Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3119: Promotion is so simple

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"Then come out!" Zhao Yuande moved Lei Yuan out of the body world.

As soon as Lei Yuan appeared, he walked back and forth excitedly in the passage.

"Bishen Hanzhao! No wonder I feel a big cold! You caught the Bishun Hanzhao, although this thing is not useful to you, but it can be sold to the Eighteen Hell's Taoist Realm Powerful, worth the number Thousands of magic crystals, if Dao Zun Realm's good use is good, they can even take this opportunity to break through to the Holy Venerable!" Lei Yuan immediately screamed when he saw Bi Soul Han Xiao.

"Lei Yuan, look what that is!" Mo Qilin's claws pointed to the extremely cold ice flame deep in the passage.

"This... extremely cold ice flames! Boy, you are really invincible! If this thing is swallowed up by Xiaoqing, I am afraid that it can be directly promoted to the seventh order, which is comparable to the powerful strength of Dao Zun. You can go sideways!" Lei Yuan was also shocked to see the extremely cold ice flame.

"Oh! There is such a thing!" Zhao Yuande's face showed excitement.

"But don't worry, you can use this coldness to refine your flesh, so that your flesh can go to a higher level!" Lei Yuan said.

"I also have this plan. Let's practice here for a while before we go!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "Mo Wu, you go out to help us warn, in case someone finds a secret in the lake, you should inform me in time. !Lei Yuan, what are you going to do now?"

"I won't go back! If this is Tai Cangjie, no one will know me. I turned it into a bracelet and put it on your hand, so that you can use it anytime, and you can always absorb Tai Cangjie's vitality to restore me. Strength!" Lei Yuan said.

"Okay! Since that's the case, let's start practicing! Mo Wu, you should also take care of Dongfangqiao and Baifeng Fairy, and don't let them go wrong." Zhao Yuande asked.

"It's verbose!" Mo Qilin rushed out of the passage, not only went to Nasa Huan.

Zhao Yuande put the Bishen cold worm into the world in the body and imprisoned him, but he stepped towards the extremely cold ice flame step by step.

Eventually, he stopped at a distance of about ten steps from the extremely cold ice flame, and he felt that it was just right for him to refine his body.

He is constantly absorbing the horrible ice flames, most of them come to refine his body and bones, and a small part of them are swallowed by the engulfing vortex, and slowly evolve the real spirit world.

With no years of practice, three days passed, and Zhao Yuande opened his eyes. He found that he didn't feel much pressure on his current position, so he continued to take three steps without hesitation.

Only three steps, seven steps away from the extremely cold ice flame, he once again felt the feeling of the ice cold attack body before.

This time, he did not practice directly, but the soul explored a circle outward.

It was found that Mo Qilin was sleeping in the center of the lake, while Baifeng Fairy and Dongfangqiao had gradually approached the passage.

Zhao Yuande can feel their physical ascension, and it seems to them that they are all treasures for cultivation.

"Don't worry about them, I will look after you!" Lei Yuan's voice came from his wrist.

"Good!" Zhao Yuande nodded and quickly fell into practice again.

When Zhao Yuande opened his eyes for the second time, he took another three steps forward, and Baifeng Fairy and Dongfangqiao had moved to the entrance of the passage.

Twelve days later, Zhao Yuande finally stood in front of the extremely cold ice flame.

At this time, his physical body has once again raised a small step. At this time, his powerful body can already be comparable to the top-level third-generation chemical treasure, and he can also refine the third-level late-generation chemical treasure.

And within twelve days, he also awakened 100,000 real worlds in his body by devouring the power of the extremely cold ice flame.

Now he has awakened a total of 2.15 million true spirits in his body, and the combat power has once again improved a small level.

The Baifeng Fairy and Dongfangqiao have already entered the passage at this time, but obviously this is already their limit.

Their physical body has reached a bottleneck, and they need to upgrade the cultivation base if they want to continue to improve.

"Okay! Wake up the two of you!" Zhao Yuande looked at the two and sipped in his mouth.

He put the six-character mantra of Buddhism in his voice and woke them up.

The six-character mantra of Buddhism is not only an attack, but also has a powerful function that can calm a person's mind.

"Brother Zhao!" The two opened their eyes and looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes with a trace of doubt.

"Your cultivation practice has reached a limit. Now I will help you get promoted!" Zhao Yuande smiled slightly at the two.

"What! Help us get promoted?" Dongfangqiao couldn't help eyes widening.

"I... I have just been promoted to the half-walk Zun soon!" Fairy Baifeng can not only be slightly surprised.

"The accumulation of these twelve days plus the fact that it is too Cangjie, you should be able to feel the bottleneck of cultivation. I will teach you the promotion experience and help you to improve!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand and received the extremely cold ice flame In the inner world, "You sit cross-legged."

The two of them suddenly felt the power of horrible ice disappear, and their bodies were loosened and sat cross-legged as Zhao Yuande said.

Zhao Yuande sent his insights from the strong man by the Huangquan River into their sea of ​​knowledge.

The two were inspired by the practice of Western Zhejiang, and it was like a tachy initiation. There was a lot of whimsy in their minds, and Xiu Wei broke open at this moment.

"It's that simple? To be promoted to the half-walk Zunjing must be said to be a catastrophe!" In less than half an hour, Dongfang Bridge opened its eyes first and looked at Zhao Yuande inconceivably.

"Hehe! Don't forget where this is, but here is too Cangjie, don't you say you are promoted to Half-Track Zun, I'm afraid even Dao Zun Realm will not lower the number of robbers." Zhao Yuande chuckled, "But that! As long as you return to the hundreds of millions of realms, the disaster will come to you immediately!"

"This is amazing!" Dongfangqiao's eyes flashed with excitement.

He didn't expect that it would be so simple to be promoted to a half-walk.

"Don't be too premature." Zhao Yuande smiled, "The same is true of everyone else, as long as you have the experience of breaking through the customs, plus some accumulation here, I am afraid that you will soon break through the current state! There are even half-walkers. The strong can be promoted to Taoist Realm!"

"I'm promoted too!" Fairy Bai Feng also opened his eyes at this time, his eyes splendid, "It was originally expected to be promoted back to ten years later, and even here I was promoted to intermediate level!"

"Okay! There is no value in this place. Let's go!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "This is too realm than the billions of realms combined. It's more vast. I don't know how many opportunities are waiting for us. You can be promoted to Daozun Realm here, and Daozun Realm is the starting point of true cultivation."

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