Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3303: Alliance of the Moqilin clan

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"What the **** is this place!" Mo Qilin shivered as soon as he appeared. His body was swept by the snowstorm, and there was a burst of pain. It immediately grinned.

With the improvement of Zhao Yuande's strength, Mo Qilin's strength has also returned to its peak. The strength of Dao Zunjing's peak plus the inherent strength of the Mo Qilin family, although these wind and snow can hurt it, they cannot hurt it.

"Mo Wu hasn't seen you for a long time." Dongfangqiao looked at Mo Wu.

"It's you kid!" When he saw the Dongfang Bridge, he couldn't help but swallow his teeth, but the next moment there was a little dignified color on his face, "Master, where is this place? How do I feel something?" Heart palpitations, it seems that something big is looking at us beside him."

"Here is the back of the heavenly beast, the ruins of heaven!" Zhao Yuande replied.

"Heavenly Beast!" Mo Wu shivered and nearly rolled to the ground.

"Okay! There is no danger, Tianshou will not care about you little ant!" Dongfangqiao saw Mo Qilin's bear-like, and could not help laughing.

"Hurry up and take us to catch up with the white tiger in front!" Zhao Yuande patted Mo Qilin's head and flew directly on it.

"And we..." Dongfangqiao also hurried up.

"Hey... I'm suffering!" Mo Qilin's body grew larger, chasing toward the white tiger that had turned into a little white light in front.

With the improvement of the realm, Mo Qilin's speed has become faster, and even Zhao Yuande was a little surprised.

"Mo Wu, no wonder your Mo Qilin family is so popular, you are a bit fast!" Dongfangqiao couldn't help but exclaim.

"Hey! If I could enter the holy realm, and awaken that kind of magical art, the speed would be faster. Do you think that the name of the top ten holy beasts of the Mo Qilin family in the chemical industry is white?" Mo Qilin He proudly raised his head.

"How about that white tiger?" Dongfangqiao pointed to the white tiger flying ahead.

"That guy... the white tiger's bloodline is not pure, but it seems to have a trace of a cracked empty leopard, and a trace of our Mo Qilin family's breath, it should..." Mo Qilin said here, suddenly shut up, because It saw the white tiger turned his head and grinned his white teeth at him.

"Mo Qilin!" Baihu sent a shocked voice from Dantai Yanshuang.

The white tiger in front stopped suddenly, and the two women and one tiger stared at Mo Wu, and their eyes were all amazed.

"Who the **** are you? Why do you have a holy beast like Mo Qilin?" Xiao Baiqiu looked at Zhao Yuande.

"Is there anything strange about Mo Qilin? It's worthy of your fuss?" Dongfangqiao looked at the two people and one tiger with some incomprehension. Their reaction was too much!

"How can you get Mo Qilin's recognition! You must have taken this Mo Qilin, who are you?" Xiao Baiqiu's voice became colder.

"Hey, are you this woman crazy? How can we not get Mo Qilin's recognition!" Dongfang Qiao looked at each other uncomfortably.

"It's not just fighting!" Xiao Baiqiu's voice is full of murder, but in the eyes of Mo Qilin, there is a soft voice, "Don't panic, no matter what means they deceived you by. Trust, we will rescue you!"

Mo Qilin was also inexplicably confused, his eyes blinked, and he seemed to think of something.

"Is this woman wrong?" Dongfangqiao really felt a little unbearable.

"Kill!" Xiao Baiqiu ignored the Dongfangqiao and sneered.

The giant white tiger carried the two towards them and culled them.

"Stop!" Mo Qilin suddenly shouted, and the voice contained the power of the six-character mantra of Buddhism.

The white tiger seemed to be deterred by this power, and his body stopped at once, and a pair of huge tiger eyes flashed a bit of fear.

"Are you surnamed Xiao!" Mo Wu looked at Xiao Baiqiu with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

"Good! My surname is Xiao, Xiao Baiqiu, and the disciple of Xiao family!" Xiao Baiqiu looked at Mo Qilin doubtfully. "You don't have to be nervous, don't worry, we have enough power to save you, these three people are simply unfounded! "

Xiao Baiqiu's words were full of confidence, and everything seemed to be in control.

"Hey! The ignorant are fearless!" Dongfangqiao couldn't help shaking his head and sighed.

Saying this in front of Zhao Yuande's pervert can only be described as the fearlessness of the ignorant.

"Hey! That's true!" Even Mo Wu couldn't help but nod.

Others don't know how terrible Zhao Yuande is, Mo Wu is very clear, this guy is not very wicked, even in the chemical industry is extremely rare.

Of course, he may not have reached invincibility of the same rank, but in the same rank, people who can fight him may be able to count with one hand.

The Xiao Baiqiu of the Xiao family is not here.

"Mo Wu, what's going on?" Zhao Yuande patted Mo Wu's head and asked.

He could see that Xiao Baiqiu even had a certain relationship between the Xiao family and the Mo Qilin family, so he didn't want to have any conflicts with each other.

"Okay!" Mo Wu nodded and replied, "The Xiao family and my Mo Qilin family have watched each other for tens of thousands of years, and have formed an inseparable alliance! Most of our Mo Qilin family have become the mounts of the Xiao family!"

"Oh! It turned out to be the relationship of the alliance." Zhao Yuande nodded and looked at Xiao Baiqiu, who was staring at the opposite, "Miss Xiao, this ink unicorn was saved by me from a Jedi, he became my mount There is no persecution, it is voluntary!"

"Voluntary?" Xiao Baiqiu looked at Mo Qilin and stared at his eyes.

"Yes! I am indeed voluntary." Mo Qilin's eyes were very clear, and there was no trace of impurities.

"So... that, I'm sorry!" Xiao Baiqiu was able to distinguish the true and false in Mo Qilin's words, and there seemed to be some embarrassment in his voice. "We Xiao and Mo Qilin's family share honor and shame. Please don't blame you."

"It's okay! You can be so nervous, and it shows your relationship with Mo Qilin." Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

"Thank you for your understanding!" Xiao Baiqiu nodded and asked Mo Qilin, "I don't know which line you belong to?"

"The main vein, my father was the master of Mo Qilin tens of thousands of years ago, and now..." Mo Qilin mentioned this, and there was obviously a bit of sadness in his eyes.

Although Mo Qilin's life is extremely long, it is almost an immortal existence. However, he has felt incomparable suffering without seeing his parents for tens of thousands of years.

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