Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3208: The way forward

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Zhao Yuande saw the other party snapping towards himself, and he was shocked in his heart, trying to dodge, but found that he couldn't move at all.

The old man in red grabbed Zhao Yuande's collar with a big hand, and lifted him up directly. He slapped continuously on Zhao Yuande's body.

Zhao Yuande began to feel the tumbling in the body, and the 36 million spiritual world in the body was constantly oscillating, as if to be broken one by one.

However, the more Zhao Yuande felt the incredible power flowing continuously in his body, as if there was a tough line connecting the 36 million real worlds that made up his body.

He immediately felt that his 36 million true spirits were directly linked together at this moment, as if they had become a whole, a huge and vast world of true spirits!

This true spirit world is bigger than the universe of the void, and it is also vast.

A wave of world power is stirred up, merged, and finally gathered together, forming a high-order energy like a natural gas!

Zhao Yuande felt that his cultivation practice was rising like a rocket, and a terror force that he could not control at all was rippling in his body.

"This...this..." Zhao Yuande's shocked mouth couldn't close.


But at the next moment, this world of 36 million true spiritual worlds collapsed directly.

All the energy flowed back into 36 million real spirits.

Everything just now seems to be just a dream.

"This... this is... what's going on?" Zhao Yuande suddenly looked like a clay sculpture.

The feeling just now, that kind of power has already surpassed the Lord, if under the strength just now, he can surely slap the powerful Lord.

But that feeling was only for a moment, and after a moment he was beaten down again.

"Hey! Old and old! The old man in red loosened Zhao Yuande's collar, and his face was flushed with breath, "I've given you a direction of cultivation based on your cultivation method. This kind of cultivation direction may not be correct. But it can inspire you and make you understand the way to go! "

"Thanks to the senior for your guidance, the juniors are grateful!" Zhao Yuande took a long time to relax, and paid a deep respect to the old man in red. "If the juniors will succeed in the future, it will be the merit of the seniors' guidance!"

He was really grateful to the other party. The other party spent effort to let him see the future. This is what Master will do to the apprentice.

Although the other party did not say that he would accept him as a disciple, he already respected the other party as a master in his heart!

"Okay! The old man doesn't like anything. Remember to get me some wine in the future!" The old man in red waved lazily, "Okay, I'm tired, you go now!"

"Yes!" Zhao Yuande saw the tiredness of the old man in red, and was not long-winded. He stepped directly into the void and disappeared.

"This little guy, it's not simple, it's really not easy! He actually embarked on this path, but he doesn't know how hard the road ahead is. I hope my little inspiration can make him less detours!" Red Old Man Seeing Zhao Yuande leaving, he could not help but nodded slightly, a smile appeared on his face, "The inheritance of Tianchi Palace is inherited in his body. I hope he will not forget the old man in the future, the wine of Tianchi Palace... 啧啧!"

Zhao Yuande left and did nothing.

Instead, he came to the city of chemical engineering. In the city of chemical engineering, he purchased a large amount of immortal elixir, and then began to shut down and brew wine.

Three days later, his batch of wine of 100,000 altars was brewed, and then sent into the space of the Time Fairy Hall. The time was accelerated ten thousand times, but it took only a few more hours for this batch of wine of 10,000 altars. It was fermented successfully.

He bought a wine gourd with a huge space and poured all the fine wine into it.

After a month of such reciprocation, this wine gourd is considered full.

Zhao Yuande shook the wine gourd and couldn't help but show a smile in the corner of his mouth.

"These wines should be enough for seniors to drink for hundreds of years!"

He stepped into the void channel one step and reappeared outside the Qinglong City.

"Boy! Come back so soon? Is there any doubt about the cultivation method I showed you?" The old man in red looked at Zhao Yuande with some confusion.

"No!" Zhao Yuande shook his head with a smile.

"So what are you going to do? Do you want the old man to point you again?" the old man wondered.

"Neither!" Zhao Yuande took the wine gourd out and handed it to the old man in red, and smiled, "The junior may be going to the chemical industry this time, and I don't know when I can come back. This is what I brewed for the senior. 'S fine wine should be strong enough for the juniors to return next time!"

"Oh!" The old man in red lighted his eyes, grabbed the wine gourd in Zhao Yuande's hands, opened the stopper, and suddenly froze.

"Little fellow, you won't spend all of your wine making this month! It's hard for you!" The old man in red for a long time said quietly, "Good boy, I'll do my best to give you guidance and hope to return next time. You can surprise me!"

"Seniors rest assured, I will not live up to your expectations. I will bring better wine to honor you next time I return!" Zhao Yuande bowed to the old man.

"Go! Go!" The old man in red waved his hand.

Zhao Yuande left, but his face was relaxed, he felt very happy at this time.

He returned to the Fortune City for the first time, and only then inquired about things from the Tai Cang Realm.

At this time, things in Tai Cangjie had already been worn, and countless practitioners were inexplicably transmitted from the inside.

With the help of the strong chemical industry, they quickly returned to the chemical city.

At this time, most people are waiting for the inquiries of the powerful chemical industry in the chemical building of the chemical city.

Many people have already left the chemical hall and returned to their respective family boundaries.

Each of these people has gained a lot, and the benefits have been countless.

Most of them have been promoted to the realm, and some strong men even took this opportunity to successfully advance to the realm of Dao.

It was also at this time that the City of Fortune was ready to open a teleportation channel for this part of the powerhouses who were promoted to Taoist Realm, and took them into the fortune community.

Of course, Zhao Yuande must first find two people, Dongfangqiao and Baifeng Fairy, and make sure they are safe before proceeding to the next step.

He first communicated that Yufu did not respond, and then came to the places where they often gathered and found no trace of them.

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