Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3273: Defective exercises

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"Masters of the chemical industry! A group of old **** trying to steal the chemical industry!" The voice seemed to grind his teeth.

"What are they going to steal?" Zhao Yuande asked again.

"Of course to achieve the **** of chaos!" The voice replied uncomfortably.

"Well... This is too far away from me!" Zhao Yuande immediately stopped the topic, "What is my next test?"

"The next test...soaking up! You made such a big noise, how dare I send you again, so the test was cancelled." The voice seemed a little helpless.

"Then my skills." Zhao Yuande asked cautiously.

"Give you!"

Zhao Yuande suddenly felt a tremendous amount of information pouring into his sea of ​​knowledge.

Zhao Yuande was overjoyed in his heart, and immediately began to watch the information, and suddenly discovered that this is a practice called chaotic void.

However, it seems that the exercises have only the first six weights and can only be cultivated to the realm of God!

"That... this exercise is incomplete." Zhao Yuande whispered.

"I know, I don't want to give you the following exercises, I'll talk about it after you have cultivated to the divine realm!" The voice was impatient.

Zhao Yuande felt that his soul was pushed out of the jade dynasty by an irresistible force.

"Hey! Even if you can only cultivate to the divine realm, it is also a peerless skill!"

Zhao Yuande was not disappointed, but pleasingly invested in the cultivation of this method called chaotic void.

Time rushed by, and in the blink of an eye Zhao Yuande had already spent three months in this Void Shenshuo.

Within these three months, he has already started to learn the chaotic void.

This extremely obscure mystery, even the genius of Zhao Yuande, took three months to get started.

But after getting started, Zhao Yuande immediately felt it, as if a new world had been opened.

He found that countless previous understandings of Void Sky were so superficial, and he had a deeper understanding of the inheritance from Void!

Now if he fights against the Lord of the Void in the space **** domain again, he should not be so embarrassed!

"You finally grew up!" Just when Zhao Yuande was a little excited, there was a voice in his ear, which was a little bit of joy and relief.

"Void gourd!" Zhao Yuande's intention appeared in a real spirit world in his body.

There is a broken ruin in this spiritual world. At this time, the low stone mountain in the center of the ruin has been covered by the gourd vine.

There is a small yellow flower in the center of the gourd vine. The small flower seems to gather the spirit show of the world, and there is a strange power rippling around the body.

There is a kind of transcendence that will break through the clouds and break out of the illusion of this world.

Above the gourd vine, the empty gourd floated quietly, as if a child was watching his mother quietly.

"It survived!" Zhao Yuande came to the Void Gourd.

"Yes! It survived. All this is your credit. From now on, my heart is gone. I can concentrate on helping you!" There is some expectation in the voice of the Void Hulu, "And you are now from that The guy got the chaotic void, and should be able to control some of my strength."

"Just controlling some power?" Zhao Yuande was a little dissatisfied.

Although he was not convinced on his mouth, his heart was still shocked, because the other party even knew that he had obtained the chaotic void from the jade sword, did not all his own escape from the other party's sight?

However, it is normal to think about it. The Void Gourd controls the power of the Void, and it is not known how many secrets are hidden. Even if you pay attention to yourself at any time, you cannot know it.

"It's just a small part. You can be said to be the controlling part if you cultivate to the divine realm." Although the voice of the Void Gourd is a little bit young, the words spoken in it are convincing.

"Well! I know, what kind of power can I control now?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but wonder.

"Let's do this! You will refine these two Xuanji inks first!" The Void Gourd shook, and two black snakes spewed out of the Gourd Mouth.

The two black snakes are the two profound black inks they received from the dark zone.

The Void Gourds took them away but they were only a deterrent, they did not refine them, the purpose was to let Zhao Yuande refine them.

Under the deterrent effect of the empty gourds, the two Xuanji inks were very clever, and Zhao Yuande let them into the body furnace.

"I want to refine them into two short swords!" Zhao Yuande thought for a while and made a decision.

Xuanji Ink is originally very tough, the material is comparable to the Sixth Grade Chemical Immortal Treasure, it is flexible and changeable in battle, and it is most suitable for making a short sword.

Xuanji ink does not need to melt or reshape, as long as some formations are carved in it, and it is complete to brand its own soul.

"Well! Yes, it is barely enough!" There was a suction from the void gourd, and two black swords one inch long were sucked into the gourd. "The two swords warmed up in my body first, they The material is not bad, it should have the potential to advance."

"I... you can summon them while fighting!" Zhao Yuande asked tentatively.

"Naturally, it can be summoned with me, and I will practice in your sea of ​​knowledge in the future. I communicate with you, and you can call me with only one thought!" Void gourd said.

At the next moment, Zhao Yuande felt that the void gourd entered his own sea of ​​knowledge, floating quietly under the sky tree.

"Good!" Zhao Yuande was a little excited in his heart.

To know that before he used Void Gourd, he had to catch it in his hands before he could control the opponent.

Now this has greatly improved flexibility and improved his combat effectiveness by a few points.

"What should I do with this gourd vine? Just put it here to grow it? Or move it to the sea of ​​knowledge together." Zhao Yuande couldn't help but ask about the empty gourd.

"Just put it in this real spirit world!" The void gourd hesitated for a moment before speaking.

Recognized by the Void Gourd, Zhao Yuande was even more excited than the Chaos Void.

Void gourd has been with him for a long time. Although he is silent, but he is the most helpful to him, he is also the most dependent on it.

The ability to shuttle through the universe of the void at will depends entirely on the powerful functions of the void gourd.

Zhao Yuande slowly opened his eyes and stretched his body, with a satisfied smile on his face.


The door to the room was suddenly knocked.

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