Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3159: Mugu Realm

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"Okay! Just go to Shenguangxing to see if there is any news about Senior Zhou here!" Zhao Yuande said casually.

In the distance behind them, two trackers heard the words of Senior Zhou from Zhao Yuande's mouth in secret, and their faces changed.

"They really have serious doubts!"

Zhao Yuande's Divine Realm space had enveloped the two trackers at this time. His figure disappeared in place, and appeared in front of the two trackers at the next moment.

The powerful force of the world is directly suppressed, and the two trackers are suppressed by the death like two small ants, and they can't move at all.

"Who are you, and why are you stalking us? Where is Zhou now?" Zhao Yuande looked at the two of them, his eyes showing coldness.

Hearing Zhao Yuande's words, the two trackers looked at each other, and there was already a trace of death spirit in their eyes.

"Not good!" Detective Zhao Yuande grabbed two trackers.


The two trackers exploded into two blood mists in a flash.

"Hey! Careless!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but change his face slightly, "There is a strong prohibition in their knowledge of the sea, which can be detonated at any time. I should control their knowledge of the sea before!

"Brother Zhao, since we already know that they came out of Qunxianlou, it means that Qunxianlou must know this. We can go to Qunxianlou!" Dongfangqiaodao, "take your current The strength, even Dao Zun can kill, we have not shown the true content now, and we don’t have to fear them!"

"Good! Let's go to Qunxianlou!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"But when we go to Qunxianlou, shall we enter this divine light star to inquire about the news?" Dongfangqiaodao, "The divine light star is mixed with fish and dragon. I used to stay here for a while, maybe we will get unexpected news. ."

"Alright! Let's go in and see." Zhao Yuande nodded.

There is only one big city, Shenguang City, among the gods.

There is no order in the city, it is all about the strong.

Here, as long as the shops of the major forces are not affected, you can fight and kill at will.

Shenguang Xinghai used to be a huge declining realm, with countless opportunities and riches.

So many strong people like to enter it and explore.

Under the leadership of Oriental Bridge, they soon appeared in a restaurant.

"This restaurant is the property of the Luo family. No one dares to start here. If you want to inquire about the news, it is also the most convenient here!" Dongfangqiao Road.

"Well!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

They randomly found a place to sit down, and Oriental Bridge unfolded his supernatural powers.

"Yes!" But in an instant, the East Bridge's face showed a happy look, "Someone has seen Mingguang and Zhou joined together into the ruins of Shenguang, and also brought out a treasure from the ruins of Shenguang !The two of them lost the news after returning to the city of fortune."

"Did the light disappear?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help frowning.

"No bright light did not disappear, but returned to the ancient woodland!" Dongfangqiao's face showed a strange color.

"Did Mingguang secretly calculate Senior Zhou and then embezzled that treasure?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help guessing.

"It's very possible!" Dongfangqiao frowned, "There are Mu Gu realms among the big forces behind Qunxianlou! This matter can be determined, it must be that Mingguang wants to swallow the treasure alone, and then forget it. Senior Zhou."

"For the time being, don't guess for yourself, we need to confirm! The light alone is not the opponent of Senior Zhou!" Zhao Yuande shook his head.

"I also heard a message that there seems to have been a huge change in the ruins of Shenguang. Numerous strong men are now wandering in front of the ruins of Shenguang. It seems that Mingguang is also appearing in the ranks of Mugu Realm!" Dongfangqiaodao .

"That's it? Then let's go and take a look at this bright light to talk about!" Zhao Yuande's eyes flashed.

Zhou is his benefactor and half a master. Zhao Yuande was very angry in his accident.

If it is ascertained that Mingguang and Mugu Realm did it, he will destroy it without hesitation, and let them fall into regret forever.

They left the Divine Light Star and quickly entered the Divine Light Star Sea.

Taking Zhao Yuande's cultivation of the Void Heavenly Dao as an example, the speed is almost incredible.

In just a few breathing time, they have appeared before a vast ruin like a galaxy.

This ruin floats in the void, and the golden light flickers in it, as if it were stars.

"This is the ruins of Shenguang. The golden light is the light released by a metal unique to Shenguang Xinghai, but the effect of these metals is not very great!" Dongfangqiao explained.

"Where are the people in Mugu Realm?" Zhao Yuande had already seen a dense crowd before the ruins of Shenguang.

"They... are there!" Dongfangqiao pointed in one direction.

There are several palaces floating in the void, and a few powerful breaths will be released in the palace. One of them is familiar with Zhao Yuande, which is the bright light he and Zhou have encountered before.

Around these palaces, no one dared to approach. Obviously the power represented by these palaces is extremely huge.

"Come with me!" Zhao Yuande is currently flying towards those palaces.

Dongfangqiao has already felt the horror of the two terrorists exuding from Zhao Yuande, and he can't help but feel a little shocked.

He did not know whether Zhao Yuande would kill everyone here in a rage!

"Who are you two? Do you know where this is?" They were stopped before they were near several palaces.

Two poor-looking men looked at them coldly.

"Go away!"

Zhao Yuande's eyes shouted coldly.


The two big men only felt that their heads were being bombarded with a heavy hammer.

The two populations were spraying blood, and their bodies were retreating back and forth, revealing incredible colors in their eyes.

"Someone has invaded my Mugu realm!" One of the big men already screamed when he flew backwards.


Dozens of powerful figures flew out of several palaces, their faces showing anger.

"Who dares to make trouble here, kill me!" One of the oldest men is the most powerful, and has reached the peak of the ninth small step. One step is the half-walk respect, and he saw Zhao Yuande and the two immediately roared. Road.

"I give you a chance to let Mingguang come out, otherwise I will open the killing ring!" Zhao Yuande's voice was cold.

"Mr. Mingguang Master, can you see it when you meet each other, kill me!" The old man was too lazy to pay attention to Zhao Yuande's words, but shouted.

But at the next moment, the terrible breath of Zhao Yuande's body broke out, and the horror power of the half-walker swept through. The panic of the old man revealed this.

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