Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3140: Suppressed

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"Have you gone?" Before Jin Peng's voice fell, he turned into a golden light.


Zhao Yuande was intercepted by this golden light just after he moved out within a thousand miles. The golden light cut his body and almost cut him directly to the waist.

"So powerful!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

The opponent's speed is above himself, and the golden light can hurt himself. Now he is completely restrained!

"No, when I am teleporting, the power of the world can't keep up with my speed. If it is blocked by the powerful world power, plus my control of the void, the damage of this golden light to me can be reduced to a very small Degree!" Zhao Yuande's brain turned rapidly, and quickly analyzed the pros and cons.

He concluded that he could not escape, only to die!

As long as he doesn't kill Jin Peng, he can't escape here.

Thinking of this, he has made a decision in his mind, and now there is only one way to fight! Fight to the end, see who can laugh last!

During this time, his power has skyrocketed, and his fighting power is several times stronger than before. He is in need of these two powerful monsters to test his cultivation results.


Zhao Yuande roared and rushed towards the two monsters.

Jin Peng's speed is so fast that he can't catch it, so he chooses to attack the earth dragon.

At this time, he had no matter whether Lei Yuan would be discovered, the thunder in his hand was shining brightly, and he slashed towards the earth dragon.


The earth dragon roared, with a white light spurting from his mouth, and struck Lei Yuan towards the past.

This snow-white light turned out to be a tens of feet long bones, and the bones were crystal-clear snow-white, exuding a powerful power on it.


The thunder ray hit the bones together, making a tremendous loud noise, both sides were unharmed.


Zhao Yuande felt a crisis coming from his body, he hadn't had time to dodge yet, and Jin Guang had crossed his neck.

However, this time it did not cause much damage to him. The infinite world power combined with the divine space formed a layer of invisible protection.

When Jin Guang fell on the back of Zhao Yuande's neck, he just cut his skin open, and although there was blood pouring out, he had reduced the damage to the lowest point.

"What! He actually took control of this side of the void world, and my attack on him..." Jin Peng's eyes were full of horror.

It knows how powerful it is after turning into a golden light, and even Taoist Realm can hardly resist it.

"Don't be wordy, immediately show your true strength, this kid is very good! It is much stronger than before!" Tulong roared again and again.

Zhao Yuande is now waving Lei Yuan and the Earth Dragon War together. Although the earth dragon has white bones that can resist Lei Yuan, but its body is too big, how can such a huge body take care of it, just in a blink of an eye There were several more scars.

Although the scars were only tickling to it, it made him feel very angry.

"Good! I hope you don't play tricks this time, otherwise I will never spare you!" Jin Peng turned into a tall figure with an eagle head, waving a golden spear in his hand and slaying towards Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande fights with the earth dragon. Because the earth dragon has a huge body, he has a slight advantage, but now Jin Peng's joining makes him directly suppressed.

Jin Peng's speed, the strength and strength of the earth dragon almost completely restrained him.

If it weren't for Thunder Source in his hand, I'm afraid it would be suppressed even more.

"The space of the gods, the power of the world, and the crystal nuclei of the void exploded together to protect my body!" Zhao Yuande did not worry at this time, but became calmer and slowly expanded his biggest advantage.

At this time, he even gave up Lei Yuan directly, but turned it into a bracelet and put it on his wrist.


He shouted, and the seven kinds of divine light in his palm flashed a terrifying glory, and the power of terror was passed from the void at once.


Even in this too realm, such a solid void barrier can't stop the coming of the wheel of reincarnation.

A huge crack appeared in the sky, and the corner of a huge roulette slowly squeezed out of it.

"What the **** is this!" Tulong screamed in horror.

He felt that his soul seemed to be out of control, and he wanted to rush out of his sea of ​​knowledge and flew towards that corner of the roulette.

"This is...the legendary wheel of reincarnation!" Jin Peng's voice was full of horror, but the next moment of a pair of golden eyes was full of greed, "There is a big secret in this child, kill him, get this We will be able to break through the holy throne immediately!"

"Kill!" Tu Long heard Jin Peng's words, and he was very excited. The fear was replaced by greed. The huge body was like a mountain, and he rammed towards the disk of reincarnation slowly appearing in the void.


The earth dragon's body fell to the ground, the blood in the mouth and nose was like a fountain, and the reincarnation disk trembled between this collision, slowly retracting into the void.

"Damn it! Under such circumstances, the disc of reincarnation will not work!" Zhao Yuande's face changed, and the seven-colored light in his palm disappeared. "The Shura **** will come to me!"

Zhao Yuande didn't hesitate, his palm turned over, a piece of blood covered the sky, a piece of **** world suppressed from the void.


Earth Dragon roared with a huge body and hit the Scarlet World...

The battle continued for a full day and night, and the fighting was extremely intense.

Zhao Yuande alone has the two monsters. Although he can support it, he is suppressed miserably.

If it weren't for the power of his world, the space of the **** domain, the combined power of the void crystal core offset the opponent's 90% attack, otherwise he would have been killed by these two terrifying monsters.

But even so, he still felt a burst of weakness flooding his heart.

"Haha! Humans, I feel your weakness, you are over!" Tulong burst out a smug laugh, and the attack was even more violent.

"Give up! The conditions I said before are still valid!" Jin Peng's voice was cold and quiet.

"You two beasts, want to kill me is not qualified!" Zhao Yuande's face was not good-looking, but the next moment he suddenly felt a little change in his body, and he couldn't help but reveal a surprise!

He again urged all the forces in his body to storm towards the earth dragon.

After a day of war, although the two monsters have the upper hand, they are also injured.

In particular, the earth dragon is too large. I don’t know how many places were crushed by Zhao Yuande, his bones were exposed, and the blood even merged into a small river.

But this is nothing to it, because his body is large enough!

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