Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2224: Three sisters

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There are three young women in the cage. One of them is very young and should be just a girl. They look like seven or eight points, and they look like sisters.

They huddled together at the moment, and there was panic and despair in their eyes. The youngest girl's body was trembling constantly, and a soft sob was made in her mouth.

"The three human race slaves are a strong man of my family who sneaked into the chemical world, a genius female disciple who was plundered from the big sect gate called Xuan Tianzong, and more importantly, they are three sisters... I mean Everyone understands!" The old man's eyes showed a strange light, and he even grinned.


There was a burst of yin laughter in the field.

"The base price is 300 million yuan, you can bid freely!" The old man said the base price.

This price is not low, but there are many strong people who like the beauty of the human race among the demons, and such a price is acceptable.

"Xuan Tianzong?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but recall the name of Xuan Tianzong when he was in the Eastern World.

At that time, he was still ignorant, and he had just embarked on the road of cultivation, where he met his first master and encountered the black wind.

That time was happy and beautiful, and now I heard that there is also a sect called Xuan Tianzong in the chemical world. In his heart, he couldn't help but have the desire to rescue these three women.

And he is a human race after all, it is impossible to watch the three flower-like women being taken away by these demons.

At this time the price of the three women has been raised to 500 million, and the total bid price is three or two people.

One of them is a young demon with a sharp voice. The demon has a very aggressive tone. When he speaks, he is proud and has a strong confidence.

The other is a demonic man. This guy also poked his head out of the box. The black hair on his face made him look sick.

The last one was a soft woman's voice. This sound made people seem to have a worm crawling around in his heart, and it was a little tickling.

Zhao Yuande did not rush to bid, watching these three guys start to raise prices.

Soon the price reached one billion, the soft woman's voice sighed softly, and no bid was made.

"Huwei, you dare to compete with me, don't want to live anymore!" The young demon with a spiteful voice finally couldn't help it at this time, and issued a threatening voice.

"Ghost Capital, you can't scare Lao Tzu, I'm not scared!" The black-faced Demon Strong, with a wide-mouthed mouth, exposed his fierce fangs, "You don't rely on your Lao Tzu It is God Venerable who is prestigious here, and there is God Venerable behind Lao Tzu, and my Black Tiger Demon Race does not lack strong men!"

"Hey! Really? Then let's go and see!" The sharp voice Devil ghosts all sneered, "Then we will see the magic crystal, I will give 1.1 billion!"

"1.2 billion!" Huwei did not show any weakness, "Laozi likes human beauty, I will at all costs!"

"1.3 billion..." Ghosts gritted their teeth.

"1.5 billion! Lao Tzu recently made a fortune, just to play with a few human beauty." Hu Wei grinned.

The old man who presided over the auction couldn't help but talk.

When the soft-spoken woman started to bid, he was really worried that these two guys would not dare to bid because they were afraid of the woman's strength.

But they didn't expect the two of them to raise the price to this level in the end.

"1.8 don't want to bid anymore!" Hu Wei's complexion soon changed, and the other party seemed to be arguing with him, and the price was hot.

"1.9 billion..." The ghosts sneered, "I have a magic crystal, you have the ability to continue to consume!"

"His mother, I don't want it anymore! 1.9 billion bought a good weapon." Hu Wei's stubborn **** sat back in his box.

"Hey! These three human-beauty beauties are mine!" Evil flames sprayed from the ghost eyes, and the air in front of him was almost ignited by him.

"Is there any higher price?" Mozu elder asked symbolically, and then wanted to finalize.

"Slow down, I will give 2 billion!" Zhao Yuande knew that it was time to shoot.

"Two billion!" Many people's eyes all turned to Zhao Yuande's private room.

"What! How dare you rob me!" The voice of the ghost came, "You have a few heads!"

Zhao Yuande was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, but waited silently.

"Ghost capital, I warn you, this is my Magic Crown Chamber of Commerce's auction venue, not your place of wildness!" The old man who presided over the auction snorted, releasing a powerful sense of dignity.

"Good! I want to see how many magic crystals you can produce!" Guidu's sharp voice sounded in the auction venue, "I'm giving out 2.1 billion!"

"Three billion!" God Zhao Yuande's voice was lukewarm.

The two brothers Mo Huo Mo Luo looked at each other when they saw that Zhao Yuande was going to buy three human slaves.

"What's the matter, does Master Heilin like human beauty?" Mo Huo said to Morrow.

"Possibly! I remember the last time you sent me a human genius named Gu Aoyue, who was also taken in by the young master!" Moro recalled.

"Gu Aoyue... that human... Oops! I also forgot, that Gu Aoyue was too big, and the boss was almost not planted on it. Some strong humans came and almost smashed the boss's palace directly!" Mo Huo said.

"What... what to do?" Morrow couldn't help but speak in shock.

"What else can we do, spend money to eliminate the disaster! The boss reluctantly spent 800 billion yuan to settle this matter." Mo Huo's face hurt, "800 billion yuan, how many years we have to accumulate to get so much Wealth! It's a pity that we only got one shot from the master, and we still look at the face of our ancestors."

"Sir Lord Heilin is so good, do you have any good human slaves there, get a few to give him to Young Master Helin." Morrow said.

"This is no problem. Anyway, we keep it and eat it. It's not bad to please Master Hei Lin..."


Hearing Zhao Yuande shouting a price of 3 billion yuan, the auction hall suddenly became quiet.

"Ok... you ruthless! These three human beings are one billion, cheaper for you!" Ghosts gritted their teeth.

He is not able to get 3 billion, but to bid for the last baby, now consuming too much money, I am afraid there will be some accidents in the end.

"Humph!" Zhao Yuande snorted coldly.

Soon the Magic Crown Chamber of Commerce sent three human beauties to Zhao Yuande.

The three human beauties are all Taoist realms, but they are all blocked. Now they are just weak and beautiful girls.

Zhao Yuande was not too long-winded, and sent them directly into his own inner world.

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