Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3171: Brother-in-law

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Surrounded by his soul, he naturally knew that it was a young man who was not tall, but the strength of this young man was not weak. He was infinitely close to the half-track statue, but his combat strength was also very strong. The old man in the half-walk respected the realm, but did not fall in the wind.

"Don't you hear what others call him?" Dongfangqiao laughed.

"Bai Fengge! Is he from the Bai family?" Zhao Yuande suddenly realized.

"Hey! Not only the Bai family, but also your youngest uncle!" Dongfangqiao covered his mouth and smiled.

"What are you talking about!" Zhao Yuande was helpless, "between me and Fairy Baifeng..."

"Fine! I know, Brother Zhao is afraid of neglecting Fairy Baifeng." Dongfangqiao laughed. "Actually, you don't have to worry about this at all. With Brother Zhao's ability, ten or eight women is nothing!"

"Then why don't you look for ten or eight!" Zhao Yuande glanced at Dongfangqiao. "Why are you holding Mengfan fairy dead?"

"This..." Dongfangqiao didn't expect Zhao Yuande to mention this, and his face turned slightly red. "How can I compare with Brother Zhao, if I were so powerful, Mengfan Fairy had already embraced me!"

"Okay, don't say it. Let's talk for a while, Bai Fengge will be beaten to death!" Zhao Yuande's voice has disappeared in place.

Bai Fengge's luck is really against the sky today, just entered this mysterious world and found a powerful elixir, accidentally stepped on a stone slab, and a secret room appeared below.

There are many treasures in the secret room, and some good things can't even be called by him.

However, it is said that Le Ji is sad. He has not found all the treasures in his pocket, but was discovered by an old guy with a thief.

He knew the old guy, but he was an elder of the Luo family.

The Bai family and the Luo family are at odds. Now is the time when they are incompatible. The two of them cannot be good because of the treasure.

The old guy immediately rushed up to fight against Bai Fengge and wanted to **** his treasure.

However, Bai Fengge is one of the most powerful young people in the Bai family, and is highly valued by the Bai family. It is one of the candidates for the future homeowner.

He has many treasures on his body, and even the battle with this old guy has not lost.

The old guy knew he couldn't help Bai Fengge, so he leaked out the fact that Bai Fengge got countless treasures.

The wealth is moving, the purpose of this group of cultivators is precisely the treasure. Although they are usually afraid of the Bai family, but now there are strong Luo family in front, they all plan to come to fish in muddy water.

This group of guys gathered around and suddenly Bai Fengge couldn't resist.

"You bastards, I remember you. If I can escape alive, you can't escape any of them!" Bai Fengge was ruthless, and his face showed a terrible color. He had quietly taken out his life-saving Hole card.

"Baifengge, we don't want to conflict with you, as long as you hand over the treasure you just got, we let you go!" one of them said.

"Yes, as long as you hand it in, we guarantee that you are safe and sound!"

"Don't hold on, you have a great future. If you fall here, it's not worth it!"

"The Bai family has no treasures, you..."

Although this group of people was persuading in their mouths, it was even more ruthless.

"You... don't force me..." Bai Fengge raised a piece of jade in his hand, "otherwise I will immediately detonate the power of Dao Zun, and you will all die here!"

Everyone heard Bai Fengge said this, but all of them looked changed.

"Everyone don't need to worry, the Soul Breaker in Baifeng singer can only be used once, and he hurts himself more, he didn't dare to easily launch." The old Luo family smiled coldly, "Baifengge, compared to In terms of life, why don’t you struggle with the things outside you, if you are me, you will definitely not choose to continue to fight!"

"Yes, hand over the treasures to keep you safe and sound. Your life is more precious than ours."

"Hand it over! Don't lose it because of a small one."

"As soon as you hand it over, we will leave immediately..."


"You are really ridiculous!" Bai Fengge bit his teeth. "Is Bai Fengge a greedy person who is alive and afraid of death. It's a big deal to give up this flesh and start all over again. My Bai family has a lot of resources. And after a hundred years, I will go to you one by one, and none of you can run away!"

He had already made a decision, and he would crush the broken Soul Rune.

"Haha! Sure enough it is the Bai family."

But at this time, there was a hearty laughter in the void.

Two figures appeared in front of everyone.

"Who are you, dare to take care of our Luo family's affairs, are you not afraid of death?" The old man narrowed his eyes when he saw Zhao Yuande and Dongfangqiao.

Because he felt that both of them are strong men with half-walk respect, and they are both stronger than him.

At this moment he knew that the treasures on Bai Fengge no longer had his share, and he immediately notified all Luo family members in the ruins.

So there is no way, he can only use the Luo family to deter the other side.

"Luo Family? What's that thing?" The corner of Dongfangqiao's mouth curled up.

"Hum! Very good, you will soon pay for what you have just said!" The old man heard Dongfangqiao dare to be so slandering, he couldn't help but look ugly.

"What's the price?" Dongfang didn't care. With Zhao Yuande, the great god, there was nothing to worry about. Even if he broke the sky, someone would make up for him.

"You will die miserably..." The old man gritted his teeth.

Seeing this, the group of practitioners who besieged Bai Fengge couldn't help but stop subconsciously.

Because they also felt the strength of the two, this attitude of the two is obviously on the side of Bai Fengge. They know that there is no hope to get treasure from here today, so many people quietly retreated.

Their faces are very unsightly. As Bai Fengge said just now, they are all remembered by Bai Fengge, and it is a sure thing to come to the door in the future.

I don’t take advantage of more treasures now, so I can find a place to hide for a thousand or eight hundred years after I go out, and wait until the other party forgets this matter.

"I don't know who the two are?" Bai Fengge didn't feel that Zhao Yuande and his two were malicious to himself, and he also felt the strength of the two, especially the one who stood in front of him and looked at himself, giving him a deep sense Feeling.

"We are..." Zhao Yuande just wanted to explain.

"Bai Fengge, I haven't seen your brother-in-law yet!" Dongfangqiao was also confronted with the old man, and also concerned about the situation here, he could not help but screamed.

"!" Bai Fengge suddenly froze in place.

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