Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3294: Flame Elf

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Chapter 3294 Flame Elves

"Crazy! It's not good to go on like this, am I going to prepare to use that thing!" At the same time, the round face is also very dignified, because he feels that he has little time to control the God of Creation, he is hesitating whether he wants to Remove the last hole card.

"Boy! You are looking for death!" An angry voice came out of the body of the ice giant, "Don't worry about the God of Creation, let's kill the kid first!"

At this time, the giant of ice and fire seemed to be angry, putting all his attention on Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande suddenly felt the strong pressure of the other party, which not only did not make him feel fear, but also had a kind of excitement.


Zhao Yuande was even hit and flew directly under this impact, and his body was more cracked, and even there was an overwhelming click from the bones.

But just under this blow, he suddenly felt a very subtle feeling suddenly in his heart.

The power flowing in the body seemed to flow into his mind very clearly all at once!

At this moment, he knew that he had truly reached the third level!

But after reaching the third level, he realized that the third level was not as simple as he thought.

He was only a glimpse into the path, and he had only just stepped into a new world.

He now finally understands the gap between himself and Shenwu!

Even if they are all in the third realm, they are also very different. They still have a long way to go.


At this moment, the ice giant made a roar.

In one fight, the huge fist killed Zhao Yuande's head fiercely!

"Brother Zhao!" Dongfangqiao was shocked to see this scene and rushed upwards.

But the Baifeng fairy beside him has already rushed up.

"You two, don't worry, I still have cards!" Seeing this scene round and round can't help but exclaim.

But at this time, Zhao Yuande, who had originally flown out, stood in the void all at once, and a pair of eyes showed a look of ecstasy.

"Okay! This punch will break you!"

Zhao Yuande waved his fist, and the plain and unpretentious did not have any moves, but it looked a bit natural.

Everyone seemed to feel a kind of tranquility at this moment!

"What's going on?" Fairy Baifeng and Dongfangqiao rushed to stop at once, their faces showing doubt.


The void concussion, two fists hit together.

At this moment time is still.

At this moment, Zhao Yuande's body was imposing, and the whole person stood on the body in the void burning an infinite golden flame, as if it were a mighty god.

On the other hand, the ice and fire giant on the opposite side was as if he had been hit hard, making a crackling sound!

The huge fist collapsed directly at this moment, and the huge body flew back.

"This...impossible! Your strength... why suddenly became so powerful! This is not common sense!" An incredible voice came from the ice giant.

"Huh! How do you understand." Zhao Yuande sneered, his body flashed in front of the giant of the fire once, and punched him in the chest of the giant of the fire!

"Come on, we can't beat him now, leaving only one dead road!" Another voice came from the body of the ice giant.


The Ice and Fire Giant was once again blown away by Zhao Yuande.

There were huge cracks in the body.

It was at this time that the giant of the fire and ice burst into disintegration, and the two figures of red, green and blue were separated, and they became the two great men again.

The two big men looked at each other, and they were able to see the horror in each other's eyes.

After making eye contact, they fled wildly in two directions.


How could Zhao Yuande let them run away at this time, and rushed towards the flaming man without hesitation.

With Xiaoqing there, the Great Blaze has no resistance at all.

"Want to go! Let me go in!"

Just as Zhao Yuande was chasing the flame hero, the **** of fortune would already be covered with the frost hero.

Frost Dahan throws a weapon of chemical immortal treasure and explodes it, which only blocks the footsteps of the chemical god.

But at the next moment, he suddenly felt that it was dark in front of him, and the whole person was shrouded into a dark world.

"Hey!" At this time, Yuanwan rolled out a gray flag in his hand, and looked at the Dongfangqiao and Baifeng Fairy who rushed over, showing a smug smile, "Enough to trap him for tea time! Now wait for Brother Zhao. He came back to kill him."

"You... why don't you use this kind of treasure early?" Dongfangqiao glared.

"I... use a fart early, this thing can't stop the strong man at the peak of the Sacred Realm, and it still works well in the later period of the Sacred Realm. If it is used early, it will be used as a sieve!" Yuan Chuan smiled bitterly.


It was at this time that the God of Creation shattered at once, and the golden pieces flew all over the sky.

"My baby! This is one of my life-saving cards, worth billions! It's gone!" The round expression was painful, almost crying.

"You must still be hiding something!" Dongfangqiao looked at each other. "You just said one of the life-saving cards..."


Zhao Yuande's Divine Realm space has long covered a radius of thousands of miles, only to catch up with the flames in the next moment.

"Don't force me, otherwise we will all die!" Flame Han gritted his teeth.

Zhao Yuande's punch just made him almost lose his confidence in confrontation!

"Then you try it!" Zhao Yuande didn't care at all, and the direct figure flashing had appeared in front of the flames, and he punched at the other party with a punch.

"Let's die together!" the big man roared, a loud noise came from his body, and he turned into a fiery golden flame.

"Father let me come!" Xiao Qing's voice was full of excitement, "I have long felt the flame in his body is extraordinary, I did not expect it to be this rare flame! He is not a person, but a fire elf cultivation The human form!"

Zhao Yuande heard Xiao Qing's words and couldn't help but stop his figure.

And Xiao Qing rushed out of his body into a big blue mouth, and swallowed the blazing golden flame into his mouth.

"Ah...don' are chaotic Qinglian fire!" Dahan's voice came from his mouth, full of terror.

"I didn't expect it to be a flame elf!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but reveal an incredible look on his face.

The flame elf is a legendary thing, but a kind of magical life in the different dimension space.

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