Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3195: Crossover

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"Of course, it is not an easy task to enter Devil Emperor Ridge, you need to go through the endless black swamp, the Devil Scorpion Lair... And after entering Devil Emperor Ridge, the cultivation will be suppressed, there are many restrictions... Lord, you need to be prepared." Yin Zhuo also added beside.

"Okay! I know!" Zhao Yuande nodded. "It's not too late, you take me to Mohuangling! As long as I'm promoted to Demon Realm, both of you will be good!"

Hearing the word benefit, the two brothers Yinyue and Yinmo all had their eyes lit up at once.

"Let's go!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

Under the leadership of the two brothers, Zhao Yuande quickly left the flames of fire, left the Black Wind City, and walked towards the endless darkness.

"The young man suspected of the young master of the Black Fire clan has left the Black Wind City!" Just when Zhao Yuande and they left the Black Wind City, in the slave trading hall, the slave owner Moro got the news.

"Leaving the Black Wind City! Where are they going?" Morrow frowned slightly when he heard the report from his subordinates.

"Listen to them, it seems like you are going to Devil Emperor Ridge!" said the Devil Race.

"Mohuangling! Is this Black Forest Maple going to cross the robbery?" Moroni is a Mo Zunqiang, naturally knowing the role of Mohuangling, he could not help revealing a look of horror on his face, "Having closed for half a year, He was about to be promoted to Dao Zun Realm! Sure enough, he was a genius of the Black Fire clan, and it seems that his identity can be determined!"

"Does the master still have doubts before?" a voluptuous witch beside Moro asked curiously.

"I really doubted it!" Moro nodded. "There is news from the Black Fire clan. There is indeed a genius named Hei Linfeng, but he disappeared many years ago! According to the current time, tens of thousands have disappeared. According to my opinion, it should be in a dangerous place. I got out of difficulty six months ago. After getting out of trouble, I gained a lot of money. It is normal to promote Dao Zun within half a year."

Zhao Yuande didn't know that his identity had been determined, nor did he expect that the name Lei Yuan had arranged for himself actually existed and was missing!

They traversed many dark areas and dangerous scenes along the way.

However, Zhao Yuande's current strength is not ridiculous, and has reached the peak of Dao Zun. He can even compete with the strong men in the early stages of the two levels. Of course, he will definitely lose, but the other party cannot kill him.

Supported by such a powerful force, they soon appeared in front of a vast, vast and vast basin.

There is no vitality and vitality here, and even the air is extremely dry, revealing a breath of death.

"Don't go in, I feel that it's not good for your cultivation." Zhao Yuande waved his hands to the Yinzhuo brothers. "You are here to help me guard. If a strong man breaks in to find a way to warn me. "

"Yes!" At the same time, the two felt a sense of terror floating in the void, and there was a fear on their faces.

When they heard Zhao Yuande say this, they couldn't help but relax.

At the same time, they also felt that this young master of the Black Forest seemed to be a little different from other demons and seemed to be more benevolent!

But wouldn’t it be better?

Zhao Yuande walked into the white world alone.

Suddenly I felt an inexplicable breath coming from all directions, and a sense of depression surged into my heart.

He felt that the entire void was extremely suffocating here, and he might not even be able to exert half of his strength.


It didn't take long for him to leave, and there was a burst of roar in the distance.

He can clearly see that at the end of the distant sky, a huge black cloud is constantly brewing, and a strong breath is passed over.

"Someone is here to rob?" Zhao Yuande could not help frowning slightly.

"Forget it, let me go in another direction!" Zhao Yuande looked at a place not far away.

He could feel that the strong man of the crossover should also be the robbery of the demon king, so he did not care too much.

He still can't fly here, and he walks very slowly.

After walking for half an hour, he saw a huge pit, and the surrounding of the pit was torn by horrible forces.

"Here should have been a strong man's robbery, and I'll forget it here!" Zhao Yuande also felt that he had walked tens of millions of miles away, which should be enough.

He sat cross-legged in the middle of the pit, and suddenly a suffocating breath came from under him. This breath was strange and powerful, giving him a feeling of suffocation.

He did not control these, but urged the power of the void in his body to start attacking the most important realm of Dao Zun!

Void vibrated, a large cloud roared, and Zhao Yuande was suddenly overwhelmed by terrible terrestrial water and fire.

I don’t know how many tens of millions of miles away, a demon wearing a spiral horn above the head of the broken dragonscale armor and three long beards under his jaw just climbed out of a huge black pit, he There was ecstasy on his face, and there was an inexplicable excitement in the corner of his mouth.

"Haha! After 38,000 years of cultivation, I finally achieved the status of Dao Zun! This time I must make sure that the group of slaves are ready for blood, I will eat a few more powerful humans. "" Dragonscale Battle Armor Mozu Yinshahu laughed excitedly.

He is here. He has experienced three months of thunder disaster. All the preparations for hundreds of years have been consumed. When the last one is about to die, God seems to have opened his eyes. The disaster finally disappeared. He succeeded. Was promoted to Daozun.

But when he was proud, he felt a wave of palpitation.

In places where I don't know how far away, waves of Tianwei shook, and the whole void was trembling.

Even if the Yinsha Tiger has gone through hardships and has just survived the Heaven Tribulation, he was scared by the terrifying Tianwei's face.

" this a strong man who is going through the holy demons!" Yin Shahu's face was pale, his mouth twitched, and his body was trembling. "No, I'm going to leave here as soon as possible. It's too dangerous Now!"

Yin Shahu tidied up his own emotions, and did not dare to explore who the **** was, and the savage escaped.

"Huh? It's the two wastes of Yinzhuo and Yinmo. What are they doing here?" Yinshahu quickly left this piece of Mohuangling, but just after he came out, he saw two figures shaking.

"Yinsha Tiger!" Yinzhuo and Yinmo sensed powerful breath fluctuations early on. They saw the Yinsha Tiger at a glance, and their eyes showed fear and horror.

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