Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3256: Overwhelmed

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Chapter three thousand two hundred and fifty six

"This... twenty handles were refined in a short time! Your speed..." Hong Shaoqiu stunned.

"Go ahead and come back in a day!" Zhao Yuande said.

Since he knew that he could start after five days, he would not delay.

Sleepless, when Zhao Yuande refines the 100th third-grade chemical treasure, he is almost exhausted.

This is not only a physical cost, but also a very serious cost.

Zhao Yuande's refining of a hundred pieces of third-class chemical Xianbao was a long sigh of relief.

He originally wanted to hand over these ancient treasures to the father and son of the Hong family, but he thought of some problems.

The back-winged two-winged strongman who escaped from the cracks of time and space, and the snake three in the inner world are all problems.

Now I have to go to the rescue to eat the ancestors, this will take several years, the time is too long.

He finally decided to send him back to hell, and it didn't delay much anyway.

He stepped into the void channel in one step and returned to the magic crown giant city at the next moment.

In the cave mansion of the magic crown giant city, Zhao Yuande moved Snake Three out of the inner world.

"Master Hei Lin, what is this place?" She was originally unable to feel at ease in Zhao Yuande's inner world and kept thinking wildly.

This time he was moved out, and at the same time he felt a familiar breath.

He knew that he had returned to hell, did Master Black Forest fail.

"Snake III, here is the magic crown giant city!" Zhao Yuande looked at Snake III, "I know you have some secrets, and you have a very strong bloodline in your body, and you have a firm mind and some luck, I want to train you to let you Become my men and let you manage some of my resources and industries here, what do you think?"

"This..." She San heard a word of hesitation on Zhao Yuande's face.

He did not immediately agree, but it did not surprise Zhao Yuande.

The blood in the opponent's body was able to suppress Long Hao, which has shocked him.

In his cognition, there are only a few types that can suppress the blood of the magic dragon. This snake three is not very good for cultivation, and it is smooth, but in fact this is his disguise. The real snake three should have one. This kind of powerful blood lineage inheritance.

"I don't force you, this thing needs to be willing, as long as you still need to make a bloodline vow, you still have to tell you in advance." Zhao Yuande said lightly.

"Bloodline oath! This... will not affect my cultivation!" Snake San heard the bloodline oath, and was not as browful.

"As long as you don't break the oath, there will be absolutely no impact." Zhao Yuande said.

"I don't know what kind of benefits Hei Lin Young Master can bring me?" The snake said solemnly.

"A lot of cultivation resources, high position." Zhao Yuande said concisely.

But these two are exactly what all the demons in Hell are after.

"Okay...I promised!" After thinking of dozens of breaths, Snake finally nodded. "But I hope the young master will not spy on my secret. This is my limit."

"Everyone has their own secrets. You think your encounters are against the sky, but in my opinion... Ha ha! You still understand it yourself!" Zhao Yuande smiled faintly. "Well, I don't have that hobby. Take a blood oath...these resources are yours!"

Zhao Yuande handed a storage ring to Snake III.

The snake three subconsciously took it, and the soul entered it.

"This..." The three bodies of the snake shook at once, and almost missed the storage ring and dropped it on the ground.

Among the storage rings are hills of fire dragon Mingsha, three pieces of chemical treasure four grades, one piece of fifth grade, billions of magic crystals, various immortals...

Anyway, he can think of everything!

"These are for me!" Snake San froze for a few breaths before his voice trembled.

"Yes, as long as you swear your bloodline is yours!" Zhao Yuande nodded with a smile.

"I send..." The snake refused to hesitate again and again.

He now finally knows what Zhao Yuande just said.

This opportunity for myself was originally very tightly covered, and Tao has now been given for hundreds of years, so Zhao Yuande knew it all by himself.

He originally thought that his chances were already very unnatural.

But compared with the things in this storage ring, it was directly overshadowed.

The things in this storage ring are at least worth tens of billions!

Tens of billions is enough for him to cultivate to the level of God Venerable!

After Snake San made a bloodline oath, a smile appeared on Zhao Yuande's face.

"Okay, this is the resource I gave you to train your subordinates. I have a mansion in the Black Wind City. Among them, the two brothers of the Yinluo Demon are loyal to me. You can train them vigorously, and..." Zhao Yuande will Inform Snake III about it.

The snake nodded again and again, his face showing excitement.

Snake knows that he has embarked on a road to take off from this moment!

"Right! I planted your mark, even if you reach Heihuo later, they will recognize your identity!" Zhao Yuande sent a trace of Lei Yuan's breath into the other party's body, which can already represent the other party's identity .

"Yes..." The snake's three hearts were surging, and his face was flushed with excitement.

"There is one more important point..." Zhao Yuande looked at Snake III, "Your name is really bad, it is better to change the name to Zhushan!"

"Zhushan...Master Master, you already know it!" The three bodies of the snake shuddered, their faces showing horror.

"Okay, I'm going to leave for a while, you develop well, and wait for me to return." Zhao Yuande waved his hand and stepped into the void, and disappeared in the next moment.

"I will not disappoint the young master!" Snake Sanbu... Candle Mountain's face showed a firm color, "Since today, Snake San is dead, only Zhushan!"

At the next moment, Snake Sanyuan's body suddenly became taller, and his face also showed an unprecedented style of self-confidence.

Back in the chemical industry, in the Hongjiabao Building, Zhao Yuande knew something, and his face showed a relief expression.

"I forgot a few people!" Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly again at the next moment, "Okay! Run again."

His figure disappeared again.

The reappearance is already in a mountain range tens of millions of miles away.

There is a large city towering beneath this mountain range.

With his hand, several figures appeared in front of him.

"This... this is the chemical industry! I finally returned to the chemical industry!" Gu Aoyue was the first to exclaim, she looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes full of gratitude, "Thank you! I have no long things, If one day you can go to Zhongyue Shenyue Palace, Gu Aoyue must...

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