Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3296: The temptation of food

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Chapter 3292 The Temptation of Food

"It has great benefits, but it requires a lot of Shengjing! You will know it in a moment!" Zhao Yuande blinked round and round.

"Benefits of Tianda?" Cunwan could not help showing a curious look on his face.

They dived thousands of miles underground and opened a cave in a hard rock layer.

Zhao Yuande shrouded the space of God's domain, covering hundreds of thousands of miles, and a little bit of wind and grass could not escape his sense of soul.

"Brother Dongfang, the question of vigilance is up to you!" Zhao Yuande looked at Dongfangqiao.

"Absolutely no problem!" Dongfangqiao seems to have guessed what Zhao Yuande wanted to do, and his eyes released an unshakable light.

"Brother Zhao, do you... still hold your body?" Fairy Bai Feng asked with concern.

"Oh! I took your Elixir just now, and now I have recovered some. There will definitely be no problem!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand, and he took out the materials that he just bought in the round, "You help me!"

"Hmm!" Fairy Bai Feng was delighted and hurried forward.

"Separate all kinds of materials..."

"Hey! Brother Dongfang, what are they doing? Is it necessary to make alchemy?" Curiously rounded up with curiosity.

"Hey! You will know in a moment!" Dongfangqiao is very dissatisfied with the round performance, so he deliberately suspended his appetite.

"You... Brother Dongfang, we are friends, you just reveal a little bit, just a little bit!" Yuanwan is a very curious person. Seeing Zhao Yuande and Fairy Baifeng busy, they felt uncomfortable as if they were caught by cats.

"Oh!" Dongfangqiao couldn't help smiling when he saw the other person scratching his head, reminding him, "Did you forget what we did here?"

"We... seem to come to save the old man who eats the sky!" Round and round, "It doesn't seem to matter!"

"Have you forgotten the identity of Brother Zhao? Heavenly Eater's disciple, he naturally wants to make delicious food!" As Dongfangqiao mentioned the delicious food, he couldn't help but lick the corners of his mouth, and there was a little excitement in his eyes.

"What was I at the time! Wasn't it a gourmet? Is there any fuss? I often eat Jiatong's craftsmanship. In addition to being delicious, it does have a little effect of auxiliary cultivation, so you won't be so excited!" When you arrive at Dongfangqiao, you can't help but whip.

"Jia Tong!" Dong Qiaoqiao's mouth twitched, "He can be compared with Brother Zhao... It's a joke! You don't believe it, but when we eat, you don't want to be greedy!"

"I'm so greedy...don't joke! Don't look at my weight gain, it's not caused by gluttony, it's due to should know this! So the food can't impress me, even if it's eaten by the elderly Gourmet food is not as important as my holy crystal!"

"Okay! Don't believe you!" Dongfangqiao mouth smiled meaningfully.

Soon Zhao Yuande and Baifeng Fairy had processed hundreds of materials, and then he took out the gluttonous real spirit tripod that had not been used for a long time and began to make gourmet food.

"This tripod... is not ordinary!" Seeing the gluttonous real spirit tripod round and round, one can't help but see in the eyes.

"Don't hit your mind, Brother Zhao will not sell it to you!" Dongfangqiaodao.


This time, Zhao Yuande planned to make a real gourmet meal. Just now, he used 90% of the materials he chose from wherever he went.

He is based on the ten Xuanqiong Forged Pills. Xuanqiong Forged Pills is a powerful elixir that helps the Holy Realm to break through the realm. Each one is worth hundreds of millions of dollars!

If ten Xuanqiong Zaohua Dan was taken directly together, even Zhao Yuande could not bear it.

However, if the passage eats the Taoist heritage to make them into gourmet food, then there is no problem at all, and it can also be eaten together with Dongfangqiao and Baifeng Fairy, even the medicine is stronger than the original!

When Zhao Yuande puts materials into Ding, even the gigantic billion-dollar guy can't help but feel painful.

Those are all materials worth hundreds of millions of dollars, so they are directly thrown into Dingzhong and melted. This is what to do. I am afraid that eating the elderly will not be so luxurious!

An hour later, there was a burst of fragrance among the gluttonous true spirit tripods. Zhao Yuande invested another essence of blood and flesh equivalent to the monster beast of the Holy Realm.

"This...tastes! It's so fragrant!" Dongfang Qiao narrowed his eyes intoxicatedly.

"The taste is not too fragrant!" Yuan Wan swallowed a sip of water, said heartily.

"I hope your mouth will be so hard for a while!" Dongfangqiao laughed.

"It's no big deal! I haven't eaten anything good, and even eating the food of the elderly can't make me pay a holy crystal!" Yuanwan gritted his teeth.

After two hours, Dingzhong's soup was thick and he started to bubble.

A fragrance ten times stronger than before was drifting out of the tripod,

It feels as if there is a greedy worm crawling out of his stomach, constantly crawling around in his mouth, his saliva can't help but flow out.

"Shengjing! Shengjing!" Gently gritted his teeth, silently chanting these two words.

Dongfangqiao had already reached Dading at this time. Some of them greedily smelled the scent coming out, and looked at Dingzhong's food with a pair of eyes.

"Don't forget your task!" Fairy Baifeng reminded this time.

"Rest assured! Everything is under control." Dongfangqiao nodded busy.

He turned his head round and faced the stone wall, almost crushing his teeth.

"Color is empty, color is empty, color is empty...Fuck, I am so round that even a woman can quit, I don't believe that eating one bit can drive me crazy!"


Seeing such a round shape, Dongfangqiao couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Zhao Yuande was sitting quietly and peacefully like an old monk, and continuously put the final materials into the tripod.

The fragrance of Dingzhong is getting stronger and stronger, and a plume of smoke is constantly pouring out from it, showing a brilliant light in the underground stone chamber.

After another two hours, the golden soup in Dading was tumbling, and all the aroma seemed to disappear completely at this moment.

A series of dragon and phoenix phantoms were hovering above Dading, and a series of wonderful fairy sounds echoed in the stone chamber, as if an immortal was released, and it seemed that a peerless immortal treasure appeared.


With a loud noise, there was a terrifying thunder in the void.

It seems that some kind of powerful existence in the world is jealous of this great food, and does not want it to appear in the world.

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