Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3200: Underwater Mountain

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Zhao Yuande strolled around the city for a while, and he didn't get any useful news from the mouths of those practitioners.

"Brother Zhao." At this moment, a voice came into Zhao Yuande's ear.

He couldn't help turning his head to look around, and suddenly saw a masked woman looking at herself, with a smile in his eyes.

"It really is you!" The woman smiled when she saw Zhao Yuande turning her head.

This woman is Fang Yemei, she is looking at Zhao Yuande with interest at this time.

"How did you recognize me?" Zhao Yuande was a little puzzled.

"This is my secret!" Fang Yemei said, "Follow me now! My ancestors want to see you."

"Forget it! I still don't go, your ancestors, I heard the word insecure." Zhao Yuande shook his head.

"My ancestors just wanted to ask you some questions, and I promise you will never be hurt." Fang Yemei naturally knew Zhao Yuande's concerns.

"No! I won't go. My current strength is insecure!" Zhao Yuande still shook his head.

"Why are you willing to go? Do you want me to swear?" Fang Yemei refused.

"I will go to Taicangshan Fangjia one day in person, because that is my promise, but it is not now. Now I have a lot of things to do." Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

"Aren't you afraid that my ancestors will come directly?" Fang Yemei's eyes had a strange color in his eyes.

"Why not be afraid, but I think you appear before me now, it means that the ancestor will not come in person!" Zhao Yuande smiled.

"You really are..." Fang Yemei smiled helplessly and handed a silver token to Zhao Yuande. "No wonder the old ancestor valued you so much, you are really an alternative guy! This is what the old ancestor gave you, you After you have collected it, don't take it out unless you have to do it. I hope you will come to our house early. After your aunt knows this, she will wash her face with tears all day long..."

"Okay! I will do it as soon as possible!" Zhao Yuande took the token and saw that the dragon and phoenix dance was depicting a square character, and a strong breath was passed from it. Even Zhao Yuande was almost shocked by this breath and knelt directly Fall to the ground.

"What is this?" Zhao Yuande shocked.

"Fang family's heavenly order, even if the heavenly order comes out, even the Saint Alliance must avoid it!" Fang Yemei said.

"What..." Zhao Yuande shook his body and almost dropped the token in his hand directly on the ground.

"Don't be nervous, my ancestor's strength is not what you can imagine. Even if I want to take you to see it this time, it's just a split of souls." Fang Yemei saw Zhao Yuande's eyes and smiled.

"Okay! Since that is the case, then I will accept it!" Zhao Yuande looked solemn, "I still say that, one day I will definitely go to Tai Cangshan!"

"Then I look forward to your arrival!" Fang Yemei nodded slightly, her figure disappeared into the void.

"This woman is much stronger than what she saw before, and it seems that she has also improved recently." Zhao Yuande nodded.

He casually searched for a newly built restaurant in the city, and listened again to the whispers of the practitioners around him, and got many useful news from their words.

After listening for a long time, he did not hear about Dongfangqiao and Baifeng Fairy.

However, Zhao Yuande knows that no news may be the best news, which shows that the two are not in danger together. At least no one has seen them in distress.

After letting go of his heart, he also sorted out many other news.

The huge ruins found on the seabed may have been a super-large gate in the once too celestial realm. This super-large gate is much stronger than the Alliance of the Winners, and the Sixth-Generation Xianbao Xianbao was only obtained on the periphery.

But among the huge ruins is very dangerous, not only hidden countless powerful and fierce monsters, but also countless terrible prohibition formation.

There are ten saints on the list who have fallen into it, and I don’t know how many of them have come out!

Now almost all the strong men who are too long have come together. I don’t know how many saints are studying this huge ruin at this time. There is even a **** who is a realm of great power. Did not overcome this huge ruin.

Now many powerful people are blocked before a huge seamountain mountain, no one can climb to the top of the mountain!

Now is recruiting countless strong, as long as who can climb to the top of the mountain, you can get the reward of the Saint Alliance!

It is said that the peak of this **** mountain may have the secret of how to unlock the whole ruin.

Legend has it that there are nine hundred ninety-nine steps in this **** mountain, and every step up there will be a powerful force to block you. Up to now, no one has set foot on the highest nine hundred ninety-nine steps.

Zhao Yuande became more and more familiar with listening, and the steps... Shenshan... just like the Donglin Shenshan he had walked by.

Is that ruin turned out to be the ruin of Donglin Shenshan?

That is not entirely impossible, because after hundreds of millions of years, it is normal for land to turn into ocean.

Not to mention the battle that was hundreds of millions of years ago, the earth might be directly sunk!

It seems necessary to go and see!

Zhao Yuande pondered and changed his appearance again.

According to his current cultivation practice, even if he meets the God-respecting and powerful person, he cannot see that he has changed his appearance without special investigation.

Soon he appeared before the ruins of the seabed.

This seabed ruin is slowly boundless, billions of miles away from the previous cave house. Among them, countless seabed beasts have been beheaded by many strong men of the Saints Union, which can save Zhao Yuande a lot of strength. .

At this time, he felt that the elliptical boulder in the inner world had more intense fluctuations, and indeed it was in the depths of the ruins, the inexplicable attraction came, which attracted him to explore.

At the same time, he also felt a strong source of breath from the depths of the ruins, which is probably the reason why the ruins attract all the powerful to explore.

Isn't that original breath the soul of the Tai Cang Realm?

Zhao Yuande couldn't help but have some guesses in his heart, what use would he have if he got the Soul of the World?

This is a very serious problem. If you get the soul of the realm of the Tai Cang Realm, you will not be able to keep it. The powerful power released by the realm of the Realm cannot be covered by yourself.

Do you want to hand it over? What's the point of getting it yourself?

It's better to find a place to practice hard.

As he approached the **** mountain, someone appeared in front of him.

"To enter Shenshan, we need to be inspected by the Alliance of Saints!" This is a young man with a somewhat arrogant look.

This young man's cultivation is not low, but a powerful existence of a respect for the Tao.

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