Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3132: Black Scale Tiger

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What Zhao Yuande didn't expect was that no human cultivator dared to covet him, but two powerful monsters followed slowly behind.

One end is the elf of the sky, and the eyes can penetrate hundreds of thousands of miles of time and space, and the other is the darling of the earth. As long as he stands on the earth, he can't escape its tracking.

"What's the matter, I always have an ominous hunch?" Zhao Yuande always felt a little wrong when walking, as if he was being stared at, but he still couldn't find any clues under the exploration of the Divine Realm.

"Brother Zhao, why didn't I feel it, and I didn't hear any sound. Fang Yuanwanli didn't have a monster and a cultivator." Dongfangqiaodao.

"It may be that you have been fighting for so long, and your spirits are tense and a little tired! You still have a good rest!" Fairy Bai Feng persuaded softly.

"It's possible!" Zhao Yuande nodded, then closed his eyes on Mo Qilin's back, and began to silently restore the consumption of the previous war.

Mo Qilin went all the way, and soon encountered a huge gap running through the grassland.

The gulf is tens of thousands of miles wide, and the murmur of water beneath the lush vegetation, and sometimes the roar of powerful monsters passes.

"This should be the underground valley in the east of the map of Tai Cangcheng. After this underground valley, there is no record of the map, and some powerful monsters often appear." Fairy Baifeng compared the map Road.

"This valley seems to be another world. I smelled the medicinal fragrance and the strong breath of water. Do we want to go down?" Dongfangqiao glanced at Zhao Yuande, still practicing with closed eyes, and asked in a low voice Ink unicorn.

"Go down, why not go down, what are we doing here." Mo Qilin swept his teeth, and jumped directly into the valley with a leaping figure.

With the help of the plants below, it easily fell into the valley.

This valley is not very deep, only a few hundred feet, and a small stream in it flows slowly, all kinds of plants flourish, there is no way at all.

As soon as Mo Qilin fell, he released his powerful breath, and suddenly heard a horrified roar of monsters and beasts among the dense vegetation around him.

"Hey!" Mo Qilin smiled proudly.


But at this moment, a roar came from not far away, and a huge object leaped from a distance, and culled towards them.

A strong smell of stench followed, and it made people sick.

"This is a Moscale evil tiger. There will be such a monster here!" Mo Qilin saw the big guy and felt the horror from his body, and there was a surprise in his eyes.

"Powerful fart, hurry up with the three of us, don't delay Brother Zhao's practice." Dongfangqiao gave Mo Qilin a blank look and rushed out first.

"Kill!" Fairy Bai Feng followed, she had seen Zhao Yuande fighting with some blood before her, and she had long wanted to find a powerful monster to try her hand.

"Hey! I just talked about it!" Mo Qilin gave a slight shock to his back and sent Zhao Yuande to a big tree, and it rushed up.

Although the Moscale evil tiger is powerful, Mo Qilin is not a vegetarian. The three of them joined forces and soon suppressed the flames of the Moscale evil tiger.

Speaking of the Moscale evil tiger is also a descendant of Kirin, but the bloodline is too complicated, among which there are other powerful bloodlines such as the white tiger and the snake, but the bloodline of the Moqilin is higher than the Moscale evil tiger, forming a powerful deterrent to it. It has also been greatly helped to let everyone slash this black scale evil tiger.

"This big guy is so stinky that it can only be collected to exchange resources." Both of them disliked the body of Mo scale evil tiger.

"This is a big supplement, you don't want me to enjoy it!" Mo Qilin, regardless of his wide open mouth, sprayed a black flame, covering the Mo scale evil tiger.

Soon the huge body of the Moscale evil tiger gradually shrunk. After a dozen breaths, the original body was turned into a crystal blood bead.

"Delicious! After I swallowed this drop of essential blood, it should be very good!" Mo Qilin swallowed the crystal blood bead, and his face showed satisfaction, but after a moment, he shook his head in disappointment. "Hey! I imagine it is so powerful! Am I too good?"

"And!" Dongfangqiao did not conceal his contempt for it.


Suddenly there were loud noises not far away, and they felt the whole valley trembling, and the high cliffs on both sides seemed to collapse.


The two men and one beast saw a large group of monster beasts rushing towards them, but the target of this group of monster beasts was not them, but... they were running away.

Because there was a behemoth behind this group of monsters, this behemoth also turned into a black monster, but it was much stronger than the one just now.

"I depend! This is the old guy! It was only its children that we defeated just now!" Mo Qilin exclaimed, but the next moment showed a look of excitement, "The other end didn't taste much, I don't know this How about one end?"

"Can we defeat it?" Dongfangqiao felt the scent of the Moscale evil tiger, and couldn't help but wonder.

"Kill!" Mo Qilin shouted and rushed up.

Dongfangqiao and Baifeng Fairy looked at each other, and they just rushed to fight.

This time, their battle was much harder. This black-scale evil tiger is several times stronger than the previous one. If Mo Qilin did not suppress his bloodline, I am afraid they will soon lose.

At this time, Zhao Yuande had opened his eyes and watched their fight with the Moscale evil tiger, and did not mean to intervene. They also needed to grow.

He did not help, but put the two bright white ivory into his body melting pot, began to slowly refine.

If these two ivory white ivory are not refined, it is too big, it is very inconvenient to use in battle.

Zhao Yuande used the internal furnace to refine it, and did not seek to increase its power. He only needed to refine it to a size that humans can use.

Zhao Yuande doesn't have the ability to refine ivory into a chemical fairy, but it's not difficult to shrink it.

After half an hour, under the horrible flame relics left by Xiaoqing, the two white ivory became three feet long, exuding a faint light. Although there was no such terrible sharp air, it gave An unshakable feeling.

At this time, the two men and one beast are still fighting with the Moscale evil tiger, and the battle has entered the most intense time.

They all fired a real fire, Dongfangqiao burned their sperm blood to release their potential, and all the powers of the Baifeng Fairy except the lifeless transformation.

They were all covered with blood, and they were all scarred.

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