there are still dangers. We still have to be careful." Zhao Yuande secretly whispered to the two.

The two nodded, a dignified expression on their faces.

"Okay! I hope you don't lie to us. Although we can't leave here for the time being, but if you find that you are still fooling us, we would rather leave the endless void and leave here!" Hearing the old man's explanation, many powerful people suddenly compromised Too.

"Yes, we are here to ask for money, not to die. If we find something wrong, we will turn around and leave!"

"Promise where our panacea is, give it to us immediately, and take us to see those monsters immediately, we have to understand the situation..."


After an hour, the people were taken to an unmanned star, which was a temporary strategic base.

Here you can see a huge crack of hundreds of millions of miles deep in the distant starry sky. From that huge crack, various huge monsters and strange creatures rush out from time to time.

Everyone could vaguely see that there were fragments of broken buildings in the cracks, and a smell of Taikoohonghuang spread out from it at the same time.

"Sure enough, it is the atmosphere of the Taikoo Wilderness! Those buildings are also very similar to the legendary style of the Taikoo Wilderness. It really is an archaic relic!"

"It's the ancient ruins that are not fake, and the monsters in it can be imagined how powerful they are, and I don't know if there is a terrible presence of Dao Zun's combat power!"

"No matter what, Dongluo Realm hasn't lied to us at this point! And the panacea is well prepared, this time it will definitely make a big profit if it doesn't die!"

"Then you have to ensure that you don't die..."


"Brother Zhao, what can you see?" Fairy Bai Feng asked Zhao Yuande.

"The strength of those monsters and mysterious creatures is not as strong as imagined, but I feel that the closer to the world, the heavier the suppression of us. The ancient ruins may not be as simple as we thought. Entering it may be suppressed and repaired." Zhao Yuande said solemnly.

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