Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 186: Gourd Sword Tower

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Zhao Yuande's Divine Realm space enveloped the entire hall, and the power of the world swept madly, shutting himself out of the water.

Just now, it was purely unexpected that the other party was able to rush out of the beast's siege and appeared here, and was caught by surprise by the other party.

But now it is impossible for the other party to kill himself.

"You are very good! Hidden deep!" Shen Yutian did not continue to work, and the cold silver sword in his hand seemed to be accumulating strength, "Speak! Who are you?"

"Shen Yutian, who do I seem to have nothing to do with you!" Zhao Yuande sneered, "Don't stop my way, otherwise you will be killed accidentally, and you, the winner alliance, can find me desperately!"

"Kill me...haha!" Shen Yutian heard Zhao Yuande say this and couldn't help laughing, "It's up to you, you want to kill me?"

"You can't believe me." Zhao Yuande spread his hand and issued a final warning. "Now if you let it go, we will be safe and have different opportunities. If you stop me again, I will be rude to you!"

"Hey! You're welcome to me... I have been in Yu Yutian for so many years, I don't know how many people want to kill me, but they all died under my sword, and you will be no exception today!" Shen Yutian pointed with a silver sword in his hand Zhao Yuande, the chill instantly swept the entire space.

Even the five flashing light gates now become like candles in the wind because of the cold, and they seem to be extinguished at any time.

"In that case, let's kill!" Zhao Yuande's eyes were cold. Since the other party did not know the life and death, then don't blame him for being rude. Anyway, there is no strong man in this cave mansion can enter, and killing the other party is no problem.

As for the outside world... I am afraid that even if you know that you killed yourself, you will be wanted again at most.


Shen Yutian roared, and he did not expect that the two of the other side's half-walk respectful realm would dare to take the initiative to shoot themselves, which is simply provoking his dignity.

"The power of the world!"

Zhao Yuande clenched his fists, and the power of the infinite world wrapped his fists, and the powerful force was released in his body at this moment.


Zhao Yuande's fist crashed with Shen Yutian's Excalibur.

Although the power of the infinite world is wrapped around, the Excalibur is too powerful.

Although the Excalibur did not cut through the power of the infinite world, the terrible chill followed his fist and invaded the body again, making him almost directly frozen.

At this time, Shen Yutian was also shocked, because he felt a terrible power from his Excalibur. This power was extremely violent, and he almost couldn't hold the Excalibur in his hand.

His body stepped back involuntarily, and the whole body hit a pillar in the hall at once.


The pillar made an overwhelming sound and began to crumble gradually, and the whole hall was shaking.

"This is my place of inheritance. If you dare to start again, I will kill you directly!" There was a voice echoing over the hall, and there was irresistible anger in the voice.

The two people stiffened, as if feeling the end of the world, the sky dome above them would collapse and be destroyed soon.

"Couldn't your inheritance be scrambled?" Shen Yutian didn't seem very worried, but asked coldly.

"Naturally you can fight for it, but you can't be here. This is my hall of teleportation. If it collapses, my heritage will be ruined!" The voice was cold. "Choose what you want! Leave or enter a light door."

"Naturally is to enter a light door!" Zhao Yuande did not hesitate, stepped directly into the light door that flashed red light in one step.

This is what he chose long ago, and Xiaoqing has no threat to him in all flames.

"Do you want to use the power of flame to restrain my Excalibur?" Shen Yutian sneered, but did not chase in, but continued to ask, "If I choose other light gates, can I still meet him?"

"Naturally, you will eventually meet in my inheritance hall. By then, I will not even care about your ruin!" The voice gradually calmed down.

"That's good!" Shen Yutian stepped into the blue light door and disappeared.

"These two are peerless geniuses...both good materials! If one of them can get my inheritance, I will be satisfied!" The voice slowly dissipated.

Zhao Yuande stepped into the red light door in one step, and suddenly felt as if he had entered a red world.


The **** magma sea was surging, and Zhao Yuande stood alone on a small island and looked away.

Here is boundless, there is no anomaly in the space of the God Territory, there is no life around, only an endless sea of ​​magma.

"This is what I want to do, there is no hint! The magma sea is endless, I should go in that direction?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but frown, "Xiao Qing, have you found anything?"

"Father, there is no border here, and the magma sea below is even calmer." Xiaoqing Road, "but what makes Xiaoqing strange is that although this is a lava sea, Xiaoqing does not feel a little flame. Power exists."

"Is that so?" Zhao Yuande could not help frowning.

Standing here for a few breathing hours, he had no choice but to find a direction and flew away.

Time rushed by, and Zhao Yuande didn't know how much time he had flown on the magma sea. The surroundings were still boundless.

"It's not quite right! It seems that there is no such restriction outside." Zhao Yuande stopped and frowned, and then he noticed that he could fly.

"Even if it's vast, it won't be so borderless. Even the surrounding scenery is exactly the same. Is this an illusion?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help frowning.

He took out the void gourd to control the power of the void, and the whole person suddenly escaped into the void.

"Huh! There is such a baby in this kid!" In a certain inexplicable space, the voice was full of surprise and helplessness just now, "This was originally a test of mind, but I did not expect to be directly broken by this kid. That's it! Forget it... even if he passed the level!"

Zhao Yuande had just shuttled into the void, and suddenly felt the void collapse in front of him, and an ancient hall appeared in front of him.

The main hall seemed empty, and there was only a small altar in the deepest part of the main hall. Three objects covered with dust were placed on the altar.

The three items are gourd, sword and small tower.

They did not exude strong fluctuations, and in Zhao Yuande's view was just ordinary.

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