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"Go on the horse order and invite the 93rd Mother to me to return to the city's main palace, and cut all the **** who framed the 93th Mother!" Yinhong fired his **** and jumped!

"Yes! Master!" Several Mozu Da Hans with strong backs and waists rushed out after hearing the order.

However, after a dozen breaths, a series of screams came from a distance, and several Mozu Dahan respectfully invited a Mozu woman with blood stains on her body and a miserable color on her face. To the main palace.

"The Lord of the City is really fast." Morogan smiled.

"Hey! No way!" Yin Hong smiled, and said a little eagerly, "How about, did you just say that thing is reliable? What benefits can I get?"

"Benefits..." Before he finished speaking, Moro heard a noise from outside.

"Father~Father! I came back, successfully survived the sky-tribulation, and achieved the status of Mozun!" A powerful Yinluo demon clan in battle armour rushed in, excited.

This is the Yinshahu, he came over to inform his father as soon as he returned, obviously wanting to be reused by his father!

"Congratulations, congratulations!" Morrow hurriedly arched his hands, a smile on his face.

"You have been promoted? Not bad, although it is not my most outstanding son, but it is already good! Go to the Treasury to receive three million magic crystals, it is my reward to you!" Yin Hong waved his hand, it seems not very Passion.

"Thank you father!" Yin Shahu also felt something was wrong, but his father Ji Wei was so deep that he didn't dare to say anything.

But when he saw Morrow, he couldn't help but think of what happened just now in Mohuangling and asked.

"Morrow, I heard that the two guys Yinyue and Yinmo had a young master of the Black Fire clan, I don't know if it was true or false?" Yin Shahu didn't value the taste of merchants like Moro, So there is no respect, just a slight inquiries.

"Good! The young master is called Hei Lin Feng, but he is a peerless genius of the Hei Lin clan of the Heihuo clan. My brother Moge has sent someone to the Hei Huo clan to inquire!" There was an arrogant look in the voice.

"Moge...really inquired!" Yin Shahu's face changed again and again.

"Okay! Come on!" Yin Hong glanced at his son, seeming a little dissatisfied in his tone.

"Yes! Father!" Yin Shahu nodded hurriedly, turned and hurried away.

"Sorry, the child is unreasonable!" Yin Hong nodded slightly to Moro.

"It's okay! Lord Master only needs to deal with the scorching and shadowy things and make the young Master Heilin happy. My brother will definitely come to thank Lord Lord personally!" Moro said.

"This nature, this nature!" Hearing the elder brother in Moro's mouth, Yin Hong was also full of respect, "I heard that your brother got a lot of first-class goods on the battlefield this time. I don't know if our Yinfeng City can get it. A few, my taste for those geniuses in the chemical world..."

"At this time, naturally, the Lord of the City, yours..."


"Well! What is that!" At this moment, Yin Hong's face suddenly became shocked.

His body flew into the air and appeared above the Black Wind City the next moment.

At the end of the distant world, the colorful light flashed in the sky, a burst of sweet fairy music echoed back and forth in the void, and the blossoming Jinhua slowly drifted.

"Who's Heaven Tribulation actually caused the resonance of Heavenly Dao, with Xianle and Heavenly Dao lace falling, this... this is definitely a peerless genius that can't be born for hundreds of millions of years!" Yin Hong's face showed a shock that could not last forever. Mumbled, "Could it be... That Black Forest Young Master!"


A few more powerful figures flew into the air, looking in that direction, their eyes also showed a terrified look.

"City Lord, who is it in the Devil Emperor's Ridge that actually caused this kind of magical feedback?" A tall demon with a bear head is also incredible, and his mouth is even bigger.

"Yeah! I heard what the master of the city said, "Master Black Forest? Is it the Black Forest of the Black Fire Clan?" A enchanted witch also asked curiously, with a spiral horn on her head and a long one behind her. The tail wobbled like a venomous snake and made a hissing noise.


Facing the inquiry of many demons in the Black Wind City, Yinhong suddenly showed a smug smile on his face.

"This is the distinguished guest of our city's main palace called Hei Linfeng. At the moment, I am accompanied by my two best sons in the Mohuangling Crossing Heaven Tribulation!" Yinhong did not directly admit that he was a member of the Black Fire clan, just let These guys guessed for themselves.

Only what they guessed will be more mysterious and more fearful.

"Hei Lin Feng... is really a super genius of the Hei Lin clan of the Heihuo clan!"

"How can such a genius come to our city of Black Wind?"

"The Lord of the City is really good luck, and it is actually possible to pull the line of the Black Fire Clan. It seems that returning to the Yinlu Demon Family is just around the corner!"


Many powerful people have talked about it, and the expression of looking at Yinhong has become more eager.

These are all the powerful Sacred Realms of the Black Wind City, they represent the major forces of the Black Wind City.

Although there are still powerful demons in the Black Wind City, they are all retreating and practicing all year round, and they will not come out and show their heads without the big things.

So these people are the decision makers of the Black Wind City, and their combined power is much stronger than that of the city's main palace. Now, because of the appearance of the Black Fire clan genius, their attitude towards Yinhong has all undergone a subtle change.

Not to mention the glorious acceptance of the flattery of many strong men.

At this time, Zhao Yuande's body slowly floated in the air. He felt that a powerful force was coming down in the void, constantly tempering his consciousness of the sea and his soul!

Especially the Tongtian Tree, which has not changed for a long time in the soul of the gods, seems to be growing up frantically at this time.

In just a moment, the Tongtian tree has grown ten times more luxuriantly than before, and the roots and branches are like a dragon winding, as if a huge umbrella completely enveloped the whole sea.

His spirits are constantly growing at this time, and finally finally broke the barrier and entered the realm of Dao Zun!

"What a powerful force, what a powerful soul, and what a powerful cultivation!" At this time, there was a burst of admiration in Zhao Yuande's body, which was full of joy and excitement.

"Lei Yuan! Have you successfully recovered?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but hear Lei Yuan's voice.

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