Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3289: Shen Bushi

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Chapter 3289

"Don't believe it, **** demons love human race beauties very much, but...but not to play, but to eat! The human race geniuses we rescued from the mouth of **** demons in recent years don't know how many." Yuan rolled proudly.

"Okay! It's our ignorance!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help laughing.

"I'm afraid this guy is really not bragging!" Dongfangqiao sent a message to Zhao Yuande. "Although the Qiantong Chamber of Commerce is only a chamber of commerce, its power is huge, and it is almost everywhere in the chemical industry. How many strong ones. My Master said that in addition to the Zhongzhou Holy Dynasty, the overseas Buddhist sect, and the Southern Region Evil Religion, the fourth largest force should be the Qiantong Chamber of Commerce!"

"It seems that there is really a long-term possibility of cooperation between me and this round!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but nod.

"I got 15% off for Brother Zhao. Don't forget Brother Zhao!" Dongfangqiao laughed.

"There is absolutely no problem. When I go out this time, I will pass on you a supernatural power!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

Now I meet these two friends in the chemical and chemical industry. In the future, I want to join hands in the chemical and chemical industry. Their strength is naturally as strong as possible!

They walked while talking, but after half an hour, they left the area.

"How do I feel something is wrong?" Zhao Yuande suddenly looked around, a strange look on his face.

"What's wrong? Nothing! Everything is normal." Dongfangqiao shook his head. "I didn't feel the enemy, nor heard any sound."

"I also feel something is wrong." Fairy Bai Feng is also very dignified.

"What's the matter?" Hearing their words, they couldn't help but look around with some suspicious suspicions. "It seems that something is not right, it's too quiet. We walked all the way without any danger!"

"Yes! I think we walked all the way, and the surrounding scenery seemed to be similar." Jia Tong, who had not spoken, also nodded.

"You don't say what I didn't even realize. It seems to be the case now. This tree... I've seen it in half an hour!" Dongfangqiao pointed to a big tree that appeared in front.


Zhao Yuande tweeted a black light.

But he did not expect that the black light directly penetrated the big tree, and the big tree turned out to be just a ghost.

"We are afraid that we are caught in a certain formation." Zhao Yuande stopped and his face showed a dignified color.

Being able to introduce them silently into the formation is definitely a great and powerful existence.

The other party's soul must be much stronger than those of them, otherwise they will not be deceived.

"Formation?" Suddenly a smile appeared on Yuanwan's face. "This is not difficult. As long as it is a formation, I have a way to make it nothing!"

"Oh?" Dongfangqiao heard the other party say, and suddenly a look of anticipation appeared on his face.

"Hey! Who am I? Who are the geniuses who work with the Chamber of Commerce? If we don't have money, we believe in things that we can't do without money." Copper coins in the shape of square holes.

"What kind of baby is this?" Dongfangqiao's eyes lit up and his face was curious.

"This's amazing, it seems to have a strange power!" Zhao Yuande's face changed slightly.

He is proficient in Void Sky, and he had a certain degree of confidence in the place where they fell. Although he did not dare to say that it could be cracked, he was confident to lead everyone out of this area of ​​formation.

Now seeing this treasure, he couldn't help but feel very shocked, because he felt the breath emanating from this copper coin, and there was a kind of restraint against the void sky he controlled!

It's a pity that he can't say anything about it, he never heard of it.

"Hey! This is called Qianyu Tongbao! Although it is only a fake, it can already suppress a time and space, all evils do not invade, and the law is not broken!" The copper coin was shaken proudly.

Everyone suddenly felt the void around them as if the lake water was being blown by the wind and began to make waves!

"It's amazing!" Fairy Bai Feng's eyes widened, revealing an incredible look.

They felt the void around them as if they were covered with a thin film, and now this thin film was being peeled off by the dry Yutongbao.

"I really deserve to be a member of the Qiantong Chamber of Commerce. There are such treasures on my body!" At this moment, a voice slowly sounded.

The surrounding scenery changed dramatically at this moment. They were in front of a vast jungle, but now they have found that they have appeared in a vast void.

There is no sun, moon, and stars in the void, just a darkness.

The center of the dark void suddenly flashed a little **** light, and a figure slowly appeared in front of everyone.

This is a tall man with a **** face mask.

"You are... the evil ghost sect!" Yuanwan saw this ghost-faced mask person, and couldn't help but a little dignified voice.

"Hey! You think I'm just me!" Grimace mask man gave a cold laugh.

"It shouldn't be! The Evil Ghost Sect has been forced into despair and entered the sea of ​​clouds and snakes decades ago. You shouldn't be able to enter here! Is there a traitor in the League of Saints?" Different colors, constant guessing.

"Okay! Round, no need to guess, he is not the person of the evil ghost sect!" At this time, Zhao Yuande patted the round shoulder and shook his head slightly, smiling at him, "He just borrowed the name of the evil ghost sect. !"

"Huh! What do you know! Why do I say that I am not the evil ghost sect?" The voice of the ghost face mask person is full of sarcasm, "You little person who rises in the lower realm, I am afraid I have never heard of my evil ghost sect. 'S prestige!"

"Really?" Zhao Yuande said with disdain on his face. "The Shen World of the Saint Alliance, you people of the Shen family are really inexhaustible! After killing one and another, Shen Yutian was killed by me, Shen Yufeng was killed by me, and now it's your turn to send you to the door to find death!"

"Shen Bushi?" Yuanwan couldn't help but slightly stunned when he heard the name. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the ghost face mask opposite humanely, "Shen said this person is Shen Bushi? How could he be Shen Bu? world?"

At this time, the ghost mask on the opposite side shook his body and looked at Zhao Yuande inconceivably. Although his face was covered by the mask, he could still feel the other party's shock.

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