Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3116: New world

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

Wen Zitao's body exploded into a blood mist in mid-air, so Master Wen was directly killed.

Several other literary masters, at this time, still care for the above-mentioned Zitao, and fled in all directions.

"Void solidifies!" Zhao Yuande sipped, and the void of thousands of miles around solidified, these strong writers seemed to be unable to move the flies in amber.


"Boom! Boom..."

A series of blasting sounds came, and these people were all crushed by the force of terrifying void and exploded into blood mist.

"Brother haven't you been suppressed?" Dongfangqiao's mouth was almost able to be stuffed into a fist.

"This...this is too powerful! Is this the fifth-strength power of the actual trial tower?" Bai Fengxian murmured in her mouth, and she was seriously hit at this moment.

She is ranked 98th in the actual combat training tower, and it is also a peerless genius. Even if it is a leader in the hundreds of millions of realms, but the weak one in front of Xinghe seems to be a newly born child!

"In fact, nothing!" Zhao Yuande waved his hands and smiled, "The suppression here is very heavy for you, but it is very little to me, and my strength is preserved, so don't make me think too powerful!"

"Is this so?" The two looked at each other, and their faces were relieved.

"It seems that the rumors are true. Brother Zhao really came down from the chemical industry." Dongfangqiao's eyes lit up. "What does the chemical industry look like?"

"Brother Zhao, let's talk about the chemical world!" Fairy Bai Feng is also looking forward with expectation.

"The chemical world...should be similar to here!" Zhao Yuande said sternly, "But I'm really not a person in the chemical world, I just entered the eighteenth floor of hell, and there is a world of nature in the eighteenth floor of hell. The same powerful repression force can only get rid of this pressure completely when it reaches the state of the holy..."

"Eighteenth floor of hell... Where exactly is it..."


The two were like curious, good-looking babies, and they kept asking many questions around Zhao Yuande.

Since the two became friends and gradually gained his approval, he did not hide it and told them something.

Zhao Yuande's words seemed to open a window for them and let them see a new world.

Both of them are extremely excited at this time, and they are full of strong knowledge of this world.

Under the guidance of Zhao Yuande, they quickly adapted to the pressure here. After just one day, their strength recovered to more than half, but they were still unable to fly.

The world is vast and magnificent. Only three people in this forest walked for five days and still found no way out.

"Hey! We now seem to be back to the time when we just practiced. The Soulless Spirit has also been suppressed to within a thousand miles, so depressed!" After Dongfangqiao and Fairy Fairy beheaded a monster, they couldn't help sighing again and again.

"It's already good, we have at least Brother Zhao around, otherwise we may not get here!" Fairy Bai Feng said.

"I feel that there seems to be danger in front of me, and there is a powerful energy stimulating, then be careful!" Zhao Yuande suddenly changed his face and told the two to tell him.

"Brother Zhao, you are all so nervous, is it the monster of Dao Realm?" Dongfangqiao heard Zhao Yuande say this, his face changed slightly.

"Master, I feel a familiar breath, it seems to be my kind!" Mo Qilin, who had been in Zhao Yuande's body at this time, suddenly shouted.

"Your kind?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but wonder, releasing Mo Qilin freely.

"This... what is this place! Do we return to the realm of creation!" Mo Qilin was originally practicing, and did not know that Zhao Yuande entered the ruins of Taikoo, and now he was shocked as soon as he felt the breath here, its voice at the next moment I started to tremble with excitement, "No...No, this is not the chemical world, but the legendary Tai Cang world!"

"Tai Cangjie? What is this place?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help wondering, what exactly could make Mo Qilin so excited.

"Tai Cangjie! The origin of our blood, my Mo Qilin family was born here, and I felt a kind of intimate atmosphere, yes... Absolutely, this is the Tai Cang Jie!" Mo Qilin was very excited.

"Zhao...Brother Zhao, is this?" Dongfangqiao was shocked when he saw Mo Qilin, and he was even more shocked to hear its inexplicable words!

Fairy Bai Feng seemed to think of something, looking at Mo Qilin's eyes showing shock.

"This is my mount, Mo Wu is Mo Qilin from the chemical industry!" Zhao Yuande patted Mo Qilin's head, "I haven't seen my two friends!"

"Ah! Master, this is your woman! Not bad! As for this guy, it seems a little strange, his ears...much like the heavenly supernatural powers of the chemical world! Is he a reincarnation of a big figure in the chemical world?" Mo Kirin nodded his head at the two of them with carelessness, and at this time it was so excited that it was almost unstoppable.

"Hello Mowu!" Fairy Bai Feng was blushed by Mo Qilin's words, but without explaining, he nodded to him.

"Heaven listening to supernatural powers! Reincarnation?" Dongfangqiao heard Mo Qilin say this, he couldn't help but seem to be lost in contemplation, "Yes! I remember I should be a kind of supernatural supernatural powers! Mowu, you know what, can Can't tell me?"

"Forget it! I'm not sure about this matter, or you went to the chemical world to find the truth yourself! Now we are in the Tai Cang Realm, the powerful world that has fallen into countless eras, and the countless treasures here must not delay time! "Mo Qilin perfunated Dongfangqiao, and then he was very excited.

"Okay!" Dongfangqiao nodded thoughtfully.

"Mo Wu, you said you felt the same kind of breath. Is there a Mo Qilin here?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help looking in one direction.

"Not necessarily Mo Qilin, maybe it is other monsters with Mo Qilin bloodline, I feel this kind of breath is not pure!" Mo Wu shook his head, "but I felt a source of breath, although weak Incomparable, but if it is available, it is also a great opportunity!"

"Oh! Then what are we waiting for, let's go!" Zhao Yuande's eyes lit up. He turned Mo Qilin's back on his back and beckoned to Dongfangqiao and Baifeng Fairy. "Come up too!"

Although Mo Qilin has shrunk his body, his body length is still several feet long, and his back is wide, even if he is carrying seven or eight people.

"Okay! One is your woman, and can be regarded as half of the owner, and the other is the reincarnation of the strongest in the chemical and chemical industry. I endure it!" Mo Qilin whispered very uncomfortably.

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