Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3163: Magic prison

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His character is similar to that of Zhao Yuande, so he hates such betrayal of friends and selling friends for glory.

"Yes! Yes! I was wrong, I was really wrong, I actually regret it, but the ancestors..." Mingguang wanted to explain what, but what kind of explanation is pale and weak.

"After I went to Mugu Realm to rescue Senior Zhou, let him take care of you, and wait slowly!" Zhao Yuande originally wanted to kill him directly, but when he thought of Zhou, he stopped. It was imprisoned and thrown into the body world and imprisoned.

"Brother Dongfang, do you know the Mugu Realm?" Zhao Yuande looked at Dongfang Bridge.

"I've been to the Shenguang Realm, and it's quite familiar." Dongfangqiao nodded.

He was chased and killed by people all year round, hiding in Tibet to the east, and he didn't know how many boundaries he had been to. Mugu boundary is one of them.

They did not disturb the others, but changed their appearance again, and quietly passed through the teleportation array of the chemical world to the wood ancient world.

The Mugu Realm is somewhat similar to the Jupiter Starfield that Zhao Yuande encountered on the road to heaven.

The Jupiter in the center is also a huge ancient tree.

This ancient tree releases the majestic life energy in the starry sky, which is more powerful and ancient than the ancient tree in the wood **** star field.

"If this ancient tree has autonomous consciousness, it should also be equivalent to a Taoist esteemed person, but it seems to be bound by some mysterious power, and now the sea is in chaos, and even the true spirit has not been born." Zhao Yuande felt this ancient tree, but he could not help moving slightly.

"This ancient tree is very famous among hundreds of millions of realms. Its attack is very powerful and terrifying. Many thousands of years ago, an ancient realm had a war with the wooden ancient realm. The tree is alive and defeated by countless strongmen, and finally fled and fled!" Dongfangqiaodao.

"Well! This should be the ancestor left by Mugu Realm for Mugu Realm. Someone should be able to control this ancient tree and temporarily have a powerful strength comparable to Dao Zunjing." Zhao Yuande nodded.

"That's why, the wooden ancient realm will choose a saint every millennium, and it is this saint who will be sent into the ancient tree space, and staying in the ancient tree space for millennia will regain freedom." Oriental Bridge Road.

"If there is a battle, these virgins will probably **** up the old trees, and they will surely fall directly after the battle." Zhao Yuande said, "Okay, don't say this anymore, do you know where the magic prison is?"

"Although I searched for the Mugu realm, I knew something about it, but the devil didn't know where it was. You still have to ask Mingguang!" Dongfangqiao Road.

Mingguang is very honest, and soon made the location of the devil clear.

The devil is in a huge crack in the ancient tree, which seems to be connected to a terrible heterodimensional space, and there are constantly powerful monsters pouring out of it.

Those who are sent to the magic prison will face endless attacks of monsters, and they will end up exhausted.

However, according to Mingguang, although Zhou Xiu was partly blocked by the town, his strength was still strong, and he shouldn't be in trouble in the demon prison.

"Let's go to the Devil Prison and save the senior Zhou first. I will talk about other things later." Zhao Yuande's soul covered the whole ancient tree, and soon found a dark hole.

There was a terrible breath all the time in the hole. This breath was evil and violent, making people feel a little uncomfortable.

Outside this hole, there are several powerful cultivators who are guarding, and their cultivation practices have all reached the peak of the ninth small step, and they can enter the realm of half-walk respect within one step.

This can also be seen from the importance of the Mugu world.

"How do we get in, kill these people, or quietly?" Dongfangqiao asked.

"We went in quietly, and we had to keep a low profile before we rescued Senior Zhou." Zhao Yuande said.

A few strong men with the ninth small step peak have been invisible in front of Zhao Yuande, and his divine space extended into the cave entrance, and instantly entered the demon prison.

The entrance to the devil is a one-way portal, which can only be entered but not exited.

As soon as the two of them entered the portal, they immediately felt a disgusting stench coming from all directions.

"Smelly here!" Dongfangqiao's face changed slightly.

"Be careful, there is a toxin in the breath, which can erode people's souls." Zhao Yuande reminded.

"I feel it too." Dongfangqiao nodded. "It seems to be another piece of space, vast and boundless, and the atmosphere is very evil. There is a similarity to the legendary hell!"

"It's indeed similar to hell, but it's just the area before the twelfth floor." Zhao Yuande nodded. "But this space seems to be unstable, and there is a feeling that it may collapse at any time. This should only be to a certain level of hell. Fragile space."

He felt that compared with the eighteenth layer of hell, it was like the difference between the lower realm and the chemical world. Zhao Yuande did not feel how dangerous.

"Why aren't there prisoners?" The Oriental Bridge magical power unfolded, and no one was found.

"I felt that there was a fight in the millions of miles ahead." Zhao Yuande swept his sleeves and took the Dongfang Bridge away.

Millions of miles away, dozens of human cultivators are fleeing in embarrassment. Behind them are countless black bodies, and the scary monsters with huge bat wings are chasing crazy.

These monsters look like huge bats, but their bodies are like giant wolves, their claws are sharp, and their teeth are shining with blue light.


Zhao Yuande tweeted, and the endless power of the world instantly enveloped the whole space.


At the next moment, the monsters with wolf-like bat wings seemed to hit the invisible wall, and their heads broke into blood, and the bones crackled.


Countless invisible blades cut down, the wolf body batwing monsters were all cut and fragmented, and the blood like ink flowed into a small river.

"Thank you for saving your life! Thank you for saving your life!" These human cultivators showed expressions for the rest of their lives on their faces. They hurriedly saluted Zhao Yuande.

"Okay! I asked you a person, have you ever seen him!" Zhao Yuande showed Zhou's images to these people.

"This person... I've seen it before the Vortex Void that is thousands of miles ahead." One of the old men nodded.

"Ten thousands of miles away... Void Vortex!" Zhao Yuande nodded and looked at these people, "Don't lie to me, otherwise you know my means!"

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