Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3232: Zhongzhou windless

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Fang Cunju is really much more elegant and more expensive than Triumph Tower.

"The style here is not like a Demon Race, but like a Human Race!" Zhao Yuande looked at some familiar architectural styles here and couldn't help whispering.

"The son really has good eyesight. This super-strong guy likes the environment of the human race very much, and he has a lot of human race slaves under his hands, including the human race who is good at architecture." She San explained.

Instead of looking for a private room, they sat in a corner in the hall.

Zhao Yuande casually ordered a little bit of food and drink, and began to listen to the intelligence of the demons around him.

"Did you hear about it? This time the Lord of Sharks looted three large cities, and finally was chased by a powerful Lord of the Demon Realm in the chemical world. There was nowhere to go, and finally burned for 9 million years. Shou Yuan was able to escape, but it is said that this time he got a Xuanwu God Iron Mine, which is a big profit!"

"Hey! The Demon Lord is unlucky, just rushed into the chemical world and was ambushed by the three human demon masters. He was exploded into the chemical world, and even the soul of the gods did not escape!"

"I heard that Fengbo Shenzun destroyed a small sect in the chemical world this time, captured a dozen peerless beauties, and grabbed many rare cultivation resources in our hell!"

"Son Demon Psychedelizes a peerless genius in the chemical world..."


When Zhao Yuande heard the information, he couldn't help feeling helpless for the practitioners in the chemical industry. He also felt an anger in his heart.

The human race has been looted, and it has either become a slave of the demon race or has been turned into food by the demon race. Those high-ranking characters in the chemical world cannot hurt the **** devil, so that they will never dare to invade the chemical world?

He felt in **** that although there are many demons here, in fact, the combat power is not so powerful.

The scarcity of resources and the harsh environment are not worth the attention of the big figures in the chemical industry.

As if it were too Cangjie, how powerful it is, but it was not destroyed by the Chemical World.

He listened here silently for half an hour, and his face was not pretty.

Snake Three on the side dared to feel the tension in the air, he simply didn't speak but just ate.

"Let's go!" Zhao Yuande got up and left here.

"How about your son, is it fruitful." Snake three asked behind him.

"It's a fruitful harvest. Help me find a cave house. I have to rest for a while." Zhao Yuande felt a bit heavy and needed to practice for a while.

"Young Master, come with me." Snake Three felt Zhao Yuande's emotions, and he took him to an underground cultivating cave in the city.

Here, like the Black Wind City, there is a terrible terrible ground fire, which is part of the flames of fire in the eighteenth floor.

After renting a cave house, Snake III did not leave, but waited outside the cave house.

The cultivation environment here is good, even outside the cave house is better than other places in the city.

It was just when Zhao Yuande just entered the cave house and entered cultivation.

I didn't know how much time I spent practicing, and the whole earth suddenly began to shake violently.

There were loud and loud noises on the ground.

He couldn't help but explore the gods and souls, and suddenly saw an incredible scene.

In the distant sky, a huge white jade palm protruded and slapped fiercely towards Heihe City.

"Who dares to attack me in Heihe City!" Dozens of tall figures rushed out of Heihe City, all of which were described as terrible demons.

There was a tremendous breath in him, and terrible power rolled over.

"Mozu, how dare you enter my territory and plunder my people, and today I will destroy your ten cities and make you remember forever!" An angry voice came from the huge palm-like palm.


The palm of the hand fell down, the entire Heihe City was completely covered, and the terrifying breath shattered all the buildings in the entire city in an instant.

I don't know how many demons were directly crushed at this moment, and countless powerful men directly fell.

"You... who the **** are you..."

The powerful figures were all blown out one by one. They spouted blood violently, their eyes showing an incredible look.

"Zhongzhou has no waves!" There was a loud voice in the white jade-like palms.

"Zhongzhou... Feng Wubo! Crazy Demon Lord Lord Wuwu!" One of the demon strongs seemed to know the name and couldn't help but be shocked.

"Crazy Demon Lord...whoever stepped on the horse provoked this terrible existence, who is..."

"Run away! This guy is infinitely close to the dominant powerhouse, he is more powerful than us!"

"Even if it only comes across domains, it is not something we can resist."

"I can't keep it here, escape..."


This group of strong men escaped in all directions.

"Hum... let me stay!"

A breath of terror came from Bai Yu's palm, directly covering the territory of hundreds of millions of miles.

Dozens of strong men fleeing from the Quartet, their faces changed wildly, because at this moment they felt that time had stopped at this moment.

"This guy can actually control the time and space of hell...ah!"


Continuous explosions sounded, and countless powerful people exploded at the same time.


Among them, several powerful demons exploded the flames of terror, broke free of the time, and fled.

"Huh! You can escape fast!" Bai Yu's palm did not chase, but directly torn the void and disappeared in place.

At this time, the Heihe City has become a ruin. Occasionally, several Devils lucked out of the ruins without dying. Looking at the unhealed void, their eyes showed infinite terror.

"It's so powerful! Crazy Demon Lord Wufeng Wubo, who the **** is that!" Zhao Yuande suddenly felt his depressed mood suddenly improved, and a smile appeared on his face, "My luck is really good."

If he had just stayed on the ground just now, I am afraid he has been shot directly to death. The kind of power just now is terrible, and only a small aftermath can kill him.

Amidst the flames of fire, it is very safe.

Although the mad demon lord is powerful, he dare not be too presumptuous. The flames of fire are the cultivation ground of the entire hell. If it is destroyed, I am afraid that the powerful masters hidden in the **** will appear.

So he just smoothed the city, and did not spread to the flames of fire.

"Snake III!" Zhao Yuande walked out of the practice cave.

"People...People!" Snake San's face was pale and his body was trembling.

"This is the cycle of Heaven and Dao. When we go to rob the chemical industry, there will naturally be big figures in the chemical industry." Zhao Yuande said, "What's the situation outside?"

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