Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3114: Enter the ruins of Taikoo

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"I'm afraid the territory of Dongluo is really going to collapse. We rushed to the big crack, ready to enter the ruins of the ancients!" Zhao Yuande stroked freely, and a terrifying void blade cut from the monster's head, directly Beheaded, "Go away! Dongluo Realm can't be kept, we have to do what the monster head does, it's useless!"

"Oh..." Dongfangqiao still wanted to cut off the monster's head but was stopped by Zhao Yuande.

The two followed behind Zhao Yuande with a horrified expression on their faces.

The three rushed all the way, rushing towards the huge crack.

I don't know how many monsters were blocked by Zhao Yuande and three people in the front.

After the big claw tore the crack open at once, it retracted back, and the terrifying power disappeared, but at this time, many people felt this situation, and everyone rushed towards the crack.

"That's... the master of Dongluo Realm, how come he came!" Suddenly someone saw a familiar figure. The breath carried by this figure was so powerful that he came to them in an instant and appeared in front of them. Before that crack.


The master of Dongluo Realm reached out his hands and grabbed the huge crack.


The crack seemed to be torn apart like a piece of paper.

The crack reveals a vast ancient world, all of which are damaged buildings and mottled ancient ruins. A powerful suffocating terror rushed out at once, making everyone in the gray galaxy below feel There was huge pressure.

"This... Although this kind of repression is not as good as the eighteenth layer of hell, it is not much different! Where is this?" Zhao Yuande felt this pressure and could not help but reveal a shock on his face.

It is just the horrible breath that makes people feel this kind of suppression. Isn't this vast ancient world more advanced than the real eighteenth layer of hell, is this the chemical world?

However, Zhao Yuande soon abandoned this idea, and he didn't feel the full heaven in it!

"Everyone, my Dongluo Realm is about to collapse, and enter this ancient ruin immediately!" The domain master of Dongluo Realm shouted, and his voice could be heard throughout the whole galaxy and even the entire realm.

He turned and rushed directly into the Swire world, and the whole person disappeared with a blink of an eye.

"Come on! Let's go in too!" At this time, Zhao Yuande had brought Dongfangqiao and Baifeng Fairy under the huge crack. A strong force of the world wrapped the two and directly rushed into it.

I don't know how many people have heard the warning of the master of Dongluo Realm, all of them rushed towards the crack.

After more than a dozen breaths, more than half of them had already rushed into the crack.


The void in Dong Luo's realm suddenly made a sound like a broken mirror.

At the next moment, a series of cracks appeared in the void, and the cracks were getting bigger and bigger.

Just a moment, the whole territory of Dongluo collapsed and collapsed. Among them, countless galaxies, countless stars, countless practitioners... all were directly annihilated.

The powerful and prosperous Dongluo Realm disappeared directly. A vast ancient world replaced the Dongluo Realm. It appeared in that time and space, exuding the power of horror, and a high-level suppression force swept hundreds of millions. Realm.

At this time, the countless Taoist powerhouses in the hundreds of millions of realms felt that a powerful force in the world was suppressed, and their cultivation was suppressed!

What the **** happened! Why is this happening, Dongluo Boundary went there?

Where is that ancient world? Is it a corner of the chemical industry?

Countless powerhouses guessed that there were countless powerhouses heading towards the Taikoo world, and the billions of realms suddenly boiled.

At this time, above the high nine days, countless great figures in the chemical world also transmitted their eyes down.

In the center of the Eastern Saint Continent of the chemical industry, a huge palace suspended over nine days, the headquarters of the Alliance of Saints.

Digitally powerful beings look like electricity, and the ghost image of the ancient world appears in front of them.

"That seems to be the Tai Cangjie that disappeared before countless epochs!" A strong presence revealed the dignified color.

"It is indeed Tai Cang Realm. I once entered the Tai Cang Realm, and I have fought against one of the gods. Now it has been... thousands of epochs! I have become the Lord..." one of them The strong man seemed to sigh and sigh.

"Netherworld, now is not a time for memories, we are going to send people to explore the Tai Cang Realm! Why did the Tai Cang Realm disappear? What happened in these thousands of millenniums? And the soul of the Tai Cang Realm in the end Still there..."

"Yes! Send people right away to let the geniuses of all major forces out of the Taoist Realm enter into it, which is also a kind of experience!"


Not only the East Saint Continent, other supercontinents of several continents, even several oceans have sent their subordinate talented disciples to the lower realm and entered the Tai Cang Realm.

For a time, the Tai Cang Realm became the testing ground for countless genius disciples in the chemical industry.

Many powerful people in the hundreds of millions of realms have also received orders from the upper realm, and all have begun to enter the Tai Cang realm.

Zhao Yuande they didn't even know this situation, they have now entered a vast world.

They are now in a vast forest, and their cultivation practices are severely suppressed, and they cannot even fly!

"What the **** is this place, how do I feel like I was suddenly crushed into a weak chicken, and now I can't even fly!" Dongfangqiao's face showed bitterness.

He hasn't walked with his feet in a long time. In this bushy forest, every step is very difficult.

Even more frightening is that the monsters here are terrible and powerful. If Zhao Yuande was not there, he was almost torn by the monsters several times.

"My combat effectiveness has decreased by at least 70%!" Fairy Baifeng's face showed a dignified color, "The monsters here are not suppressed, I am afraid that we want to get out of this forest!"

"It's okay, you don't need to worry, I am not a threat to these monsters, but what I'm afraid is if there is a cultivator here..." Zhao Yuande said stop here.

Zhao Yuande felt that the suppression of cultivation was stronger than the eighteenth floor of hell. It should belong to the same level as the chemical industry. What is this place? Is there still the same superior space as the chemical industry?

If there is a cultivator here, I am afraid that like the chemical industry, Dao Zun is only the bottom, and those cultivators who are not as good as Dao Zun are even the existence of being destroyed by the wave of people.

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